Friday, June 16, 2017

Doctors give update on Scalise's condition

Rep. Steve Scalise was at "imminent risk of death" after he was shot at a baseball field on Wednesday, his doctor said. But his condition has stabilized and he is now expected to make a full recovery. Dr. Jack Sava briefed reporters in Washington on Friday.


Sunless tanning chemicial

Scientists are looking at a new way for sunless tanning. A new chemical treatment could give your skin the sun-kissed color without having to go outside. Plastic surgeon Dr. David Candello joins CBSN to discuss


Teen suicide: Risk factors, warning signs and prevention

Resources for teens and parents offering important information and support


California toddler dies after dental procedure, family says

3-year-old was getting her teeth fixed before she was rushed to a hospital, where she died, her mother says


Liver Transplant for ATTRm

From: Mayo Clinic

Replacing saturated fat with healthier fat for your heart

A recent New York Times survey found 72 percent of Americans think coconut oil is healthy, but only 37 percent of nutritionists agree. The American Heart Association says replacing saturated fat found in coconut oil or butter with corn or peanut oil can lower cardiovascular disease by about 30 percent. CBS News medical contributor Dr. Tara Narula joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the new findings.


Why you should replace coconut oil with healthier fats

A new report from the American Heart Association aims to set the record straight in the long-running debate over the healthiest fats


AL Amyloidosis Treatment Including Stem Cell Transplantation

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: What skin changes tells you about your health

From: Mayo Clinic

Many Tanning Salons Defy Legal Age Limits on Users

Some also make false claims about the health effects of tanning, researchers find


Herniated Disc Surgery Works for Seniors

Age is no reason to avoid the operation, Norwegian researchers report


High-Intensity Exercise May Be Bad for the Bowels

Hydration and proper food intake might help prevent gut trouble, researcher says


Are U.S. Teens Now as Inactive as 60-Year-Olds?

The lack of exercise more evident among females than males, study says


Kroger Expands Recall of Roasted Macadamia Nuts

kroger macadamia nuts

The Kroger Co. has expanded its recall of Simple Truth Dry Roasted Macadamia Nuts because they may be contaminated with listeria.


Dr. Matthew Tollefson explains prostate cancer

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Matthew Tollefson explains new prostate recommendations

From: Mayo Clinic

Addicts Try to Avoid Fentanyl, But Many Fail

Potent synthetic opioid now responsible for more than half of overdose deaths, study suggests


Happy Marriage, Healthier Spouses

Nurturing each other translates to nurturing your health


Group Warns of Lead in Baby Food

Group Warns of Lead in Baby Food


'Good' Bacteria Last in Stool Transplant Patients

Small study shows helpful gut germs are still there 2 years on


WHO: Guardian of Health

From: World Health Organization

Making Mayo's Recipes: Citrus Seared Salmon

From: Mayo Clinic

Just before Father's Day, dad donates organ to 1 of 10 kids

Huge Texas family wears green T-shirts touting #Gagestrong in show of solidarity - and to help hospital's doctors find them


Survey: Fewer students report using tobacco products

The number of high school and middle school students using tobacco products dropped from 4.7 million in 2015 to 3.9 million in 2016, according to the 2016 National Youth Tobacco Survey.


Lower-cost alternative to EpiPen OK’d by FDA

EpiPen’s maker sparked huge controversy when it hiked price of the emergency allergy med through the roof


Sticking to a low-salt diet when eating out

Going out for dinner can be a nice way to unwind with family or friends. But if you’re watching your salt intake, restaurants aren’t always so relaxing. Much of their fare is loaded with sodium, a main component of salt. In fact, some entrees at popular chains contain far more than 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium — the recommended limit for an entire day’s worth of food.

Limiting sodium is especially important for people with high blood pressure, because excess salt worsens this common condition, leaving you more prone to heart attack and stroke. If you eat out only once a month, you probably needn’t worry too much. But Americans tend to eat out far more frequently — about five times a week, on average.

For starters, do your prep work

But there are plenty of strategies for staying within your salt budget when eating out, starting before you even leave home, says Debbie Krivitsky, director of clinical nutrition at the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Center at Massachusetts General Hospital. When possible, check the restaurant’s website to look up the nutrition information (including sodium) for different menu items beforehand. You can also search for your favorite dishes at CalorieKing, which includes nutrient data for foods from hundreds of popular nationwide chains. Federal law now requires all restaurants with more than 20 locations to provide this information.

Not surprisingly, the highly processed fare at fast-food restaurants is quite salty (for example, a Big Mac has 950 mg of sodium). Beware of unexpected sources: a Dunkin’ Donuts reduced-fat blueberry muffin contains 540 mg of sodium. But sit-down restaurants aren’t all that much better. “The typical meal at a chain sit-down restaurant contains about 2,100 mg of sodium for every 1,000 calories,” says Krivitsky.

Certain cuisines tend to have higher sodium levels than others. Asian restaurants use a lot of sodium-rich soy and fish sauces, and Italian food (especially pizza) has high-sodium sauces, cheeses, and cured meats, such as pepperoni and prosciutto.

Fresher options and menu tweaks

A better option (if available) is a “farm-to-table” restaurant. These newly fashionable eateries focus on fresh and often locally grown or raised foods. While they may not provide nutritional information, these establishments — as well as other neighborhood and smaller “mom-and-pop” places — may be willing to work with you to prepare a lower-sodium meal. These days, with more people following gluten-free and vegan diets, they’re used to making adjustments. And it’s in their best interest to make their customers happy.

If you’re comfortable doing so, tell your server you have a medical condition or are taking medication and need to limit your salt. They may be more inclined to take you seriously, says Krivitsky. Then say, “Please tell the chef to grill, broil, or steam my food with no added seasonings or sauces.” If you’re ordering a piece of meat, chicken, or fish, find out the weight of the serving size. Have the server bring you a plate with only the amount you want to eat and bag the rest to take home.

If you’ve got your heart set on a special entree that’s over your sodium budget, ask the server to box up half of the dish to save for the next day before bringing it to your table. That way, you can enjoy the portion without being tempted to pick at the rest just because it’s in front of you.

Don’t be shy about making sure you get exactly what you want; you’re paying for it, after all.

The post Sticking to a low-salt diet when eating out appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Julie Corliss