Wednesday, August 10, 2016

How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes

Many recipes can benefit from a healthy overhaul. Here are five ways to reduce the fat, calories and salt in your favorite recipes.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.


How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes

Many recipes can benefit from a healthy overhaul. Here are five ways to reduce the fat, calories and salt in your favorite recipes.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.


Supporters say legal marijuana has enough signatures for Arizona ballot

The initiative would allow adults to possess limited amounts of marijuana, and regulate the drug like alcohol


How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes

Many recipes can benefit from a healthy overhaul. Here are five ways to reduce the fat, calories and salt in your favorite recipes.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.


How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes

Many recipes can benefit from a healthy overhaul. Here are five ways to reduce the fat, calories and salt in your favorite recipes.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.


How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Recipe makeovers: 5 ways to create healthy recipes

Many recipes can benefit from a healthy overhaul. Here are five ways to reduce the fat, calories and salt in your favorite recipes.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.


Could being a bookworm help you live longer?

New research looks at the relationship between reading habits and lifespan


Cat-Food Tips From Veterinarians

cat eating food

With so many cat-food brands in stores, it’s easy for pet parents to get confused. WebMD covers how to pick the healthiest diet for your feline friend.


Depression shadows some families through generations

Even if parents and grandparents had depression, inheriting it is not inevitable; here's what families should know


Serious Infections Tied to Suicide Risk

Danish study finds greater association in those hospitalized with HIV or hepatitis


Tennessee communities consider water fluoridation

Water utility commissioners in Soddy Daisy, Tennessee, voted 6-1 in July to cease water fluoridation to its 7,500 customers.


ADA Foundation awards Harris Grants to battle childhood caries

The ADA Foundation awarded 25 organizations Harris Grants in July, a total of $119,930.62.


Behind the shrinking ingredients list on packaged foods

From Hersheys to Tostitos, food giants hope simpler ingredient labels will attract more consumers


4 More Local Zika Cases Reported in Miami Area

But aerial spraying has made a big dent in mosquito control, health officials say


The 411 on E-Cigarettes

WebMD gives you the pros and cons of vaping so you can decide if e-cigarettes are safe or a health risk.


Fake Xanax can be a killer

A new report says Xanax pills laced with the potent pain drug fentanyl were to blame for overdoses and death


Dog-Food Tips From Veterinarians

dog holding bowl in mouth

Dogs will eat anything, so it’s up to you to make sure you’re feeding them well. WebMD has what you need to know about buying and serving the best food for your four-legged friend.


Mayo Clinic Minute: What African-Americans Should Know About Stroke

From: Mayo Clinic

Deformed limbs in newborns linked to Zika virus

Brain scans hint the problem comes from damage to nerve cells


Dr. LaPook: Q&A on Zika, DEET and pregnancy

The CBS News chief medical correspondent answers safety questions on Facebook Live


After-Hours Work Email May Affect Emotional Health

Study finds expectation to respond threatens lifestyle balance


Regular Exercise: Antidote for Deadly Diseases?

High levels of physical activity linked to lower risk for two cancers, diabetes, heart disease and stroke


Zika Linked to Deformed Limbs in Newborns

Cause isn't clear, but brain scans hint that

Cause isn't clear, but brain scans hint that problem comes from nerves, not joints


Fidget Your Way to a Healthier Heart

Tapping toes, other movement when sitting for long periods may help benefit blood vessels, study suggests


Zika May Have Caused Death of Texas Newborn

Baby had severe birth defect linked to mother's infection with the virus acquired outside U.S., officials say


Docs Urged to Give Lower Opioid Doses, No Refills

Researchers cite concerns about possible long-term use and addiction


Farmers grow grapes that taste like cotton candy

We're all familiar with fruit-flavored candy, but what about candy-flavored fruit? Two California farmers are enjoying the sweet success of growing grapes with unexpected tastes. One variety even mimics the flavor of cotton candy. Carter Evans visited their farm to see how they do it, and what other treats they have on the vine.


