Sunday, July 31, 2016

Top NIH official: More local Zika cases likely

Dr. Anthony Fauci said the U.S. anitcipated and prepared for Zika in U.S. mosquitoes, and told "Face the Nation" about vaccine progress


Saturday, July 30, 2016

"Ice bucket challenge" pays off in big way for ALS research

Two summers ago, everyone was getting involved in the ice bucket challenge. While critics said the challenge was just a way to make a splash without actually doing anything, the effort raised $115 million dollars in just 30 days. Jim Axelrod has more on how the social media phenomenon has impacted ALS research.


Florida neighborhood now ground zero for Zika in U.S.

A South Florida neighborhood is now ground zero for Zika in America. Officials believe four people who tested positive for the virus were infected close to home. There are renewed calls for Congress to return from vacation and pass an emergency funding bill to prevent the virus from spreading. Marlie Hall shows us what officials in Florida are doing to fight Zika.


Morning Rounds: Supplements, medical tourism, cosmetic surgery

CBS News contributor Dr. Tara Narula and her husband, plastic surgeon Dr. David Cangell, join "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to discuss dangerous ingredients that are found in dietary supplements sold around the country and the health risks of traveling abroad for medical care. Also, Dr. Cangell explains how patients can avoid looking unnatural after cosmetic surgery.


Friday, July 29, 2016

7/29: Florida officials race to stem spread of Zika; Steve Hartman remembers childhood home with his father

Mosquitoes have apparently picked up the Zika virus and are now spreading it in south Florida; It's been over a year since Steve Hartman helped his dad pack up move out of the family home for good.


How pregnant women in the U.S. can protect themselves from Zika

CBS News' chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook has been warning for months about the inevitable occurence of local Zika transmissions. It seems that time has arrived in Florida. He weighs in on how Americans can protect themselves.


Florida officials race to stem spread of Zika

Mosquitoes have apparently picked up the Zika virus and are now spreading it in south Florida. There are four cases so far, the first in the U.S. transmitted locally. The state has now embarked on an extensive spraying program to wipe out as many mosquitoes as possible. David Begnaud reports.


CDC director: Zika likely spreading in Florida

Florida is now believed to be the first state in the U.S. to have cases of Zika virus locally transmitted by mosquitoes. Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, joins CBSN's Vladimir Duthiers with the latest.


"Death spiral" may signal the end of life is near

Scientists are getting closer to understanding factors that shed light on human life expectancy


Beloved dog breed may disappear due to health problems

Respiratory issues and a slew of other heath problems are putting a favorite dog breed in jeopardy


Could Zika take bite out of Florida's tourism biz?

Spread of virus to Sunshine State has tourist officials trying to reassure visitors they'll be safe at theme parks, beaches


ADA urges members to contact members of Congress regarding final rule on Sec. 1557

The Organized Dentistry Coalition has asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights for an extension of the implementation deadlines for the recently released final rule on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.


Pregnancy Problems More Likely With Baby Boys?

Gender-related differences seem to start before birth


Florida Gov.: Zika appears to be spreading here

Florida Governor Rick Scott said Friday that mosquitoes in the state appear to have transmitted Zika virus to at least four people.


What really happens when you're hypnotized?

A new study reveals the changes that occur in the brain when a person enters an hypnotic state


28 days of breast-feeding boosts preemies' brains

Breast milk in the weeks after birth is linked to bigger brains and a higher IQ in a new study


Diet A to Z: Intermittent Fasting

The two-day-a-week diet: How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and boost your health.


It’s Here: Florida Confirms Local Zika Cases

aedes albopictus mosquito

The Zika virus, which causes grave birth defects and other brain and nerve disorders, is being spread by mosquitoes in South Florida, officials said Friday.


Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Real?

Study finds distinctly different biological changes than those from celiac disease, wheat allergy


New Guidelines on Post-Treatment Cancer Pain

Specialists urge doctors to offer alternative therapies for this widespread problem


Eczema's Effects More Than Skin Deep

Itchy skin condition also linked to a number of other ills, skin specialist says


Are fresh juice drinks as healthy as they seem?

