Thursday, August 25, 2016

Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


8/25: Trump doubles down on calling Clinton a bigot; National Park Service celebrates 100th anniversary

Admission fees are being waived at all 412 national parks for the weekend as the National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary; The presidential election got ugly in an unprecedented way on Thursday as both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump accused each other of bigotry.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Elephant tranquilizer blamed for recent wave of heroin overdoses

Addicts often don't know what is mixed into the heroin they've picked up from their dealer. Drugs like carfentanil and fentanyl are being used more often in these mixes, and the added potency is leading to more overdoses. Anna Werner has more.


EpiPen maker responds to price-hike criticism

Mylan CEO Heather Bresch went on the offensive Thursday as the company announced it would provide consumers a discount for the EpiPen. The pharmaceutical company has raised the price of the life-saving device by 500% since 2009. Vinita Nair reports.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


The True Cost of EpiPen Coupons


Facing public outrage over the price of its EpiPen auto-injectors, the drug company Mylan announced Thursday it was taking action to make the product more affordable.


Dozens of Ohio overdoses blamed on heroin mixed with elephant tranquilizer

Carfentanil is an opioid 100 times more potent than fentanyl​ and 10,000 times more potent than morphine


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Making Mayo's Recipes Avacado Aioli

From: Mayo Clinic

Addict describes overdosing on carfentanil

Carfentanil, a drug so powerful it's used as an elephant tranquilizer, is being blamed for dozens of overdoses. It is about 10,000 times more potent than morphine. Kevin McCutcheon, a long-time addict, believes he inadvertently ingested the drug -- and it nearly killed him.


Did teen pregnancy prevention class have opposite effect?

Pretend poopy diapers and hunger cries from a baby doll in a pregnancy prevention class may have backfired


Amphetamines Polluting Some Urban Streams: Study

Concentration of drugs may be high enough to cause ecological changes, researchers say


Autism-Linked Genes Often Differ Between Siblings

Findings suggest developmental disorder's causes may be even more complex


U.S. Beef Exports Continue to Outperform Pre-BSE Levels

Following the discovery of a case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in December 2003, U.S. beef and beef product exports fell. Since 2003, USDA has led a multi-agency, full-court press, dedicating significant resources to restore foreign market access for U.S. beef. As a result, U.S. beef shipments had regained pre-BSE volumes by 2011 and even reached record values by 2014. Another central element of the U.S. strategy to maintain and expand foreign market access is insistence on policies that are based on the guidelines of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).


Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on Latest Quarterly Export Forecasts for 2016 and 2017

WASHINGTON, Aug. 25, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the following statement on the first forecast for U.S. agricultural exports for fiscal year 2017 and a revised forecast for fiscal year 2016. Both forecasts indicate U.S. agricultural exports have begun to rally and will continue the record-setting pace that began in 2009.


Register now for Aug. 30 webinar, Understanding Section 1557

The ADA will host a free webinar Aug. 30 for members and dental society staff with questions about compliance with Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act.


Whiston Award winners demonstrate leadership in dentistry, community

The ADA Foundation in August named two Missourians as the recipients of the 2016 Dr. David Whiston Leadership Awards.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Advice doctors give their own kids before college

Here's what doctors want their children to know about sex, alcohol and other challenges and health hazards they'll have to navigate in college life


Phthalates: What’s All the Fuss?

Members of this chemical family are in food, drinks, and hundreds of things we use every day. Are they bad for us?


New Local Zika Case Reported in Florida

Latest one in Palm Beach County brings state total to 43; scientists predict 400 cases by summer's end


Survey: Hair Transplants Make Men Look Younger

Study supports notion that balding men appear older, less attractive


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Coffee cravings? It may be in your DNA

Researchers have identified a gene variant that could affect your coffee-drinking habits


Serious Heart Problem a Family Matter

If a relative has had an aortic dissection, you could too, study says


Coffee Cravings May Spring From Your DNA

Genes appear to influence how much caffeine you need, researchers find


Music Therapy Helps Preemie Babies Thrive

Mom's singing helps stabilize infant breathing


Getting kids back to school: Inside out

In our article Meet Your Inner Family, we introduced the new Harvard Health book: Organize your Emotions, Optimize Your Life, which can be described as an adult version of the Pixar movie Inside Out. We propose that the human psyche has nine life forces speaking as our inner “voices.” This framework can help optimize many situations and challenges in life, from the routine (like back to school) to the more complex.

Here’s what a child’s nine inner family members might say about going back to school, and how parents might coach them into more harmony and thriving:


Boy, have I had fun. I feel free in the summer. Doing whatever I feel like. Even Mom and Dad are more relaxed. This is all going to end when I go back to school. Yuck!

