Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fertility Tests May Not Gauge Biological Clock

Doctors say age remains a better indicator of a woman's 'reproductive potential'

From: http://www.webmd.com/infertility-and-reproduction/news/20171010/fertility-tests-may-not-gauge-biological-clock?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Canadians Seek Health Care at Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9Gx0MO58p4

First Lady Melania Trump visits opioid abuse treatment facility

Trump said that giving a voice to the opioid epidemic and helping children is a "passion" of hers

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/melania-trump-lends-voice-in-fight-against-opioid-abuse-at-infant-recovery-facility/

Precision Oncology: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOw0i48k4Ok

Prostate Cancer Decisions: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UOG9HBNHYg

Proton Beam Therapy: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRHwWE7wrQ4

Cochlear Implants: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pion0v4JnRE

Medical group: EPA's move "puts American lives at greater risk"

Coalition of medical groups says Americans' health will suffer if more carbon emissions are allowed from coal-fired power plants

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-epa-clean-power-plan-reversal-opposed-medical-coalition/

FDA Panel Considers Gene Therapy for Blindness

Procedure could help improve sight for those with a genetic eye disease.

From: http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/news/20171010/fda-panel-considers-gene-therapy-for-blindness?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Medicare Could Do More to Stem Opioid Epidemic

Prior authorization and quantity limits might help curb painkiller abuse, researchers say

From: http://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/news/20171010/medicare-could-do-more-to-stem-opioid-epidemic?src=RSS_PUBLIC

CA Governor: Law Hits ‘Evils’ Of Pharma Profits

Gov. Jerry Brown signed the measure, which takes effect next year and will require drug companies to publicly justify big price increases.

From: http://www.webmd.com/health-insurance/news/20171009/ca-governor-law-hits-evils-of-pharma-profits?src=RSS_PUBLIC

ADA member dentist among authors of national report on opioids epidemic

An estimated 2.5 million Americans struggle with opioid dependence, according to the National Academy of Medicine.


By David Burger


Probiotics: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7jzB6T0oDM

Radiology Innovations: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5xGLcQu56M

Relaxation and Resilience: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PZnxFc08i0

Talking to children about tragedies in the news

The news these days is overwhelming in its awfulness. There have been horrible hurricanes, the earthquake in Mexico — and the incomprehensible shootings in Las Vegas. It’s been so awful, and so unrelenting, that it is hard to even process it.

Imagine processing it as a child?

Our first instinct is usually to shelter our children from the news and not say anything about it to them at all. That’s completely understandable, and if your child is very young or you are certain for some other reason that they aren’t going to hear about it, then not saying anything is a viable option.

But if they aren’t very young, or if you ever have the news on where they can see, or if they are ever in settings where people might have the news on or talk about it, it might not be so viable. If children are going to hear about something, they really should hear about it from you.

Also, as parents it’s important that we give our children the perspective and skills they need to navigate this scary world where, let’s be honest, bad things happen. The way you talk to children about tragedies in the news can help them cope not just now, but in the future.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has all sorts of resources to help parents talk with children about tragedies. Here are four simple things all parents can and should do:

1.  Tell them what happened, in simple terms. Be honest, but skip the gory details. Answer their questions just as simply and honestly. If you think — or know — that your child has already heard something, ask them what they’ve heard. That way you can correct any misinformation, and know not only what you need to explain but also what you may need to reassure them about.

2.  Be mindful of the media that your child sees. The news can be very graphic — and because the media are as much in the business of gaining viewers as of delivering news, they tend to make things as dramatic as possible and play footage over and over again. When the planes flew into the Twin Towers on 9/11, my husband and I were glued to the television, not realizing that one of our daughters, who was 3 years old at the time, thought that planes were literally flying into buildings again and again. It wasn’t until she said, “Are those planes going to come here too?” that we shut off the TV and didn’t turn it back on again until all the children were in bed.

3.  Make sure your child knows that not only are tragedies uncommon, but that you and others are always doing everything you can to keep them safe. Talk about some of the ways you keep them safe, ways that are relevant to the tragedy you are talking about. Make a safety plan as a family for things like extreme weather or getting separated. Help them think about what they might do if they are ever in a scary situation, and who they could turn to for help. Which leads me to the most important thing to do…

4.  Look for the helpers. The wonderful Fred Rogers often talked about how when he saw scary things on the news, his mother would tell him to look for the helpers, because there are always people who are helping. That may be the best thing we can do as parents: help our children look for the helpers. In all of the recent tragedies, as in all tragedies, there were so many helpers and heroes. When we concentrate on those people, not only do we give our children hope, we may empower them to one day be helpers too.

The post Talking to children about tragedies in the news appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Claire McCarthy, MD https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/talking-to-children-about-tragedies-in-the-news-2017101012567

High-Fat Diets Can Endanger Young MS Patients

These regimens raised the risk for disease relapse, study found

From: http://www.webmd.com/multiple-sclerosis/news/20171010/high-fat-diets-can-endanger-young-ms-patients?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Celiac Disease May Follow Type 1 Diabetes

Screening for early signs of both conditions should be done at birth, study suggests

From: http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/news/20171010/celiac-disease-may-follow-type-1-diabetes-?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Rethinking the Annual Exam: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=th8BvnUlULA

Rhabdomyolysis: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8luZTZRRc8

Salmonella and Food Safety: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXS9e5iF-EQ

Will Catholic universities withdraw birth control coverage?

Because of the Catholic Church's strict stance against contraception, Notre Dame University has fought the birth control mandate for years

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/notre-dame-birth-control-mandate-rollback-student-speaks-out/

Seasonal Allergies: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMy1kmZnRQU

Sexually Transmitted Infections: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LclgEJe_zCE

Notre Dame student fears losing birth control coverage

The Trump administration's plan to roll back mandatory insurance coverage for birth control faces a new federal court challenge. Washington state's attorney general sued Friday to stop the new rules from taking effect. Notre Dame University has fought the mandate for years, but while it hasn't decided to withdraw coverage yet, some students are worried they're about to lose an important part of their health care. Adriana Diaz reports.

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/notre-dame-student-fears-losing-birth-control-coverage/

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to commence transition to new Medicare cards

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services mailed letters Oct. 5 to all fee-for-service Medicare providers about its work to assign new numbers — known as Medicare beneficiary identifiers or MBIs — and issue new Medicare cards to all people with Medicare commencing in April 2018.

From: http://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2017-archive/october/centers-for-medicare-medicaid-services-to-commence-transition-to-new-medicare-cards

WHO to establish high-level commission on noncommunicable diseases

WHO Director-General announced today the establishment of a new High-level global Commission on Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs).

From: http://www.who.int/entity/mediacentre/news/statements/2017/ncd-commission/en/index.html

Painkillers: Warning Signs of Addiction

Many people worry that taking narcotic painkillers will lead to addiction. There are usually warning signs along the way, like the ones listed here.

From: https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/painkiller-addiction-warning-signs?src=RSS_PUBLIC