On these midsummer days, it’s hard to walk down the street without passing someone sipping a vividly colored beverage. According to food industry statistics, these folks aren’t likely to be drinking McDonald’s Shamrock Shakes or 7-Eleven Slurpees. Instead, people are shifting from sugary beverages with artificial ingredients to cold-pressed juices and smoothies. Sales of juice extractors and blenders lead the small-appliance market, and juice bars continue to spring up on city streets, in shopping malls, and even in supermarkets.

There are a couple of reasons people are taking to these beverages, says Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “They think they are doing something healthy, and the beverages can be time savers. It can be faster to grab a smoothie in the morning instead of sitting down to breakfast.”

What is cold-pressed juice?

Cold pressing employs the same principle as the hand-crank citrus juicer your mother or grandmother might have used: the fruits or vegetables are squeezed between two metal plates to extract the juice. Modern juice extractors may chop or grind the produce before applying hydraulic pressure to separate the juice from the pulp.

  • The upsides: Because cold-pressed juices are usually served fresh, they retain more of a fruit’s or vegetable’s vitamins and minerals. They don’t have the added sugars or artificial sweeteners that most bottled juices contain. Additionally, when a glass of juice is squeezed from several fruits or vegetables, it is likely to have a wider array of nutrients per ounce than a single piece of fruit.
  • The downsides: Juice has less fiber than a whole fruit or vegetable does, and fruit juices in particular are likely to have a higher glycemic index — a measure of how a food raises blood-sugar levels — than a whole fruit. Also, “there’s increasing evidence that drinking isn’t as satiating as eating whole foods,” says McManus. Studies indicate that people who drink juices tend to add them to their diets rather than substitute them for other foods, thus increasing their total calorie consumption.

What are smoothies?

Smoothies are usually concoctions of several of the following: pureed fruits, pureed vegetables, juices, dairy products, almond milk, coconut milk, soy milk, herbs, and spices. The nutritional and calorie content of the beverage can vary widely according to the ingredients.

  • The upsides: “Smoothies can be a good way of getting vegetables if you’re struggling to add them to your diet,” McManus says. If you aren’t crazy about leafy greens, blending them with berries or a ripe peach can disguise the taste of the vegetables. A smoothie can also provide a quick meal when you don’t have time to cook or even prepare a salad. For example, throwing a handful of spinach, a cup of blueberries, a couple of frozen strawberries, and a cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt in the blender can deliver a healthy meal or snack in a minute. And smoothies have a nutritional advantage over juices — because the whole fruit or vegetable is used, they have more fiber and a lower glycemic index.
  • The downsides: If you’re not careful, smoothies can pack in the calories. If you’re ordering a smoothie at a juice bar or restaurant, ask if it contains added sugar, syrup, or honey. If you’re blending your own, avoid fruit-flavored yogurts or frozen yogurts, which are likely to contain fruit syrups, added sugars, or artificial sweeteners. Use bananas, which have a high glycemic index, sparingly. Go lightly on the sweeteners; even “healthy” sweeteners like agave syrup and honey contain glucose.

The bottom line

Smoothies and cold-pressed juices may provide healthy snacks and an efficient way to get vegetables. But be sure to include the calories they provide in your daily calorie allowance. For a lower-calorie alternative the Harvard T.H. Chan School or Public Health has developed recipes for fruit coolers and flavored water.

The post Are fresh juice drinks as healthy as they seem? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Beverly Merz

Cadavers, live patients, dental sleep medicine on tap at ADA 2016

A track focused on dental sleep medicine plus hands-on cadaver workshops and live patient courses are among the continuing education highlights at ADA 2016 – America's Dental Meeting in October.


Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future, Colgate launch grant program

The Canada-United States chapter of the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future announced a new grant program in August to help fund interprofessional projects that positively impact the oral health of pregnant women and children under 6.