Mom/Dad:  It’s hard for your Autonomy to give up the freedom of the summer. I feel your pain. What are some ways for you to have autonomy when you are back at school?


Summer is such an amazing time for adventures. School is so boring…

Mom/Dad:  I’m going to miss summer adventures too. How about asking your Adventurer to come up with an idea for a new family adventure once a week/month? I would love to hear your ideas!


Summer is SOOOOO fun. We get to play games and be creative. Why don’t teachers make school more fun. I would wake up on time and not complain about getting ready.

Mom/Dad:  I hear you – creative activities don’t get enough attention at school. Let’s ask your Creative about new ways to be creative on the weekends. I’ll help you get set up.

Standard Setter:  

I really want to get back to school so we can accomplish things. We are a bit lazy in the summer. I’m looking forward to science class. I hear the teacher is really good.

Mom/Dad:  I agree. Back to school is a great time to look forward to new challenges and achievements especially after a nice summer break.


I want to get back to school too. I love learning. But I’m worried about the high pressure to get good grades. Can’t we just focus on learning. I think I would get better grades that way.

Mom/Dad:  That’s interesting. We were thinking that encouraging high grades was helping you. Maybe we can focus more on what you are learning and help you learn even more.

Executive Manager:

I’ve been pretty much ignored all summer. Our bedroom is a mess, clothes and toys everywhere. I keep trying to tell the Creative and Adventurer that we need to spend some time organizing stuff. We need to be organized for school. But they just overrule me.

Mom/Dad:  That’s interesting. You’re not alone. Most kids have an Executive Manager that feels neglected. Would it work to ask for just fifteen minutes on weekend days to get organized? I can help. My Executive Manager would get a boost too.

Body Regulator:  

I LOVE THE SUMMER! Sunshine, running around, swimming, summer fruits, lots of sleep. No school stress. I’m worried about going back to school. It’s hard to get enough sleep and eat healthy lunches. Autonomy doesn’t like going to bed on time and Creative doesn’t like healthy foods that don’t taste great, like oatmeal and carrots.

Mom/Dad:  Adults have the same challenges. The Body Regulator often gets ignored when we are back to school and work. We could work together on some healthy habits. How about we make your lunch together in the evening and make sure Autonomy gets to do what it wants so it’s ready to go to bed?


Summer is really good family time. We have the best times. I’m going to miss summer.

Mom/Dad:  I know what you mean. Maybe we should create a special family event for the fall. What do you think?

Meaning Maker:  

I didn’t know I had a Meaning Maker. Huh. I guess I’m grateful that I don’t have to go to school in the summer. Adults have to keep working! And I’m glad to be refreshed before starting school again.

Mom/Dad:  Summers for kids are very special. I’m glad you are grateful.

The post Getting kids back to school: Inside out appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Margaret Moore, MBA

ADA joins surgeon general campaign to raise opioid abuse awareness

In support of U.S. Surgeon Gen. Vivek H. Murthy's national Turn the Tide campaign, the Association is asking dentists everywhere to take an online pledge to help curb the widespread abuse of opioid pain medications.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Medical Marijuana Pain Relief May Be Better in Men

Study found male users reporting bigger benefits compared to women


Drug May Help Kids With Autism Lose Weight

Weight gain is a side effect of antipsychotic drugs used to treat irritability and agitation


Surgeon general takes unprecedented step amid opioid epidemic

Opioids are “one of our greatest public health threats and it’s one that we have to respond to with speed and with urgency,” says U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Excess Weight Tied to Higher Risk for Many Cancers

International committee finds thinner folks less likely to develop variety of malignancies


Adult-Onset Asthma Might Raise Heart Risks

But shared risk factors, such as air pollution, might explain the connection, researchers say


Stress May Take Toll on Younger Women's Hearts

Female heart disease patients under 50 were 4 times more likely than male peers to show effects, study found


Zika May Persist for Months in Newborns: Study

Brazilian infant appeared outwardly fine at birth, but neurological troubles arose later


Surgeon general's letter to clinicians in crusade against opioid abuse

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy calls America's opioid epidemic the health crisis of our generation. It causes more than 1,000 emergency room visits and kills 78 people every day. This week, Dr. Murthy is taking the unprecedented step of mailing letters to the 2.3 million prescribers in America. First on "CBS This Morning," Dr. Murthy shows how he wants clinicians to help in the fight.


Genetic testing for breast cancer: Psychological and social impact

If you're considering genetic testing to determine your risk of breast or ovarian cancer, be prepared for how the test results might affect you.


Could Weight-Loss Surgery Up Preemie Birth Odds?

Monitoring is essential, especially later in pregnancy, study suggests
