Friday, September 25, 2015

How to Dispose of Unused or Expired Prescription Drugs

Prices varied four-fold between pharmacies, and

Stashing them in a cabinet is unwise; old medications can become ineffective or unsafe


Healthy Ways to Gain Weight

WebMD has tips on adding pounds without loading up on junk food. Learn how to pick high-calorie foods that have plenty of nutrients, too.


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

WHO welcomes the launch of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and commits to work with partners around the world to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Building on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDG agenda demonstrates unprecedented scope and ambition. Poverty eradication, health, education, and food security and nutrition remain priorities, but the 17 SDGs also encompass a broad range of economic, social and environmental objectives, as well as the promise of more peaceful and inclusive societies.


Surprising discovery on racial disparities in health care

Researchers look at what happens to heart disease and death rates when blacks and whites get the same quality health care


How much fat can liposuction remove?

People with higher body mass can have more fat removed safely, researchers claim


Lawsuit challenges safety of testosterone drugs

Some men suffered heart attacks or strokes after taking drugs to boost testosterone, but are the meds to blame?


Angela Mattke, M.D. - #AskTheMayoMom

From: Mayo Clinic

Sleep Problems in Kids - #AskTheMayoMom

From: Mayo Clinic

Bed Wetting - #AskTheMayoMom

From: Mayo Clinic

Vaccines and Kids - #AskTheMayoMom

From: Mayo Clinic

6 Top Tips for Parents - #AskTheMayoMom

From: Mayo Clinic

Aspirin 411: What the New Guidelines Mean

From: Mayo Clinic

Kids With Asthma Who Are Exposed To Secondhand Smoke Have Twice As Many Hospitalizations

From: Mayo Clinic

Bullied Teens Who Exercise May Lower Suicide Risk, Study Finds

Don't let injuries sideline you during

But researcher adds that many U.S. schools have cut opportunities for physical activity


Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

WHO welcomes the launch of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and commits to work with partners around the world to achieve the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Building on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDG agenda demonstrates unprecedented scope and ambition. Poverty eradication, health, education, and food security and nutrition remain priorities, but the 17 SDGs also encompass a broad range of economic, social and environmental objectives, as well as the promise of more peaceful and inclusive societies.


New Genetic Clues to Which Breast Cancers Might Return

But expert says cancer-fighting benefits outweigh

Scientists found there were differences between primary and recurring tumors


FACT SHEET: 10 Communities Named Rural IMPACT Demonstration Sites

The Administration launches a national demonstration project to combat rural child poverty by forming a learning community for coordinated health, human service and workforce development service delivery


Fat scanner reveals hidden risks

Doctors have developed a specific type of body scan that can detect potentially harmful fat deposits in people who may not appear overweight


Fat scanner may give better picture of health

New screening method can identify hidden fat and health risks, doctors say


USDA Week In Review September 25

From: USDA

"Discouraging" number of women drink during pregnancy

Experts warn there is no safe amount of alcohol to drink while pregnant


Health Highlights: Sept. 25, 2015

Labels on Yohimbe Products Inaccurate: Study


11-year-old delivers baby when mom goes into labor

"He was my guardian angel," says proud mom. "He was my superhero."


With Liposuction, Weight Should Guide Fat Removal Limits: Study

Health costs decline if obese patients with type

People with higher body mass can have more removed safely, researchers claim


Sleep Apnea May Raise Risk of Depression

People who used the sleep apnea treatment fared

Study suggests popular apnea treatment could help ease symptoms of mood disorder


11-year-old delivers his baby brother

When his mother went into labor at home, James Dukes didn't panic, he helped bring his little brother into the world


“Not Again!” — When UTIs won’t quit at midlife

This week, a patient came in reporting two awful urinary tract infections that she had this summer while traveling on vacation. She is in her 50s, postmenopausal, and fit and healthy. After having sex with her partner, she woke up with burning and pain with urination. She was treated for a urinary tract infection with antibiotics and felt better in a few days. She did fine for two weeks until they had sex again, when the same symptoms returned. Although antibiotics worked again, and quickly, at this point she felt consumed by the whole thing. She was unable to enjoy her vacation, and she was afraid to have sex. It took several weeks before she felt normal “down there.”

If this sounds familiar, then you may be suffering from recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI). Recurrent UTIs are defined as either three episodes of infection in the previous 12 months or two episodes in the previous 6 months.

Recurrent UTIs are common among both young healthy women and healthy women at midlife. Here’s why. There are many types of bacteria that normally live in the vagina and happily coexist. And they keep each other in check, like a mini-ecosystem. The hormone estrogen allows the “good” bacteria called Lactobacillus to thrive. These bacteria produce acid, which lowers the pH in the vagina, which helps keep the “bad” bacteria in check.

For younger women, frequent sex is one of the biggest risk factors for a UTI. Sexual intercourse can cause the bacteria in the vagina and rectum to get into the urinary tract, since they are close neighbors. But at midlife, the main culprits behind recurrent UTIs are physical changes, including thinning of vaginal tissue, pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and trouble completely emptying the bladder. The lower levels of estrogen after menopause are also a factor.

There are effective prevention strategies for healthy women at midlife who are struggling with recurrent UTIs. A good place to start is with urination habits. When sitting on the toilet, make yourself as comfortable as possible in a relaxed seated position (not squatting). Start the stream of urine by relaxing the pelvic floor muscles, rather than straining to urinate. Allow enough time for your bladder to completely empty. Also empty your bladder after intercourse. This can help wash away any bacteria that might have been introduced into the urinary tract during sex. Some studies suggest that cranberry extracts can help prevent UTIs by decreasing the “stickiness” of the bacteria. I prefer cranberry supplements to cranberry juice, which tends to be very high in sugar and calories.

Vaginal estrogen creams or rings can help restore the normal bacterial balance of the vagina. Ask your doctor about taking antibiotics preventively, either after sex, or regularly at a low dose. Your doctor can also check to see if you have pelvic organ prolapse, which can be associated with an inability to fully empty your bladder.

Take charge of your bladder health, and don’t let recurrent UTIs get in the way of your active lifestyle. If you are struggling with recurrent UTIs, see your doctor for a thorough check-up — and know that this condition is both entirely preventable and easily treatable.

The post “Not Again!” — When UTIs won’t quit at midlife appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Hope Ricciotti, MD

Amid crisis, refugees face numerous health risks

Trauma injuries, disease-causing pathogens and mental strain pose risks to millions of refugees, experts warn


Job satisfaction: How to make work more rewarding


Kegel exercises: A how-to guide for women