FDA OKs New Injectable Type 2 Diabetes Medication

Drug lowers blood sugar levels, and doesn't boost risk of heart problems, agency says


Governor announces likely development in how Zika's spreading

4 patients in Florida may have contracted virus in new way for U.S.


Live. Work. Play: Lynda’s Diabetes Story


Working for the American Diabetes Association® means making a difference for millions of people and working toward a future free of diabetes and all its burdens.

We all have a story to share. Some of us live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Others have loved ones with the disease or have lost someone to the fight.

The following are personal stories from the Association’s staff about why we are so committed to the mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

Lynda Jimenez
Regional Association Director, Online Marketing and Digital Engagement
Phoenix, Arizona


From Left: Lynda Jimenez and Tiffany Bennish, Step Out Committee chair, at a Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes kickoff

During my freshman year of high school, my father was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His diagnosis was scary, but at the time I didn’t think much about what diabetes meant for me.

Fast-forward four years later to when I was a college freshman. I was having recurring infections, and my doctor thought they could be caused by high blood glucose, so he requested I have my A1C tested. A few days later, on a Friday, he called me and said, “Well, you have diabetes.” My A1C was 11.1.

Since it was a weekend, I was instructed to not eat any carbs and to come back in the following week. (By the way, I’ve since switched providers and have added an endocrinologist to my team.)

When I called my parents to tell them I had diabetes, I was scared. I thought that they would be disappointed in me for doing this to myself. I thought that they would be ashamed of me and my diabetes. But they were not. They were very supportive.

My dad stayed on the phone with me as I went to the corner store to try to buy some food to get me through the weekend. I was near tears reading food labels over the phone, and I kept asking him, “Can I eat this?”

Eventually my doctor gave me more information along with a prescription, and I got my blood glucose meter. I overhauled my diet and started exercising once, sometimes twice, a day. I got my blood sugars under control. But I still felt ashamed, alone and scared.

ADA_Staff_Lynda_072916v4That summer I was searching online for information about diabetes resources in my area and I came across the American Diabetes Association website. I found that there was an event coming up, the Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes. I signed up as a Team Captain.

I actively shared my story via email and social media and asked my friends and family to walk alongside me. Step Out served as a platform to motivate me to take better care of myself, and I made sure to share that as I was asking for fundraising support. To help reach my goal, I also coordinated a raffle with contributions from local companies.

A few weeks into my fundraising, I received a call from the local walk manager asking me to speak at the kickoff about my story and my fundraising success. I readily agreed! At the kickoff, I listened to other Team Captains share their stories with diabetes and I shared my story for the very first time.

I didn’t know it at the time, but sharing my story at that event would change my life.

I developed a friendship with the walk manager and she invited me to apply for an internship with the Association. I was thrilled to be assisting with the Step Out event in Phoenix.

Since that internship, I have been part-time temporary staff twice and I have held three different full-time positions at the Association. In total, I have worked and volunteered with this amazing organization for over five years.

My work has helped me accept my diagnosis and given me the passion and drive to take better care of myself.

I also love helping people who may be facing the same challenges I had back then, as a young adult suddenly faced with type 2 diabetes. My hope is to help others educate themselves on diabetes so that they may prevent or delay type 2. And if the day comes that they find themselves lost in a diagnosis, I hope to connect them with the Association to show them that they are not alone.

We are a community of support and, sometimes, as in my case, that can be life-changing.

P.S. I am happy to report that I just received my latest A1C results, and I am down to 6.3!

To learn more about nationwide employment opportunities and life at the Association, please visit

From: American Diabetes Association

Mayo Medical School Arizona Campus Walk Through

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: 4 Ways to Avoid Ticks

From: Mayo Clinic

FDA orders two Fla. counties to stop blood collection due to Zika

Beginning Friday, one of Florida's largest blood banks will start testing for the Zika virus in every blood donation it receives. Meanwhile, parts of south Florida are being asked to stop collecting blood because of the latest Zika fears. David Begnaud reports on how disease experts are taking precautions and responding to the threats of the mosquito-borne illness.


