Friday, October 28, 2016

Bachelor party leads to adoption of 7 puppies

When Mitchel Craddock and his groomsmen set off to celebrate his upcoming marriage, they didn't expect to come home with a stray dog and her 7 puppies. All eight have now been adopted.


Impact of legalized marijuana

Voters in five states will vote on whether to legalize recreational marijuana. Colorado was one of the first states to do so. In a story airing Sunday on "60 Minutes," Dr. Jon LaPook reports on how the decision is impacting citizens there.


Big Food wants to make frozen meals cool again

Food companies hope healthier products will lure increasingly diet-conscious young adults back to the freezer aisle


These bikes are simply, well... electrifying

Electric bikes, called e-bikes, leave people smiling – here's why


Feel like your job is killing you? This could be why

A certain combination of factors at work could take a toll on your health


Make Shots Less Painful for Your Baby

father kissing newborn baby

Tips to soothe your little one and ease your stress during vaccinations.


More Than Willpower: How I Live Well With ADHD

women hugging holding water bottles

A WebMD reader shares how medication and a strong support system lead to her success.


Acne Gives Up Secret That Points to New Treatments

Bacteria on skin sometimes release fatty acids that trigger inflammation, researchers report


Nearly 3% of U.S. Adults Have Weakened Immunity

Advances in treating HIV and autoimmune diseases are keeping more patients alive


Keep Your Lows From Keeping You Down


Because bipolar depression can resemble other conditions, see your doctor or mental health professional to get a correct diagnosis.


Woman Gets $70M in Baby Powder/Ovarian Cancer Suit

Woman Gets $70M in Baby Powder/Ovarian Cancer Suit


Skin Patch May Help With Peanut Allergy

Delivering small amounts of peanut protein boosted tolerance for about half of young patients in study


Measles Complication: More Common Than Thought?

One more reason to get your child vaccinated against the disease, infection experts say


Experimental Drug Might Help Drug-Resistant HIV

'This is potentially a lifesaving therapy,' researcher says


Statement by Agriculture Secretary Vilsack on How Ag Export Surge Boosted GDP Growth

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today issued the following statement:


Doctors reach surprising conclusion in treating kids' migraines

Study author says the results “really challenge what is typical practice today by headache specialists"


Should your child take a cholesterol test?

A new study looks at what might happen if the timeline for heart disease prevention was moved up – way up


How You Can Meditate

Author Dan Harris and meditation expert Joseph Goldberg discuss how even the busiest, most distracted person can find a calmer state of mind.


Teal pumpkins make Halloween happy for kids with allergies

The Teal Pumpkin Project aims to make the candy-crazy holiday fun for kids with food allergies and other health issues


How the Teal Pumpkin Project hopes to change Halloween

For millions of kids with food allergies, Halloween can be full of hazards. But the Teal Pumpkin Project hopes to change that. CBS News' Kenneth Craig explains how.


Eating for Longevity

woman reaching in fridge

What makes some people live longer than others? Studies suggest that diet is one of the important contributors to longevity and a healthy life.


WHO: Oral cholera vaccines arrive to Haiti

From: World Health Organization

Join the Teal Pumpkin Project on Halloween

Painted pumpkins let trick-or-treaters with food allergies know safe treats are available


More Americans Getting Health Care Under Obamacare

News comes as double-digit price hikes for health plans on the horizon


USDA Invests $1.7 Billion to Protect Sensitive Agricultural Lands through Conservation Reserve Program

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2016 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will issue nearly $1.7 billion in payments to more than half of a million Americans who have contracts with the government to protect sensitive agricultural lands. The investment, part of the voluntary USDA Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), will allow producers to protect almost 24 million acres of wetlands, grasslands and wildlife habitat in 2016.


JADA looks at how alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drug abuse relate to sleep bruxism

Alcohol, tobacco and caffeine could facilitate or exacerbate sleep bruxism, according to a systematic review featured in the November issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association.


