Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Low resting heart rate tied to criminal behavior in men

Researchers say a low resting heart rate may be one of many predictors of violence


The 10 best countries to live in for people over 60

The Global AgeWatch Index analyzed data from around the world to rank the best places for older adults


California lawmakers OK new right to die legislation

The latest measure now moves from the Assembly to the state Senate, but Gov. Jerry Brown has not said if he would sign it


Testicular Cancer: Genes Account for Half the Risk

dna strand

Almost 50% of the risk of getting testicular cancer comes from the DNA passed down from our parents, according to a new study. WebMD has the details.


Dangers of Vaginal Mesh Surgery for Incontinence May Be Overstated: Study

Study finds missed diagnoses happen with many

It found only 1 in 30 women will suffer a complication that requires a second procedure


Rosacea Caused Half by Nature, Half by Lifestyle: Study

If you have a family history of the skin

If you have a family history of the skin condition, limit sun exposure, doctors say


Could Psychedelic Drugs Be Good Medicine for Some?

Experts say choice depends on individual patient,

Preliminary research suggests potential benefits for psychiatric disorders, substance abuse


Think Genes Drive Obesity? You May Eat Less Healthy

In study, people who thought DNA dictated their body weight had worse diets and exercised less


Diabetes a Concern for Half of Americans

Allentown, PA

Half of Americans have diabetes or are well on their way to getting it, a new study estimates. WebMD has the details.


Trying E-Cigarettes May Lead to Smoking, Study Suggests

But e-cigarettes continue to rise in popularity,

Surveys of teens, young adults detect correlation


Sleep Apnea May Hurt Kids' Grades

But other lifestyle factors also influence weight

Children with snoring or other irregular nighttime breathing need evaluation, experts say


Getting The Word Out: Obamacare Is For Native Americans Too

Many Native Americans rely entirely on free care from the financially strapped Indian Health Service. Advocates say signing up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act can broaden their choices.


Inviting Medical Education Faculty to Faculty Upgrade 2.0 - A Faculty Development Course

From: Mayo Clinic

Psychedelic drugs as treatment for anxiety, addiction

In controlled settings, researchers say hallucinatory drugs could benefit patients with hard-to-treat mental health conditions


Heroin epidemic puts more newborns at risk

Children born to heroin-addicted mothers can face a range of problems, leaving families and health officials struggling to help


Littlest victims of America's heroin epidemic

One mother describes struggling with an addiction that seemed "more important to me than my children"


School's Facebook post on kids' bedtimes goes viral

Parents argue over whether or not the early-to-bed guidelines are realisitic


Rosacea Caused Half by Nature, Half by Lifestyle: Study

If you have a family history of the skin

If you have a family history of the skin condition, limit sun exposure, doctors say


Think Genes Drive Obesity? You May Eat Less Healthy

In study, people who thought DNA dictated their body weight had worse diets and exercised less


Statement from Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on New Data Showing National Food Security Rate is Strongest since before the Recession

WASHINGTON, Sept. 9, 2015 — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the following statement on the release of the USDA Economic Research Service analysis Household Food Security in the United States in 2014:


Half of U.S. adults have diabetes or prediabetes

Rates of type 2 diabetes are rising, and an even larger group has condition that puts them at high risk of developing it


Hollis Youngner's Story - Mayo Clinic Model of Care

From: Mayo Clinic

Parents Talking Type 1: Scott and Arden


We recently asked our Facebook and Twitter communities to send us their stories—specifically, what it’s like to be the parent of a child living with type 1 diabetes. Having received a lot of wonderful stories, we’re excited to present these favorites on the blog every week.

We hope you’re as inspired by these personal stories as we are, and that you’re willing to keep the conversation going. Tell us more in the comments!

Name: Scott and Arden (@ArdensDay)IMG_3166
Location: Central New Jersey

Arden, 11 years old, was diagnosed around her second birthday. No one else in the family has diabetes, but there are other varying endocrine issues with the women on my wife’s side.

My wife and I had children because we wanted to love and care for them, to help them to become happy and healthy adults. We certainly weren’t expecting that type 1 diabetes would be part of our lives as we planned a family. However, it’s here and the pressure, responsibility and burden of parenting with type 1 does not change our desire to be the parents that we imagined we were before Arden was born. We are living the life we have and living it as well as we can.

Arden is about to enter the sixth grade. She wears a Dexcom CGM (continuous glucose monitor) and I can see the blood glucose readings on my iPhone. Her A1C dropped over a point and a half a few years ago but afterwards we began to handle the school day as if we were together along with school staff. I talk about it on an episode of my Juicebox Podcast titled “Texting Diabetes.” I have worked extensively with the school staff over the years to build a good relationship. This time spent is invaluable.

My daughter’s type 1 diagnosis is, to date, the most terrible thing that has happened to our family. But we didn’t let it affect who we are at our core. Our goals and the way we go about our days, those things remain unchanged. I would do anything for diabetes not to exist, but living with and loving a person who has a chronic illness gives you a perspective that would take two lifetimes to fully understand. This perspective is a gift that will enhance your life in ways that you can’t imagine. It’s not a fair trade by any means, but please don’t let anger and sadness keep you from seeing it. It will carry you a long way.

My advice to other parents with newly diagnosed children would be to find a community. Also know that while living with type 1 diabetes never gets easier, you will get so much better at dealing with it that one day, much sooner than you can imagine right now, it will feel easy (on most days). Hang tough, gain experiences, pay attention to trends and stay fluid.

The American Diabetes Association’s Safe at School campaign is dedicated to making sure that all children with diabetes are medically safe at school and have the same educational opportunities as their peers. To learn more, visit

From: American Diabetes Association

Child mortality rates plunge by more than half since 1990 but global MDG target missed by wide margin

Child mortality rates have plummeted to less than half of what they were in 1990, according to a new report released today. Under-five deaths have dropped from 12.7 million per year in 1990 to 5.9 million in 2015. This is the first year the figure has gone below the 6 million mark.

New estimates in “Levels and trends in child mortality report 2015,” released by UNICEF, WHO, the World Bank Group, and the Population Division of UNDESA, indicate that although the global progress has been substantial, 16 000 children under 5 still die every day. And the 53% drop in under-five mortality is not enough to meet the Millennium Development Goal of a two-thirds reduction between 1990 and 2015.


Terminal illness: Supporting a terminally ill loved one