FDA takes unusual step in Florida amid Zika fears

FDA warning comes as officials try to confirm whether four Zika cases in the state are the first mosquito-borne transmissions in the continental U.S.


This can reverse the health risks of sitting too much

If you spend eight hours a day sitting at your desk, this advice is for you


Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hour of Exercise a Day May Offset Sitting's Toll

Study found risk of early death dropped when physical activity levels went up


7/28: Hillary Clinton's big moment on final night of DNC; Chelsea Clinton through the years

Hillary Clinton makes history at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday; Chelsea Clinton is one of the most valuable assets of her mother's campaign.


Texas abortion booklet slammed for dubious claims

In a booklet produced for women considering abortions, Texas is making claims the American Cancer Society strongly refutes


Miami blood donations paused due to Zika fears

The Food and Drug Administration has asked blood banks in Florida's Dade and Broward counties to stop collecting blood immediately. Officials are trying to stem the possibility of an outbreak of the Zika virus. David Begnaud reports.


Florida Investigates 2 More Possible Cases of Zika Virus Local Transmission

If all 4 are confirmed, they would be first instances of mosquito-borne infection in continental United States


Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


What Is Snus?

Snus tobacco

Is this smokeless tobacco product safe to use? Here’s how snus stacks up.


ADA Business Resources endorses AHI Travel

ADA Business Resources announced July 15 it endorsed AHI International Corporation as the tour and travel provider for ADA members.


ADA 2016 concurrent meeting teaches CBCT, 3-D success

Do you want to learn how to succeed in your practice with cone beam computed tomography? If so, come to the Mile High City one day early for a special full-day continuing education program "How to Succeed in Your Practice with CBCT" on Wednesday, Oct. 19, prior to ADA 2016 – America's Dental Meeting.


Baby swimming class aims to keep infants safe in the pool

Children as young as 6 months old can learn basic water survival skills, instructor says


Could Slight Brain Zap During Sleep Boost Memory?

Small study says yes, for a certain type of recognition


Alcohol, Obesity Could Up Esophageal Cancer Risk

A third of cases would vanish if people stayed trim and didn't drink, cancer experts say


Babies learn to swim before they can walk

Water safety instructors say babies as young as 6 months old can learn basic swimming skills that could possibly save their lives. CBS News' Marlie Hall reports.


What Happens When You're Hypnotized?

Three distinct changes occur in the brain, scientists find


Is It Flu, or Is It Valley Fever?

Potentially fatal infection is found in Southwest U.S. and is often misdiagnosed, specialists say


Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


Mosquitoes suspected in more Florida Zika cases

Health officials are investigating two more mysterious Zika cases that do not appear to be travel-related


Latest drug overdose threat: Elephant sedatives

The drug is 100 times more potent than the fentanyl already escalating the country's heroin epidemic


Which is harder on the heart, pot or tobacco?

A new study suggests smoke from both marijuana and cigarettes negatively impacts blood vessels, but one comes out worse


Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


Americans fear superhuman tech, survey finds

Technology holds promise for enhancing human health, but people remain wary about tech that seems to interfere too much


Zika virus linked to miscarriage

A 31-year-old woman lost her baby after contracting mosquito-borne Zika virus; latest advice for how to stay safe


Deep Brain Stimulation for Early Alzheimer's?