Food companies seek to simplify ingredient lists

A new selling point for packaged foods? Fewer ingredients. Food giants hope simpler labels will attract more consumers by helping them recognize what they're eating. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Moss, who examined the food industry in his bestselling book, "Salt, Sugar, Fat," joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss what's behind the trend.


Is mosquito repellent safe to use during pregnancy?

Florida has reported four new cases of the Zika virus spread by local mosquitoes. As the number of infections rises across the U.S., health officials are urging people to use mosquito repellents, including some with DEET. But are some of the chemicals registered with the EPA safe for pregnant women to use? Dr. Jon LaPook reports.


Can exercise help relieve teen depression?

In recent years, the media has been awash with information on the health benefits of exercise. Exercise is known to boost mood in adults. But what about younger members of society? Based on recent, high quality survey data, we can estimate that about 11% of adolescents are depressed. Sadly, this means that one in 10 adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 experienced a major depressive episode during the year of the survey. These numbers should raise alarm bells for both parents and doctors.

Depression makes teens feel awful, but being depressed as a teen may also have life-long consequences, including being depressed as an adult. Depressive episodes in teens can contribute to poor grades, poor interpersonal relationships, and worse physical health. Depression can also increase the burden of care for parents. In a recent post, I discussed how a teen’s social network can impact his or her chances of becoming depressed. There, we explored how having friends with good spirits could exert a positive influence on a teen’s mood. We have also previously touched on some of the concerns with giving teens antidepressant medication. Today we will tackle the hot topic of exercise and depression in adolescents.

A recent study attempted to delve into the data behind exercise as a treatment for depression in teens using a meta-analysis of credible articles related to treating depression with exercise in adolescents. When conducting a meta-analysis, investigators go through all available medical literature with a fine-toothed comb, and identify the highest quality studies available regarding their topic. In this particular analysis, the authors initially screened 543 studies for possible inclusion into the meta-analysis. Of these, 11 were deemed suitable to include in the meta-analysis. Of those 11, eight yielded good data to do use for some more specific calculations. Let’s take a moment to take that in — out of 543 studies, only eight had appropriate data. In other words, not every study that doctors read, or that receives coverage by the media, is necessarily a high quality study! In general, although not always, meta-analyses are powerful studies because the authors use rigorous criteria to evaluate the studies they include.

The teens included in this analysis were 13 to 17 year olds, who did not have any major physical health problems, such as obesity. The data from the studies compared the use of exercise as treatment for depression against a psychosocial intervention, an educational intervention, treatment “as usual”, or no treatment at all. After combining data, the authors eventually concluded that exercise appears to lead to moderately improve depression in adolescents, particularly in those already receiving some formal treatment. But, treatment “as usual” was not well defined, and we don’t know, for example, how many of these teens were taking antidepressant medication.

So, should we conclude from this study that all teens with depression should be treated, to some extent, with exercise? It is tempting to say yes. However, concluding that all teens with depression should be treated with exercise would over-simplify the results of this study.  A person (adult or teen) with depression will likely find that exercise helps improve symptoms to some degree. However, this study doesn’t support the statement that exercise is the best cure for depression. Instead, it would be more accurate to say that in teens who are already undergoing treatment for depression, exercise appears to be a strategy with modest benefits and little downside. This particular study is a wonderful addition to our knowledge base, in that it puts another tool into a doctor’s toolkit to help treat patients with depression in clinical settings.

The post Can exercise help relieve teen depression? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Nandini Mani, MD

Are mosquito repellents safe to use during pregnancy?

Some expectant mothers are wary of using chemicals registered with EPA, but one leading official assures they are "definitely safe for use"


How meat and poultry fit in your healthy diet

Learn ways to trim the fat from meat and poultry without sacrificing taste and enjoyment.


Aerobic exercise: How to warm up and cool down

While the evidence about warming up and cooling down for exercise is mixed, done properly they may help performance and decrease injury risk.
