Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Cutting Edge Treatments of Tracheal Stenosis - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Exercise May Keep Your Brain 10 Years Younger, Study Suggests

Physically active seniors stayed mentally sharper than their sedentary peers


PTSD May Stiffen Veterans' Arteries, Boosting Heart Risks

Reducing stress may help blood vessels function normally, expert says


Health workers: a triple return for health, economic growth, and employment

Creating more jobs for health workers holds the potential to bolster health and health security, spur inclusive economic growth, and empower women and youth, WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan said today after the first meeting of the Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth Lyon, France.


Exercise may help keep your brain young

A new study finds moderate to intense exercise helps slow down brain aging in older people by a decade or more


Exercise may slow down the brain's aging by 10 years

Moderate physical activity can help keep seniors' minds sharp, researchers say


Get Fresh: Spring Veggie Recipes

WebMD shares how to wake up your palate and fill up your plate with spring's best veggies.


Gastric Surgery Helped a Family Overcome Diabetes

A woman who's struggled with diabetes tells WebMD how weight loss has been a game changer for her and her sons.


Healthy Habits for Type 1 Diabetes

Staying healthy with type 1 diabetes means sticking to a routine of smart habits, an experts tells WebMD.


Are Negative Thoughts Taking Over Your Mind?

WebMD explains how to help your inner critic become your biggest cheerleader when you have diabetes.


Less Stress Can Help Lower Blood Sugar

Mental health has a direct effect on how your body manages diabetes. WebMD explains.


Could Cat Poop Germ Trigger Rage Disorder?

Those with intermittent explosive disorder more likely to have been exposed to toxoplasmosis, study finds





Exercise Tips to Manage Your Diabetes

An expert explains the dos and don'ts of working out when you have diabetes. WebMD has the details.


Medical alert systems: In vogue, and for some, invaluable

My elderly dad is sporting a cool new mobile device these days, complete with a sleek design and an aluminum cover. It’s not a smartphone or a laptop or a tablet; it’s a medical alert system, a one-button gadget that can summon emergency help. “Many older people who live alone embrace the devices, because they worry how they would get help if they fell and couldn’t get to a phone. And it’s reassuring for their kids to know there’s a backup system in place,” says geriatrician Dr. Suzanne Salamon, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School.

The devices weren’t always so popular. Once the target of comedians (an issue that kept some seniors from using them), medical alert systems are now in big demand, perhaps due to an aging population, advances in technology, and the reality that one in three adults ages 65 and older might fall one day. Throw in a higher comfort level with mobile gadgets, and it’s not a big surprise that sales of the systems are rising steadily, expected to reach $21.6 billion by 2020, according to some marketing research estimates.

Lots of choices

The popularity of alert systems has resulted in a flood of choices. There are dozens of brands, and each company has several systems available.

Basic models

These typically consist of a pendant or wristband with a large electronic button, and a base unit (similar to a speaker phone) that you plug into your house phone jack. If you get into trouble, you simply press your button, which signals the base unit to call the alert system operators. The operators then talk to you through the speaker in the base unit, and send paramedics if you need help. Most gadgets are waterproof, and have built-in batteries that don’t need recharging; most batteries last for years, and will be replaced free of charge if they run out. Just like a wireless house phone, these buttons can signal the base unit only within a limited range, such as 400 feet. But the buttons don’t provide two-way communication with operators; only the base unit does that.

Typical price: $25-30/month.


This type of model usually come with a base unit and a wearable button, and they also upgrade the technology to include fall detection, an innovation that automatically contacts emergency operators if it detects a fall (handy if you’re unable to push your button).

Original versions of automatic fall detection weren’t the most reliable at discerning if you’d fallen or just leaned over. Newer versions claim to have worked out the kinks, promising much higher accuracy, as much as 95%.

Typical price: $30-40/month

Premium models

These products upgrade the button to top-of-the-line devices that use cellular technology to contact emergency help. The improved communication allows you to use the alert system wherever you go, whether it’s the grocery store or the great outdoors. Unlike the other options, this device has a built-in speaker, so you can talk to an operator through the button. It also features global positioning system technology (GPS), which gives alert system operators the ability to send help to your exact location. This button is thicker and larger than the type worn only at home, so you probably won’t be able to wear it comfortably on your wrist—you’ll have to put it in your pocket or wear it around your neck. Also, it must be charged every few days, just like a cell phone. If you’re not faithful about that, the button won’t work. Typical price: $40-50/month

The fine print

It’s not enough to find the latest and greatest alert system. Make sure that the company you choose has no long-term contracts, low activation fees, no cancellation fees, discounts for add-ons to your service, free replacement for equipment that’s not working, and most important: operators available 24 hours a day. Many alert system companies meet those standards, so it may help to get a recommendation from a friend, your doctor, or even a local hospital.

And remember: no matter what kind of device or deal you get, the alert system will be useless if you don’t wear it. “Not everyone remembers to wear the device, or they’re stubborn about them, or they take them off to take a shower, which is a place people often fall,” says Dr. Salamon.

In my dad’s case, the medical alert system is always around his neck. He has a premium model that looks a lot like a mini-cellphone. But believe me, the peace of mind the device brings to all of us is absolutely super-sized.

The post Medical alert systems: In vogue, and for some, invaluable appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Heidi Godman

Childhood Cancer Survivors and Motherhood Chances

But same may not be as true for male survivors


Shockingly low number of Americans live healthy lifestyle

Do you follow these four "principles of healthy living"? If so, you're in a very small minority


Paying for Kidneys Might Boost Donor Rate

But transplant experts say it's an ethically loaded idea that needs much review


Brush Up on Dental Care for Diabetes

WebMD explains why it's important to make healthy mouth habits part of your daily routine when you have diabetes.


Why It’s Important to Participate in Biomedical Research – Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Porque es Importante Participar en la Investigación Biomédica - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

How Should I Take Insulin to Help Manage Diabetes?

An expert tells WebMD how insulin can help manage diabetes.


Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

WebMD explains how your lifestyle and genes play a role.


Mayo Clinic Minute: Center for Tuberculosis Passes MIlestone

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Stacey Rizza talks about TB prevention

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Stacey Rizza describes the testing process for TB

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Stacey Rizza defines tuberculosis

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Stacey Rizza describes the risk factors for tuberculosis

From: Mayo Clinic

Dr. Stacey Rizza describes the two stages of TB infection

From: Mayo Clinic

H-E-B Grocery Chain Recalls Canned Tuna

H-E-B Grocery Chain Recalls Canned Tuna


The Pill Tied to Fewer Knee Injuries in Teen Girls

Study reinforces theory that estrogen may be why females suffer more ACL problems than males


Heavy Pot Use Tied to Midlife Social, Money Issues

But one marijuana advocate believes people who already have problems may often turn to the drug


Study: No Heart Risk From SSRI Antidepressants

Prozac actually appeared to protect against heart attack, researchers say


The Sounds You Make Eating May Be a Diet Aid

Experiments found that when people could hear themselves chew and chomp, they ate less


Pre-Pregnancy Stress May Affect Baby's Size

Higher levels of the hormone cortisol linked to low birth weight infants, study suggests


OMS: Malaria a nivel mundial: progreso y problemas en el 2016

From: World Health Organization

Diabetes and Alzheimer's linked

Diabetes may increase your risk of Alzheimer's. Reduce this risk by controlling your blood sugar. Diet and exercise can help.