Although treatment seems safe, benefit isn't yet clear


Mayo Clinic Minute: What to Eat for Brain Health

From: Mayo Clinic

Hour of Exercise a Day May Offset Sitting's Toll

Study found risk of early death dropped when physical activity levels went up


Family Lifestyles May Be as Important as Genes

Shared habits and environment contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure and depression, study reports


Quitting Smoking While Pregnant: What Works

Nicotine patches, Zyban helped 4 out of 5 women, study says


Zika Now Tied to Miscarriage

Dutch case finds woman's infection in South America may have spurred her pregnancy loss


E-Cig Liquid Nicotine Containers Often Mislabeled

Also, many aren't child-resistant, which poses a risk to youngsters


The U.S. longevity gap

It’s not hard to find someone praising the quality of this country’s healthcare. I’ve often heard it called the best in the world – and that’s a widely held belief among politicians, public officials, doctors, and patients. While there’s plenty of debate about why healthcare in the U.S. is so expensive and how we should pay for it, the high quality of our healthcare seems incontestable – more on this point later.

But if our healthcare is so good, why isn’t life expectancy in the U.S. the highest in the world? In fact, life expectancy in the U.S. lags by a number of years behind Japan, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and many other developed countries. For example, the life expectancy in the U.S. is about 76 years for men and 81 years for women; meanwhile, in the U.K., it’s about 79 years for men and 83 years for women. This “longevity gap” is not something you hear much about, but it’s been true for quite a while.

Why the U.S. longevity gap?

A new study has identified three reasons that the United States is not at the top of the heap when it comes to longevity. They include:

  • motor vehicle accidents
  • drug overdoses
  • gun violence.

These are so much more common here and affect so many young people that they’re enough to account for about half of the difference in male life expectancy between the U.S. and other top-ranked countries. These causes of death account for about 20% of the difference for women.

These findings surprised me, especially when I learned that these three causes of death account for only 4% of all deaths each year. But they have a big impact on life expectancy because they tend to affect people who are so young. The reason they have a bigger impact on male life expectancy is that each of these causes of death is more common among men: they account for 6% of male deaths while for women, they account for 3%.

Perhaps these findings should come as no surprise. Deaths in car accidents, drug overdoses, and shootings have been well-recognized as important problems, and efforts to reduce them have been ongoing for years. But it’s one thing to understand the causes of premature death – and quite another to prevent them.

But life expectancy is only one measure of quality healthcare….

It’s true – life expectancy is not the only measure of healthcare quality. Unfortunately, there are other measures in which the U.S. lags behind comparable countries: the United States scores poorly in many key measures of health, including infant mortality, health at age 60, and deaths that could be prevented with good medical care.

Deaths due to shootings, automobile accidents, and drug overdoses explain some of this “longevity gap.” The rest may be explained by medical care that’s inaccessible, unaffordable, or just not as good as it’s been cracked up to be.

So, is there good news?

If there is any good news in this latest research about contributors to lower life expectancy in the United States, it’s that some of the primary causes – car accidents, drug overdoses, and shootings – are not new or untreatable conditions. They are potentially reversible problems that we actually know a lot about. While there may be no simple or quick solutions, it seems possible that with effective interventions, many of these deaths could be prevented. In addition, improving access to healthcare and identifying and addressing other gaps in healthcare quality could go a long way toward making the U.S. healthcare system as good as most of us thought it already was.

The post The U.S. longevity gap appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Paige's Mayo Clinic Story: Synovial Cell Sarcoma

From: Mayo Clinic

Elmo's Mayo Clinic Experience - Dialated Cardiomyopathy & Heart Transplant

From: Mayo Clinic

Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


How much are couch potatoes costing the world?

For the first time, researchers put a dollar amount on the financial burden of our increasingly sedentary lives; we're "paying a fat bill for physical inactivity"


Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


Women's health: Prevent the top threats

Which health threats loom largest in your life? Find out how to reduce your risk.


Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Utah Planned Parenthood scraps condoms with Mormon symbol

Wrappers stamped with a popular design were a limited run intended to spark open conversation about sexual health, Planned Parenthood said


How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

WebMD examines ways you can keep your liver in good shape.


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge pays off

Two summers ago, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million for ALS research. Now that money has helped make an advancement in treating the disease. Jim Axelrod has more.


Serious health risks found in some dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are a $40 billion a year industry in the United States, but a new report has found serious health risks with the products. Dr. Tara Narula explains.


