Friday, July 15, 2016

Will Testosterone Rev You Up or Stall You Out?

man flexing

Testosterone replacement therapy may not be the fountain of youth for aging men.


City to test new way of treating gunshot victims

Controversial study looks at some common emergency treatment techniques that may do more harm than good


How to Find Help for Your Anxious Child

depressed teen boy

Treatment can change the world for your child with anxiety -- you just have to find the right therapy.


1st Woman-to-Man Sexual Zika Transmission Reported

Woman in NYC contracted the virus on trip to endemic area, then passed it to boyfriend, health officials say


PTSD Goes Beyond the Battlefield

depressed man

Anyone can have posttraumatic stress disorder, not just war vets.


WHO flags key challenges to global HIV response at International AIDS Conference

The World Health Organization is flagging 4 key challenges as the international community meets at the International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, from 18–22 July 2016. The Organization is highlighting the need to renew attention to HIV prevention, whilst maintaining momentum on scaling up access to HIV treatment. It is also signalling the growing emergence of antiretroviral (ARV) drug resistance and the need for sustainable financing of the global response.

“The enormous progress on HIV, particularly on treatment, is one of the big public health success stories of the century,” says Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General, WHO. “But this is no time for complacency. If the world is to achieve its goal of ending AIDS by 2030, it must rapidly expand and intensify its efforts.”


Organized dentistry brings oral health awareness to health workers in Navajo Nation

The Community Health Representatives in the Navajo Nation here have long been revered for improving residents' general health by helping them navigate the complicated health care delivery system, providing home visits, serving as interpreters, offering health screenings and more.


Doctors warn about "Pokemon Go" injuries

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers advice about how to avoid getting hurt while playing the game


Woman found to spread Zika through sex for first time

Health officials udpate their guidance on how to stay safe after a New York woman infected her partner


Midlife Memory Lapses No Cause for Concern?

mri scan of human brain

Midlife memory lapses may reflect a shift in how your brain forms and retrieves memories, not a decline in thinking skills, a new study suggests.


Common Products That Can Harm Your Baby

child drinking from sippy cup

Many common household items contain hazardous substances, some of which can interfere with the body’s hormones.


Buying into generic drugs

It is amazing how something so small can cost so much. Whether it is a short-term treatment, or multiple drugs you take indefinitely, prescription drugs have the potential to drain your savings.

However, there are many cheaper generic versions of more expensive brand-name drugs. In fact, almost 80% of prescriptions are for generic drugs, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and on average they cost about 80% to 85% less than brand names. Odds are there is generic version to treat your condition, too, whether it is chronic pain, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, or depression.

But is there a difference between generic and name brand other than price? To better understand this, you have look at how drugs are made, manufactured, and prescribed.

Types of generic drugs

There are two ways generic drugs are used: generic substitution and therapeutic interchange.

Generic substitution means the drug is the equivalent to a brand name on a molecular level. “In terms of effectiveness and quality they are the same, and the FDA has certified both are equal,” says Dr. Niteesh K. Choudhry, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Choudhry’s research focuses on strategies to improve health care quality and reduce spending. An example is the cholesterol drug Lipitor and the generic version atorvastatin.

Therapeutic interchange is slightly different. The generic is a medical substitute that is molecular related, but not exactly the same. “It is like the difference between a Coke and a store brand cola,” says Dr. Choudhry. Therapeutic interchange is often used for name brands that do not yet have a generic substitution because the brand name patent still exists.

Are therapeutic interchange drugs just as effective as brand names? For the most part, yes, says Dr. Choudhry. “It depends on the drug, what it is designed to treat, and the person, but it often is equally effective. Of course, the downside is they are not 100% guaranteed to work.”

However, most research tends to support the effectiveness of both types of generic drugs. A 2015 report published in the Jan. 5, 2016 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine advocated the greater use of generic drugs, citing research that supports its overall equality with brand-name counterparts as well as its valuable cost-savings.

Consult with your doctor

Do not assume your doctor will always offer you the choice of a generic drug. A 2016 ProPublica analysis found that doctors who receive payments from the medical industry tend to prescribe more brand-name drugs, on average, than those who do not. The report does not prove that industry payments sway doctors to prescribe specific drugs, or even a particular company’s drugs, but it does show payments are associated with that trend.

Even if doctors are not part of this arrangement, they may prescribe brand names based on their medical preference and past success with patients, says Dr. Choudhry. “Also, doctors may not know a generic version of a therapeutic interchange has become available since it is unusual for generics to be officially announced,” he says.

Dr. Choudhry suggests that people be proactive when prescribed any medication and always inquire if there are generic versions available. Another option: in many states pharmacies can switch to a generic substitution — but not a therapeutic interchange — as long as there is no “dispense as written” requirement from your doctor.

Remember that most drugs, whether brand name or generic, do not work the same for everyone. Yet, if a generic drug is not successful, you are not forced to switch to the brand name. “Some drugs have multiple generic versions,” says Dr. Choudhry. “So often you have more options from which to choose.”

The post Buying into generic drugs appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

USDA Invests More than $9 Million to Support Small Businesses in 12 States

WASHINGTON, July 15, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the investment of more than $9 million in loans and grants to support job growth and economic development in 12 states. The funding is being provided through USDA's Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant (REDLG) program, through which USDA provides zero-interest loans and grants to utilities that lend funds to local businesses for projects to create and retain employment.


Too Much Red Meat Might Harm Kidneys

Substituting poultry for pork in Chinese diet seemed to reduce risk


Drug-Resistant Gonorrhea Cases Up Fourfold in U.S.

CDC statistics for 2013-2014 show troubling spike in resistant strains


Heroin spiked with elephant sedative linked to overdoses

Ohio city has seen least 90 overdoses and eight deaths the last 10 days


Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket

Health officials fear a "perfect storm" of problems could put patients at risk


WHO. Global eradication of yaws is feasible by 2020

From: World Health Organization

Gut Bacteria May Hold Clues to Chronic Fatigue

Intestinal colonies differ in CFS patients, study finds, bolstering notion the disorder isn't a psychological problem


Are Women's Cornea Transplants Riskier From Men?

Study suggests incompatibility with the Y chromosome, poor outcomes


Do ADHD Medicines Boost Substance Abuse Risk?

Chances were actually lower the earlier stimulants were started, and the longer they were taken


1 in 5 Americans Uses a Tobacco Product

CDC report raises concerns about e-cigarettes, hookahs


Zika Outbreak May 'Burn Out' Within 3 Years

As more people become immune after infection, virus will have nowhere to go, UK team predicts


Road Rage Rampant in America

8 of 10 drivers admit to anger, aggression when behind the wheel


Early Preschooler Bedtime, Healthier Weight Later?

Getting shuteye by 8 p.m. appeared linked with lower obesity risk as teens, researchers say
