Thursday, September 22, 2016

U.S. states allege drugmaker hid generic opioid

The complaint alleges British drugmaker Indivior conspired to corner the market on medication used to treat people hooked on heroin


Mayo Clinic Minute: Prescription drugs ─ the changing face of addiction

From: Mayo Clinic

Southern Calif. child diagnosed with leprosy

U.S. sees only about 150 leprosy cases occur each year, and over 95 percent of the population is naturally immune to it


Researcher aims to tackle "implicit bias"

According to research, the majority of Americans show some degree of unconscious negative attitudes towards minorities. Psychologists are trying to find a way to remedy that in certain situations. Dr. Jon LaPook has more.


Report: Scientist first to edit genes of healthy embryos

The Swedish researcher says he hopes the controversial practice will help treat infertility and a variety of diseases


Campaign to combat infertility stumbles with racist ad

Italy's efforts to reverse one of Europe's lowest birthrates was deemed sexist and racist


Opioid Epidemic Chat with Dr. Hooten

From: Mayo Clinic

Making Mayo's Recipes: Smoked Gouda Vegetable Risotto

From: Mayo Clinic

Falls a Growing and Deadly Threat for Older Americans

They cause millions of injuries and soaring health care costs, CDC report shows


DNA-Based Vaccine Guards Against Zika in Monkey Study

Human safety trials are already under way, researchers add


Flavorings Boost Toxicity of E-Cigarettes in Lab Study

Increasing device's voltage, to get bigger hit of nicotine, also inflames air passage cells, researcher says


New warning about leading cause of injury, death in seniors

A new CDC report warns of the growing risk – and how to reverse the trend


ADA, Friends of NIDCR urge Congress to ensure 2017 funding

The Association and Friends of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research are asking Congress to approve an omnibus appropriations bill that would allot $430.5 million in 2017 funding.


Register for webinar on peer review

The ADA Council on Dental Benefit Programs is offering the webinar The Mediator’s Dilemma: Case Studies in Peer Review.


3M to provide 3,000 introductory dental sealant kits for 2017 Give Kids A Smile

3M will donate 3,000 introductory sealant kits to the ADA Foundation for use during the 2017 Give Kids A Smile program.


Prescription drugs: the changing face of addiction(Mayo Clinic Minute series promo)

From: Mayo Clinic

Human growth hormone (HGH): Does it slow aging?

Searching for ways to look and feel young? Be wary of claims touting human growth hormone as an anti-aging regimen.


Drug-resistant gonorrhea a growing threat in the U.S.

Officials say the "last line of defense" against this sexually transmitted disease is weakening


23 Plans Earn Top Mark in Health Insurance Ratings

cost of healthcare

Twenty-three insurance plans out of more than 1,000 have received the highest score of 5.0, according to new ratings released Thursday from the National Committee for Quality Assurance.


Arthritis Drug May Help With Type of Hair Loss

Researchers saw regrowth in patients with the autoimmune disease alopecia areata


Do Open Floor Plans Invite Overeating?

Fewer calories are consumed in closed kitchen spaces, study says


Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces USDA Funding for Ohio Hospital

WILMINGTON, Ohio, Sept. 22, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced a $54.6 million Community Facilities program loan to the Fulton County Health Center in Wauseon, Ohio, to renovate a critical access hospital that also offers treatment for substance misuse disorders.


China Moves to Reopen Market to U.S. Beef

WASHINGTON, Sept. 22, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the following statement:


Human growth hormone (HGH): Does it slow aging?

Searching for ways to look and feel young? Be wary of claims touting human growth hormone as an anti-aging regimen.


Cat Scratch Can Sometimes Lead to Serious Illness: CDC

But there's no need to banish your feline friend -- just send fleas packing instead


Mayo Clinic Minute: How to stop popping painkillers

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: What opioids do to your guts

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: When are opioids OK to take?

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: 2 reasons not to share pain pills

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Avoid opioids for chronic pain

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Facts on fentanyl

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Prescription drugs ─ the changing face of addiction

From: Mayo Clinic

Court bans international company, executives following FTC lawsuit

A federal court has banned a Slovakia-based company and two of its executives from the business directory business following a 2013 suit the U.S. Federal Trade Commission filed.