Supplements meant to help couple get pregnant land husband in hospital

"I had no idea that there were side effects, I thought it was just like regular vitamins," Bobby Cimorelli said after he wound up in the emergency room


HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.


Scientists find a new antibiotic right under our noses

The key to fighting antibiotic-resistant bugs may lie in certain people's nasal passages


Is cockroach milk the superfood of the future?

Some scientists think cockroach milk just might be the next big health food craze


Red Cross in urgent need of blood donations

The Red Cross says all blood types are critically low as the national stockpile dwindles to only a five-day supply


Teen brain scans offer clues about mental illness

Changes that occur in adolescents' brains may help explain why the first signs of mental illness tend to appear during this time


'Ice Bucket Challenge' Funds Boon to ALS Research

Money raised during the online campaign helped scientists spot gene linked to deadly nerve disease


E-Cigarettes Emit Toxic Vapors: Study

Levels depend on type and age of device, and they increase as it heats up


Safer Heads Prevail With New HS Football Rule

When full-contact practices were limited, blows to the head dropped, study found


After fiery start, Illinois MOM event helps hundreds

Five days before the dental volunteers for the Mission of Mercy event here were scheduled to see their first patient, the truck carrying all the necessary equipment caught on fire.


Ice Bucket Challenge funds ALS gene discovery

The viral campaign that raised more than $100 million helped pay for this important research


Is a New at-Home Colon Cancer Test for You?

colon scan

Up to 40% of people who should get a test for colon cancer aren’t doing so.That’s one of the reasons why some doctors are encouraged by Cologuard, a new at-home test for colon cancer.


Pedagogies in Practice: Instructional Games

From: Mayo Clinic

Pace to breathe — New treatments for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common condition. As many as 26% of all Americans may suffer from this condition, in which there are long pauses between breaths during sleep. Unfortunately, many patients with sleep apnea do not tolerate the most effective current therapy, continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. For some of these people, a new approach pacemaker therapy may be an alternative.

Pacemakers for sleep apnea? This must be a “typo,” right? Don’t you really mean heart pacemaker? No, this isn’t a typo. Pacemakers are some of the newest treatments for sleep apnea. Before explaining how they work, a short physiology lesson is necessary.

Normally, when you breathe in, air flows from the nose and mouth, past the back of your tongue, through the trachea and down into your lungs. This occurs because nerve signals from the brain activate the diaphragm to produce inspiration. The resulting negative pressure pulls air in. However, these nerve signals also stimulate muscles surrounding the throat, including the tongue to contract in order to prevent the airway from being suctioned closed with breathing. Sleep apnea occurs when these processes fail during sleep, and consequently air does not enter the lungs.

There are two types of sleep apnea. The most common is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when there is repetitive collapse of airway at the back of the throat. In obstructive apnea, the stimulus to the throat muscles is insufficient to prevent their collapse and the airway becomes blocked. Less common is central sleep apnea. In central apnea, nerve signals from the brain are absent for prolonged periods of time, and there is no effort made to breathe during these intervals.

The research around new sleep apnea treatments

In a recent study, pacing of the hypoglossal nerve in the neck during sleep was effective treatment for people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Twelve months after pacemaker insertion, the average number of obstructed breathing events decreased by approximately 50%. In addition, nighttime oxygen levels improved, as did measures of quality of life and daytime sleepiness. There were few side effects.

How does the hypoglossal pacemaker work? The pacemaker has three major components. The first is the stimulation electrode, which is surgically implanted on one hypoglossal nerve (there are two nerves, right and left). The second is a sensing electrode, which is surgically inserted in the chest and detects when a person starts to inhale. The third is the electrical generator, which supplies battery power for the pacemaker. When the sensing electrode identifies the start of a breath, it signals the stimulation electrode to activate the hypoglossal nerve, which is the primary nerve to the tongue. This causes the tongue muscle to stiffen and resist airway closure, thus preventing apnea.

