Friday, November 11, 2016

Trump open to amending Obamacare

Trump talked about the parts of Obamacare he likes in two interviews, including one with CBS News' "60 Minutes." He also talked with Lesley Stahl about his conversations with Bill and Hillary Clinton


November votes include green lights on soda, tobacco taxes

Communities in California, Colorado and Illinois voted in new soda taxes in November, while California state voters approved a new tobacco tax.


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


Unwanted bedfellow back in Florida after 60 years

"There is a real potential for this species to spread,” expert warns


Blood Test May Someday Diagnose Concussion

Small study suggests markers in the blood might spot when brain injury has occurred


Women Brace for Changes to Health Benefits

birth control pills

Under the Trump administration, coverage for women’s services and contraceptives could disappear with the stroke of a pen, and that has some women worried.


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


Concerned About Losing Your Marketplace Plan? ACA Repeal May Take Awhile

Republican efforts to get rid of the federal health law are expected to take some time to work through Congress and leaders have promised to give consumers time to adjust to those changes.


PTSD May Affect Boys, Girls Differently

Changes in brain regions seemed to differ by gender, researchers say


Abdominal Aneurysm Risk Drops When Smokers Quit

And the longer it is since you had a cigarette, the lower your odds of trouble, study suggests


Tropical Bedbugs Creeping Back to Florida

These cousins to the common variety haven't been

These cousins to the common variety haven't been seen since the 1930s or '40s


Early Menopause? Broken Bone Risk May Be Higher

And traditional preventive treatments don't erase added danger, new study suggests


Center for Professional Success launches practice finance resource

Student loan debt. Cash flow for your practice. Creating a business plan for the future.


Too Much Iron Linked to Gestational Diabetes

Supplements should only be given to pregnant women with low iron levels, diabetes expert suggests


Constipation, Kidney Disease May Be Linked

Treating constipation -- a common condition -- could help prevent kidney damage, experts say


Nearly 6 in 10 Diabetics Skip Eye Exams

These annual check-ups could help prevent 95 percent of vision loss


Sugary, Caffeinated Drinks Could Cost You Sleep

Researchers don't know if beverages keep you awake or lack of sleep prompts cravings


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


DEA to Ban Deadly Drug Called Pink

DEA to Ban Deadly Drug Called Pink


Mayo Clinic Minute: National plan to address Alzheimer's disease

From: Mayo Clinic

Birth Year May Help Protect From Bird Flu Strains

A child's first flu infection appears to affect which new viruses they'll be protected against in the future


More cities pass soda taxes on sugary drinks

Supporters hope the victories show the tide is turning against high-calorie drinks, but the beverage industry continues to fight back


iPad game helps treat "lazy eye" in children

Playing an iPad game worked even better than the traditional eye patch to correct the common problem


Obamacare signups skyrocket after Donald Trump's election

The day after Election Day saw the highest number of health care coverage signups since Open Enrollment began


Hot soup in a hurry

I come from a long line of skilled soup makers. In the late 1800s, my great-grandmother Enrichetta Cavagnolo, newly arrived from northern Italy, was a soup chef at Delmonico’s in New York City. Enrichetta’s daughter and granddaughters (my grandmother, mother, and aunts) were talented soup makers as well, to the delight of our well-fed family.

But the soup-making gene seemed to skip me. I was never interested in boiling bones for broth, chopping mounds of vegetables, and stirring soup — with love — for hours. It was too much fuss, I thought — until I learned the shortcut.

Fast and healthy

Turns out, making a delicious batch of soup doesn’t require homemade bone broth or all-day simmering. Just boil your favorite vegetables and spices in some water and low-sodium (store-bought) soup stock. There’s no right or wrong combo of ingredients; it’s whatever appeals to you. Want a small batch? Use two cups of liquid. Want a big batch? Use four. Add more liquid to make it soupier, or less liquid to make a stew. Boil, add the ingredients, and you’re in business in about 20-30 minutes.

It’s also easy to go a step further, and make soup a complete meal. “Add protein such as lentils or beans, fish, extra-lean beef, turkey, or chicken,” says registered dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. She recommends increasing the nutrient power and fiber by adding as many vegetables as possible, such as peppers, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, onions, and carrots.

Too busy? Beware

Knowing the shortcut is important in an age when soup tops the list of culturally cool comfort food. It’s featured in trendy soup “bars,” tiny take-out windows, and all varieties of grocery stores. While it’s tempting to skip the stove and buy prepared soups, you should note that they often contain preservatives and other unhealthy ingredients. In particular, be on the lookout for these:

  • Saturated fat. Any soup with a cream base, such as cream of tomato, is made with cream and butter, which contain unhealthy saturated fat. Too much saturated fat in your diet may drive up your cholesterol and lead to blockages in arteries.
  • Sodium. Canned soups often contain high amounts of sodium. Too much sodium in your diet can lead to high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure. Federal guidelines limit sodium intake to 2,300 mg per day for most people.
  • Sugar. Added sugar is found in chilled fruit soups and even some vegetable soups. The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugars to no more than 24 grams per day for women and 36 grams for men.
  • Calories. Soups are generally lower in calories than other entrée choices, but that changes when you top soup with cheese, sour cream, or croutons, or pair it with a piece of bread.

Keep it healthy

McManus recommends avoiding prepared soups for the most part. “They’re okay in a pinch and on occasion, as long as you set limits. Aim for less than 500 calories, 600 mg of sodium, 5 grams of saturated fat, and 5 grams of added sugar in a bowl of soup,” she says, “and cut that in half for a cup of soup.”

It’ll take some detective work to stick to those limits and find healthier prepared soups. Look at the nutrition information on a restaurant’s menu or website, or on a product’s Nutrition Facts label. If it’s too much work to hunt down healthy soups, then consider making the soup from scratch, like I do now. You’ll find some healthy soup recipes to get you started here. You can control the ingredients, and you can give it your own special flair. And trust me, it doesn’t take a soup-making pedigree to be good at it.

The post Hot soup in a hurry appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Heidi Godman

Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?


Fibromyalgia: Does exercise help or hurt?
