Monday, April 16, 2018

Overcoming Fear of Back Pain May Spur Recovery

Patients in the program reported 50 percent less pain after the treatment. They also reported paying less attention to pain.


U.S. Women Less Likely Than Men to Get Statins

The findings suggest efforts in recent years to close gender gaps in the use of recommended treatments after a heart attack have failed, according to the researchers.


Can 'Mono' Virus Up Odds for 7 Other Diseases?

The review actually uncovered preliminary links to 94 additional diseases, including breast cancer.


Love Your Hair Color? You Have 100 Genes to Thank

The researchers who pinpointed the origins of hair hue said their findings could improve understanding of health conditions linked to pigmentation, including skin, testicular, prostate and ovarian cancers.


New Drugs May Be Big Advance in Lung Cancer Care

The combination treatment also drove down the risk that the cancer would spread by nearly as much, added the research team from NYU Langone Health in New York City.


Don’t Ditch the Coffee Over Cancer Risk News


If you drink a moderate amount of coffee now, there’s no good reason to stop. For those who don’t drink coffee, don’t expect your doctor to recommend that you start.


Immunotherapy scores big win against lung cancer in study

Treatment improved survival in people newly diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer – but it doesn't work for everyone


Court rules against parents seeking treatment for terminally ill son

Alfie Evans suffers from a degenerative neurological condition and is on life support


Drug Keytruda May Help Block Melanoma's Return

The drug also gained attention after former President Jimmy Carter announced in 2015 that Keytruda had beaten back his brain cancer.


Agencies announce April 25 forum on opioids, minority health

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration's Office of Behavioral Health Equity will host "Forum on Opioids: Strategies and Solutions for Minority Communities" from 10 a.m. to noon ET April 25 to discuss the opioid crisis and how to better address behavioral health in minority populations.


Infectious Diseases A-Z: Tips to stay healthy when flying

From: Mayo Clinic

Former White House chef Sam Kass wants you to "Eat a Little Better"

In his new cookbook, he writes about small changes in your daily life that can help you stick to a diet that improves your health


What you need to know about salmonella

Know the signs of salmonella infection and how to keep your family safe


Animal Feces Found in Counterfeit Makeup


High levels of bacteria and animal waste were found in counterfeit makeup confiscated by Los Angeles police.


Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips to protect yourself from spring allergies

From: Mayo Clinic

Barbara Bush in 'Failing Health'

barbara bush

She's received treatment for decades for the thyroid condition Graves' disease, had heart surgery in 2009, and had surgery in 2008 for a perforated ulcer, the AP reported.


Screening mammograms: One recommendation may not fit all

To date, official recommendations on when and how often a woman should have a screening mammogram, have been based on risk factors (such as age, a family history of breast cancer, a personal history of radiation to the chest), genetic testing (the BRCA test, for example), or troubling results from a previous biopsy. Race and ethnicity have not officially factored into the equation — yet.

Does race matter when it comes to screening mammograms?

A recent study by Harvard doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital reinforces prior data suggesting that race and ethnicity can be a separate risk factor for breast cancer, and should be taken into account when advising women on when and how often to have a screening mammogram.

The authors studied almost 40 years of data in a massive, publicly available US research information bank called the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program, and identified over 740,000 women ages 40 to 75 with breast cancer. They wanted to know if the age and stage at diagnosis differed by race.

It did. White women’s breast cancers tend to occur in their 60s, with a peak around 65. However, black, Hispanic, and Asian women’s breast cancers tended to occur in their 40s, with a peak around 48. In addition, a significantly higher proportion of black and Hispanic women have advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis, when compared to white and Asian women.

This fits with prior studies, including a separate analysis of data from SEER as well as the Center for Disease Control’s National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR). They found that non-Hispanic white women tend to have the least aggressive breast cancer type, while black women tend to have the most aggressive type, as well as more advanced disease at diagnosis.

Basically, there are reliable data to suggest that we take race and ethnicity into account when we counsel patients about when to start mammograms and how often to have them. While many doctors are aware of the data and are sharing this information with patients, it’s not part of “official” guidelines.

So what are the official guidelines for screening mammograms?