Although the hypoglossal pacemaker sounds like a dream come true for people with obstructive sleep apnea who have trouble using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), it has not been used in large numbers of patients to date. Two reasons have hindered widespread use––cost (about $30,000) and lack of data showing effectiveness in patients who are severely obese. This is important because two-thirds of people with obstructive sleep apnea are overweight or obese. The insertion procedure is not complicated, although it requires a brief surgical procedure and follow-up to adjust the pacemaker settings. However, as more experience with it accumulates, usage of this novel therapy may increase.

Central sleep apnea also may be amenable to pacemaker treatment. Central apnea frequently is observed in patients with heart failure, and is difficult to treat. Recent studies show that a pacemaker inserted through a central vein, in a manner similar to placement of a heart pacemaker, can stimulate the phrenic nerve, which controls contraction of the diaphragm. This pacemaker senses the absence of any effort to breathe and then activates the phrenic nerve. The phrenic nerve then causes the diaphragm to contract, initiating inspiration. The studies show that central apneas decrease and sleep quality improves. Although the pacemaker is not yet available in the United States, FDA approval may be forthcoming.

The post Pace to breathe — New treatments for sleep apnea appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Stuart Quan, MD

Some Automatically Enrolled In Medicare Advantage

Concerns raised as health insurers automatically move members of their marketplace or individual plans who are eligible for Medicare.


Side effects prompt stronger warnings on some antibiotics

The FDA announces tougher labeling and says the drugs shouldn't be used for a lot of common ailments


Mayo Clinic Minute: Do You Know These 2 Sunscreen Rules?

From: Mayo Clinic

Later Menstruation Start, Finish May Extend Life

Those with this pattern were more likely to live past 90, study suggests


Inactivity Behind Smoking as Early Death Predictor

Increases in fitness levels were associated with greater longevity


#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Kidney Issues

From: Mayo Clinic

Menopause Hastens Aging, Studies Suggest

Researchers found it boosted cellular aging by an average of 6 percent


1 in 5 Alzheimer's cases may be misdiagnosed

Men may be misdiagnosed more often than women


Dangerous ingredients found in dietary supplements

A new investigation may have you rethinking some of your vitamins. Consumer Reports finds certain ingredients in dietary supplements sold around the country can carry major health risks. Dana Jacobson reports on the dangers of a virtually unregulated, yet growing industry.


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.


HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


New study sounds the alarm on dietary supplements

Consumer Reports identifies 15 ingredients in supplements they say consumers should always avoid


Mayo Clinic Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Clinic in Florida

From: Mayo Clinic

HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

New automaker technology could prevent hot car deaths

A first-of-its-kind alarm system from General Motors alerts the driver at the end of any trip if the rear door was previously opened, reminding them to check the back seat


Teach Kids to Make Healthy Food Choices

Kids need to learn about nutrition. Start the conversations about the best way to choose healthy foods.


Some Brain Cancer Patients Have Radiation Options: Study

Targeted approach appears to preserve mental functioning


2 in 10 Alzheimer's Cases May Be Misdiagnosed

Missed disease identification seems more likely in men, who may develop thinking problems earlier


FDA Bolsters Warnings About Class of Antibiotics

Fluoroquinolones such as Cipro, Levaquin should be reserved for life-threatening infections


Anthrax outbreak kills hundreds of reindeer

Russian authorities are evacuating nomadic reindeer herders after the fatal outbreak


How the nose, eyes may hold clues to Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's researchers are making strides toward understanding how to lower risk, but are news headlines too hopeful?


How to Set Screen Time Limits for Your Pre-K Kids

Sure, a smartphone can buy you a few minutes of quiet time. But here’s why young kids need screen-time limits -- and how to set them.


How Families Can Practice Mindful Eating

With a few easy changes, you can get your kids to slow down, eat when they’re hungry, and enjoy their food.