Do Open Floor Plans Invite Overeating?

Fewer calories are consumed in closed kitchen spaces, study says


Your best cycling days may still be ahead

I loved riding my bicycle as a kid, and whizzing along wooded roads with friends on crisp autumn days. For me, the images of blurred leaves and sunshine are still fresh, as are the feelings of freedom, joy, and the wind on my skin. Now, only an occasional bike ride with my children reminds me how much I love cycling.

But there are plenty of reasons to go for a ride, no matter what your age. “It’s fun, it’s socially oriented, and it gets you outside and exercising,” says Dr. Clare Safran-Norton, a physical therapist at Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Plus, cycling is an aerobic activity, it’s easy on the joints, and it helps build muscle and bone.

Back in the saddle

Hopping on a bicycle sounds easy enough, but it can be a little more challenging as we get older, with stiff joints that may make it hard to swing a leg over the top tube of a two-wheeler.

Fortunately, bike manufacturers are responding to meet riders’ needs. One option is the step-through bike, a two-wheeler with a low or absent top tube. “I get emails from people who tell me they’re riding for the first time in 20 years,” says Tony Biria of Biria Bicycles, which in 2002 introduced a bicycle to the U.S. with a top tube that’s just six inches off the ground. Beach cruisers and comfort bikes are also popular among older cyclers. All three of these bike types feature high-rise handlebars that enable you to sit upright; wide tires for a smooth ride; shock-absorbing seat posts; and lower top tubes.

Other bike types include tricycles, which are helpful if you are less stable on your feet; and recumbent bikes that allow you to lean back and ride. “If you have spinal stenosis, a recumbent bike puts your spine in a flexed position and gives you pain relief. But if you have a herniated disk, the bike can make the disk bulge more,” says Dr. Safran-Norton.

Gear up

You can make cycling even safer and more comfortable with special equipment.

Cycling clothes have high-tech fibers that wick away moisture. They are usually neon-colored, with reflective material so you’ll be visible to drivers. Bike shorts have a thick pad or chamois to prevent chafing and provide cushioning.

Bicycle seats (called “saddles” in cycling lingo) are available with extra padding, in wide styles that support the pair of bones you sit on. Go even further with a saddle that relieves pressure on the perineum, the area between those bones, behind the genitals. It’s home to nerves and arteries that supply the lower body, and too much pressure here may cause numbness and tingling in the legs. Pressure-relieving saddles may have a “noseless” or horseshoe design.

Prepare before taking to the road

Getting a comfy bike and all the trimmings isn’t enough preparation to hit the road. You’ll want to consult your doctor first, especially if you have heart disease, arthritis, or thinning bones. “If you have osteoporosis, consider riding a tricycle, which is more stable than a two-wheeler, posing less of a fall risk. I’d advise that you don’t ride a bike if you’ve had a recent fracture. Another fall could make it worse,” says Dr. Safran-Norton.

When riding, remember that the seat height should allow a slight bend at your knee. “You don’t want a straight knee at bottom of the pedal stroke, because the bike could be too tall and you could fall off,” says Dr. Safran-Norton.

Other tips:

  • wear a helmet
  • don’t use clips to keep your feet on the pedals, which can make injuries worse if you fall
  • don’t ride alone
  • stick to bike paths instead of the street
  • stay hydrated before, during, and after your ride
  • and use sunscreen and sunglasses.

Minding these safety tips is crucial. Some evidence suggests that bicycle injuries among people over age 45 have risen dramatically since 1998. But as long as you take precautions, cycling is still considered a safe way to exercise, get around, and have fun.

And remember that having fun is really what this is all about. If you enjoy exercising, you’ll be more likely to do it. In the case of cycling, it may even make you feel like a kid again.

The post Your best cycling days may still be ahead appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Heidi Godman

Why the teen years may not be lean years

New research sheds light on what might help explain the current teen obesity problem


Human growth hormone (HGH): Does it slow aging?

Searching for ways to look and feel young? Be wary of claims touting human growth hormone as an anti-aging regimen.