Stressful Job, Little Control: Shorter Life Spans?

Workers with more say in their jobs had better chance of living longer, study finds


More Adults Think E-Cigs as Harmful as Cigarettes

But researchers note they can help smokers quit even if they're not risk-free


Dental Cleanings May Help Keep Lungs Clean Too

Twice annual visits reduce bacteria that can cause pneumonia, researcher says


Talk to the animals: Animal-assisted therapy offers emotional support

My Shih Tzu, Latte, is like a therapist, personal trainer, and primary care physician all wrapped up into 10 pounds of white fluffiness. When you are bedridden with a cold, she never leaves your side until you are well. When you have a bad day, she is there with a comforting look that says, “Everything is going to be okay.” At 5 p.m., she reminds you that you’ve sat for too long and need to take her for a walk.

It turns out that Latte is doing what most animals naturally do with humans: provide comfort and support.

This type of therapeutic interaction even has a scientific name — animal-assisted therapy (AAT) — and research has shown it helps with a variety of emotional issues like depression, anxiety, and grief.

“The great thing about animals is they don’t have a preconceived notion of people,” says Dr. Henry Feldman, of the Division of General Internal Medicine at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. “They provide unconditional love, which encourages interaction and helps people feel more confident.”

Animal-assisted therapy in action

Animal-assisted therapy involves interacting regularly with animals for a set time over weeks or months. The get-togethers usually involve dogs and cats in either individual or group settings, and consist of everything from petting to giving treats to just sitting together.

What happens when you interact with animals? Researchers speculate that levels of oxytocin, the “love hormone” that encourages bonding, often increase, as does the production of serotonin, the feel-good brain chemical.

Animal-assisted therapy is often used in retirement centers to help people with depression. A study in the June 2013 Anthrozoos found that patients with dementia living in residential care who received 11 weeks of dog-assisted therapy improved their depression scores compared with those who had human-only therapy.

Hospitals also use animal-assisted therapy for patients coping with stressful treatment and recovery. A study in the January 2015 Journal of Community and Supportive Oncology explored how AAT — in this case therapy dogs — affected the well-being of cancer patients who underwent radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The patients received daily 15- to 20-minute animal visits for six weeks, and afterward reported a noticeable increase in their emotional well-being.

AAT is especially helpful for people healing after traumatic events like an accident, the death of a loved one, or catastrophes like the recent Pulse club shootings in Orlando. In fact, Orlando’s Trinity Lutheran Church coordinated with Chicago-based Lutheran Church Charities’ K-9 Comfort Dogs program to bring in golden retrievers to help with grief counseling for survivors, first responders, and volunteers.

Find your animal therapy

Physicians usually “prescribe” animal-assisted therapy, but you may need to be proactive and inquire about AAT and how it may complement your treatment and needs. But you don’t need a prescription to tap into AAT’s feel-good effects. Pet ownership is one way, but if you are not ready for that responsibility, check with your local senior center about public animal therapy programs, or volunteer with community partners of animal therapy organizations like Pet Partners, Therapy Dogs International, and the Good Dog Foundation.

Another option: advertise your services as a local pet sitter or dog walker, or lend a hand to a pet-owning neighbor, friend, or family member. Or you could hang out with Latte for awhile. She would love it.

Learn more about the health benefits of canine companionship in the Harvard Medical School Special Health Report, Get Healthy, Get a Dog.

The post Talk to the animals: Animal-assisted therapy offers emotional support appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

Mayo Clinic Minute: Breast cancer strikes men, too

From: Mayo Clinic

How to choose a Medicare Advantage health plan

Now's the time to shop for your insurance coverage -- here's a step-by-step guide to finding the best plan for the best price


$70M jury award to woman in suit over Johnson & Johnson baby powder

She said years of using J&J talcum powder caused her ovarian cancer, which company denies; it's third such award, but 2 other cases tossed