Zika can spread by any type of sex

The CDC warns about a whole range of sexual activities that could put people at risk


Get Your Family Routine Back on Track

Derailed by a school break or family trip? Here’s how to get everyone in your house back on schedule.


Treating pain: Conventional medical care


Lifestyle strategies for pain management


Understanding pain


Report: Double hand transplant patient wants them removed

"From day one I have never been able to use my hands," recipient Jeff Kepner says


Panel: Skin Cancer Exam Evidence 'Insufficient'

But dermatology experts disagree and worry opportunities to save lives will be missed


Oregon university pays $2.7 million to settle possible HIPAA violations


Program addresses how research informs clinical practice

Dental professionals are invited to an International Association of Dental Research/American Association of Dental Research Chicago Section event on July 27 that will address how research informs clinical practice and policies.


Put Birth Control in Place Right After Childbirth

Placement of IUD, contraceptive implant after delivery helps prevent accidental pregnancy, doctors advise


General Mills Expands Flour Recall

General Mills Expands Flour Recall


Insurers May Share Blame For Generic Price Hikes

News reports have led many consumers to blame drugmakers for the rapidly rising costs of some commonly used generic drugs. But changes made by insurers often play a major role, too.


Is Binge-Watching Hazardous to Your Health?

Risk of death from blood clot rises along with TV time, study finds


Report: Newborn dies after laughing gas mixup

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When hot gets too hot: keeping children safe in the heat

Follow me on Twitter @drClaire

Heat is part of summer — and for the most part, children do fine in the heat. But sometimes, heat can be dangerous, even deadly. As summer heats up — and as much of the country sits in a heat wave — it’s important to know about those dangers so that you can keep children safe. Here’s what you need to know about heat and children:

Never leave a child in a car in the heat. Children’s bodies can heat up incredibly quickly — leading to damage to organs and even death. Every year children die from being in a hot car — because their caregiver thought they would be fine, because an errand took longer than expected, or because the driver simply forgot they were there. There is no safe time or safe temperature when it comes to leaving children in cars, so never do it (it’s not safe to leave a child in the car for other reasons, too). And always, always do a check of the back seat before you leave a car. The very best people can get distracted and forgetful. The American Academy of Pediatrics has some very useful information about preventing child deaths in hot cars on their website for parents.

Know the signs of heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is what can happen to the body when it gets overheated, especially if there is dehydration as well. It’s more common when temperatures get over 90 degrees, and when the humidity is over 60% as this makes it harder for sweat to evaporate and cool the body, but it can happen at lower temperatures and lower humidity when you are in direct sunshine or very active. Some of the symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Muscle cramping
  • Excessive sweating
  • Cold, clammy skin
  • Dizziness or weakness
  • Fast pulse
  • Vomiting

If your child has any of these, get them out of the sun, have them lie down, cool them off with cool water, and get them to drink (nothing with caffeine), making sure they take little sips at a time. If they still complain of dizziness or keep vomiting, bring them to an emergency room.

Heat stroke is an emergency: know the signs and know what to do

Heat stroke is an emergency. Heat stroke is what kills those children in cars, and it truly is a medical emergency. You should suspect heat stroke if the child’s skin is hot and dry rather than cold and sweaty, if their temperature is very high, or if they are excessively sleepy — or unconscious. If this happens, call 911 and get the child to a cool place and cool them down with cool water. If they are sleepy, don’t try to get them to drink as they may not be able to do so safely.

Here are some general tips to keep children safe in the heat

  • Limit time in direct sunlight (especially during midday hours). Look for shade, or make your own with umbrellas, tents, or wide-brimmed hats
  • Bring water along whenever you are going to be outside in the sun — for drinking as well as putting on the skin to cool down
  • Keep an eye on the forecast as you plan outdoor activities, especially active ones; check the temperature and the humidity, and plan accordingly
  • Take plenty of rest breaks and use them as a chance to check to see how everyone is doing with the heat. Every child is different; some may be fine when others are getting into trouble.

The post When hot gets too hot: keeping children safe in the heat appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

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