Breast cancer screening has become an area of some controversy, with at least six different US organizations offering varying opinions, more or less in the same ballpark (give or take 10 years, that is). For the average woman without the risk factors listed above, the recommendations range from

Every woman over age 40 should have a mammogram every year, but, it’s a shared decision-making process so talk about it first (American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology)


Start at age 45 and then every year until age 55, then every other year (American Cancer Society)


Start screening mammograms at age 50 and have them every other year (United States Preventive Services Task Force).

This variability seems confusing, but what is consistent is that all guidelines recommend a shared decision-making process. That means a woman should talk with her doctor to determine when to first have a screening mammogram, and how often she should have one.

Reasons a woman might not want to start screening mammograms at age 40

Apart from some awkwardness and discomfort, why wouldn’t a woman want to start screening mammograms at age 40? Every screening test carries some risk, including unnecessary additional imaging and biopsies. The idea is that by starting screening later, the likelihood of catching cancer early isn’t outweighed by the risks of screening. Many of my patients have gotten that dreaded callback after their mammogram: “We see something that may be cause for concern and need you to return for additional images.” This is nerve-racking and involves additional radiation exposure. If the area is still worrisome, then a biopsy may be done. Most biopsies are negative, and even when positive, we don’t know for sure that all low-grade, localized cancers are going to progress. We treat them when we find them for sure, but it’s possible that not everyone will benefit from lumpectomy and radiation or mastectomy.

What do women need to know about screening mammograms?

Doctors should counsel women accurately about their risks and benefits for cancer screening, and while guidelines are helpful, they are only guidelines. We need to know where the guidelines came from, what data was used to create them, and — most importantly — what data were not used to create them. In the case of breast cancer screening, race and ethnicity have not yet been formally included in the existing guidelines, and women need to be aware of that and what it means for them.

The post Screening mammograms: One recommendation may not fit all appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Monique Tello, MD, MPH

Apply for ADA Foundation student research, leadership awards

The ADA Foundation is accepting applications before June 11 for student research and leadership awards.

From: By Kelly Ganski

Dentists facing compliance audits have ADA resources in their reach

This is the 11th story in the Decoding Dental Benefits series featuring answers and solutions for dentists when it comes to the world of dental benefits and plans. The series is intended to help untangle many of the issues that can potentially befuddle dentists and their teams so that they can focus on patient care.

From: By Michelle Manchir

Dr. Crowley honored

ADA President Joseph P. Crowley accepts a plaque for an honorary membership to the American Dental Education Association.


Just the Facts — April 16, 2018

From 2015-16 dental expenditures grew slightly faster than overall health expenditures.


Kickstarter co-founder, columnist, poetry slam champion highlight New Dentist Conference

Following in the footsteps of the 2017 New Dentist Conference, the New Dentist Conference at ADA 2018 will feature three keynote speakers designed to jumpstart new dentists' motivation.

From: By Kimber Solana and David Burger

Purchase a personalized brick for the ADA House on Capitol Hill

The ADA is inviting members to leave their mark at the ADA House on Capitol Hill by purchasing personalized bricks for the front or back patio.


Root Canal Awareness Week spotlights endodontists

The American Association of Endodontists is thanking general dentists for referrals to mark its 12th Annual Root Canal Awareness Week, scheduled for May 6-12.


Science on oral health effects of tobacco products at Bethesda, Maryland conference

Dental professionals are invited to a September conference to review the effects tobacco products have on oral health and to help formulate a research agenda on the topic.


Seventeen communities receive grants to support water fluoridation

Seventeen U.S. communities are getting financial assistance to install or continue water fluoridation programs thanks to financial support from The National Association of County and City Health Officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the groups announced earlier this year.

From: By Michelle Manchir

Snapshots of American Dentistry — April 16, 2018

Dentist participation in Medicaid or CHIP by specialty


Take GKAS program to next level

May 31 is the deadline to apply to the GKAS Community Leadership Development Institute, which provides Give Kids A Smile program coordinators with advanced training to become GKAS Ambassadors.


Trump pushes to expand use of medication to treat addiction

Experts have long argued that medication-assisted treatment should be the standard of care for addicts of heroin and other opioids


Company Recalls More Than 200 Million Eggs Due to Salmonella Scare

Nearly 207 million eggs produced at a farm in Hyde County, N.C., are being voluntarily recalled because of concerns of contamination with the salmonella bacteria.
