Monday, December 18, 2017

Police search for missing 41-year-old woman in Colorado

Kimberlee Graves was last seen at her home on the night of Dec. 4, 2017, according to officials


One Goal - Aries' Story

From: Mayo Clinic

FDA to Get More Aggressive on Homeopathic Meds


The FDA is adopting a more aggressive stance when it comes to regulating homeopathic remedies, saying it will focus its enforcement efforts on products that are especially risky.


The Takeout: A CBS News original political podcast

“The Takeout” is a weekly podcast about politics, policy and pop culture hosted by CBS News Chief White House correspondent Major Garrett and CBS News Political Director Steve Chaggaris


California Releases Cellphone Radiation Guidelines

California public health officials note that there are concerns that "long-term high use may impact human health."


Listen to the "CBS This Morning" podcast

There’s another way to hear our broadcast every day


Flu Vaccine May Work as Well as Last Year's: Study

The flu has reached epidemic proportions in seven of the 10 regions in the country, according to Lynnette Brammer, an epidemiologist in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's influenza division.


Will These 2 Home Remedies Help Your Sore Throat?

Neither sugarless gum nor probiotics help to treat the symptoms or speed up recovery from a sore throat caused by bacterial infection, a new clinical trial reports.


Where the NFL's jobs are: Off the field

John Quinones, who heads the league's hiring, talks about open corporate positions and what it takes to land one


Silver rockers

CBS News photographer Jake Barlow captures rock stars for whom age is a mere number - which, once on stage, is utterly forgotten


Young Kids Still See Too Many Junk Food Ads

Experts say children younger than 6 can't distinguish between advertising and other types of information and therefore should not be exposed to any advertising.


Rep. Pramila Jayapal calls for hearing on Trump sexual misconduct allegations

On "The Takeout" this week, the Washington congresswoman says elections shouldn't absolve Trump of sexual misconduct charges


Medical Improv

From: Mayo Clinic

Remembering the “me” in merry: Self-care strategies for this holiday season

The holiday season is filled with hustle and bustle. There’s plenty of excitement from seeing family and friends, but also stress, travel, long lines, planning, preparation — and a range of emotions from positive to negative.

For many, the holiday season means planning and taking care of others. However, this leaves little time for taking care of oneself. Below are a few ideas on how to practice self-care during this holiday season.

  • Regularly schedule time to engage in self-care activities. Schedule self-care activities (exercise, meditation, a hobby you enjoy) at the same time each day so they become routine, or set a timer or alarm to remind yourself.
  • Practice gratitude for the people and events in your life. This might include writing in a journal about what you appreciate in your life, or letting others know the gratitude you feel.
  • Engage in deep breathing or other relaxation skills. This can include listening to soothing music or engaging in an imagery exercise. You can also engage in a number of other relaxation skills.
  • Tune into the emotions you are experiencing. Emotions may be positive, negative, or a combination of the two. Call “time outs” for yourself and check in on your feelings. Write down your feelings in a journal.
  • Try to understand why you might be experiencing negative emotions. For some people, negative emotions might be related to unrealistic expectations or goals of themselves around the holidays, or from feeling overwhelmed. Readjust goals so they are specific and attainable. A past post on this blog focused on the importance of emotional awareness during the holidays and identified several strategies for managing your feelings.
  • Monitor your stress level. Write down your stress level in a journal at various times during the day. Take note of the situation you are in when feeling stressed. Is it around certain people? Or engaging in specific activities? Have a list of activities you can engage in to relax for a few minutes. Perhaps this is taking a walk, doing a few minutes of yoga, or watching a favorite TV show or movie.
  • Take care of your physical health. Ensure adequate sleep and a nutritious diet. Develop a plan to enjoy the special foods and treats around the holidays, while balancing them with healthy eating.

So, enjoy the holidays and remember to take time to care for your own needs and emotions. Remember, as the flight attendants say as part of their safety preparations, you need to put on your own oxygen mask first before helping others. This may help you more fully appreciate and find meaning this holiday season.

The post Remembering the “me” in merry: Self-care strategies for this holiday season appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: David R. Topor, PhD, MS-HPEd

Research collaboration gives hope for future of babies with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

From: Mayo Clinic

Tougher State Laws Curb Vaccine Refusers

Researchers found that after the law went into effect, the state's overall vaccine exemption rate fell by 40 percent.
