Monday, November 30, 2015

5 ways every millennial can help stomp out HIV and AIDS

Why are so many teens and 20-somethings indifferent about HIV?


Human Brains Aren't Distinctly Male or Female, Study Says

Instead, researchers find 'mosaic' of masculine, feminine traits


Some sugar-free sodas and candy can still damage teeth

If you switched to sugarless treats to avoid cavities, this study has some bad news


Mayo Clinic Minute: Food Diaries

From: Mayo Clinic

Can Weight Loss Treatments Help Binge Eaters?

Many people who binge eat are overweight or obese. Can weight loss surgery or medications treat obesity in binge eaters? Here’s what some doctors say.


Statement by Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Rural America at a Glance, 2015 Edition

WASHINGTON, Nov. 30, 2015—Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today released the following statement on Rural America At A Glance, 2015 Edition, an annual report by USDA’s Economic Research Service:


Stem cell treatment appears to cure "bubble baby" disease

Baby Evangelina was born with a genetic condition that decimated her immune system, but is now thriving after an experimental treatment


"Bubble baby" stem cell treatment looks like a cure

Little girl born with almost no immune system is now a healthy 3-year-old


Internal Medicine Board Review 2016

From: Mayo Clinic

After Concussion Symptoms Fade, Slowed Blood Flow in Brain May Persist

But preliminary study doesn't determine whether that is cause for concern, experts say


Statement from Secretary Tom Vilsack on Finalization of the Renewable Fuel Standard

WASHINGTON, Nov. 30, 2015—Today, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made the following statement regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s finalization of the Renewable Fuel Standard volume requirements:


Pope Francis dodges question of condoms in AIDS fight

Pontiff says there's more important issues to discuss than whether the Church's position on contraception has made AIDS crisis in Africa worse


New York City salt warnings take effect this week

Will warning signs on restaurant menus change people's eating habits?


Understanding Lewy Body Dementia

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Lewy Body Dementia 101

From: Mayo Clinic

Lewy Body Dementia: Most Common Disorder You’ve Never Heard Of

From: Mayo Clinic

Geneticist Jennifer Doudna on paving a path for women in science

Doudna, credited with developing the gene-editing CRISPR technology, opens up to “CBS This Morning” co-host Norah O’Donnell


Seriously ill baby gets the best gift of all

Mom has been waiting months to cradle her daughter


Hannah's Hugs: Blankets for Chemotherapy Patients

From: Mayo Clinic

Synthetic drug "Spice" sickens over a dozen in Calif.

At least 14 people in the San Diego area are suspected to have overdosed this weekend, officials say


Weight Loss May Spare Knee Cartilage, Study Finds

Losing more than 10 percent of body weight was linked to slower degeneration of cushioning in joints


Teens More Cautious About Sex When Parents Set Rules, Study Finds

Kids tend to delay sex if Mom and Dad keep an eye on what they're doing, who they're with


Dogs May Ease a Child's Fears

Kids with pets in the home were less likely to test positive for anxiety than those without, study found


Sweat to Help Reduce Your Risk for Prostate Cancer

Vigorous exercise, nutritious diet lower odds for deadly forms of the disease, research suggests


Too Much Sitting Hurts Heart Patients' Health

Exercise doesn't mitigate effects of sedentary lifestyle, study finds


Bono, Clooney, Kardashian entice fans to fight AIDS

Star-studded fundraising campaign offers "once-in-a-lifetime experiences" and sends message: AIDS is not over


Promise and peril of gene-editing technology CRISPR

CRISPR could help rid of diseases like cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy and even HIV and cancer


Do statins interfere with the flu vaccine?

Statins are powerful, unusual, and, like El Niño and Tom Cruise, not well understood. Statins have a huge upside. They improve survival after heart attacks and lower the risk of recurrent strokes. They are also the only cholesterol-lowering medications that have been clearly shown to reduce heart attacks and deaths in high-risk patients without heart disease. In addition to reducing cholesterol, statins also lower levels of inflammation in the body. Reducing inflammation probably helps statins to prevent heart attack and stroke. However, evidence is emerging that these statin effects may also have a downside, hindering the ability of the immune system to fight infections.

Teasing out the relationship between statins and immune response

Two recent studies examined the relationship between statins and the immune response to influenza vaccine. For the first study, researchers at Emory University looked at a large database of patients in a managed care organization to see if there was a connection between statin use, flu vaccination, and the frequency of doctor visits for flu-like illnesses. They found that patients who received the flu vaccine were more likely to seek treatment for a respiratory illness during flu season if they were also taking a statin, compared with patients who had received the flu vaccine but were not taking statins. This suggests that patients on statins may not have responded as well to the flu vaccine as those who didn’t take the cholesterol-lowering drug.

The other study provided concrete evidence of the weaker immune response to the flu vaccine in people taking statins. For this study, researchers looked at data from over 5,000 patients enrolled in a clinical trial of a new flu vaccine. They found that levels of antibodies directed against the influenza virus were lower in patients taking statins, compared with patients who were not taking statins.

Both of these studies had one major limitation. Patients taking statins were more likely to have serious underlying diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, COPD, neurologic disorders, or kidney disease, compared with patients not taking statins. So the poor response to flu vaccine and the apparent greater risk of flu-like illness in patients on statins could have been the result of their high burden of chronic disease, and not their statin therapy. Of note, one randomized trial in healthy young volunteers showed no effect of statin therapy on antibody responses to the hepatitis A vaccine.

There is also a bewildering variety of other research about statins and their effects on the human immune response. At various points, statins have been associated with each of the following: a lower risk of dying from influenza; a lower risk of dying from influenza in some years, but not others; a slightly increased risk of shingles (herpes zoster); a lower risk of pneumonia; neutral effects on pneumonia risk; and a lower risk of dying from pneumonia.

But don’t quit your statin just yet…

Based on current evidence, I don’t think we need to change how we prescribe statins, which are tremendously beneficial drugs, but we do need more information about how statins influence the risk of infection. Patients taking statins may want to consider getting the high-dose influenza vaccine, which results in higher antibody levels and greater protection against the flu, compared to standard-dose vaccine.

The post Do statins interfere with the flu vaccine? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: John Ross, MD, FIDSA

Celery-Onion Blend Is Cause of E.Coli Outbreak Tied to Costco Chicken Salad: CDC

Agency says samples of the salad ingredient tested positive for the bacteria and product has been recalled


Could revolutionary gene-editing technology end cancer?

CRISPR could help get rid of diseases, but the woman credited with developing the technology is among the scientists calling for a moratorium on its use


WHO: TDR - Climate change research to prevent sleeping sickness outbreaks in Tanzania

From: World Health Organization

Accelerate expansion of antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV: WHO

On World AIDS Day WHO emphasizes that expanding antiretroviral therapy to all people living with HIV is key to ending the AIDS epidemic within a generation.

“The Millennium Development Goal of reversing the HIV epidemic was reached ahead of the 2015 deadline - an incredible achievement that testifies to the power of national action and international solidarity," declared WHO Director General, Margaret Chan.
