Wednesday, June 1, 2016

FDA releases new sodium guidelines

The FDA is suggesting food companies and restaurants gradually reduce sodium levels in food by a third over the next decade


The ever-escalating cost of cancer drugs

Novel but pricey new therapies and old-fashioned price hikes are combining to put unprecedented strain on patient budgets


Feds: Colo. surgery tech accused of stealing syringes is HIV+

Hospital told 2,900 people that they should be tested for H​IV and hepatitis​ B and C, which can be transmitted by contaminated needles


First U.S. penis transplant recipient leaves hospital

Thomas Manning is still waiting for swelling from surgery to subside: "It's one of those things that, if you look at it, it doesn't look too good"


U.S. death rate rises for first time in a decade

Researchers aren't exactly sure what prompted the increase but think it's due to a combination of factors


Kids' concussion rates may be vastly underreported

Since most children who suffer a concussion aren't first seen in the ER, many cases don't get counted, researchers say


Sisters diagnosed weeks apart fight breast cancer together

The two sisters from Utah are facing cancer like they have nearly every other aspect of their lives - as a team


Woman drags casket 80 miles for mental health awareness

Casket's lid bears the names of about 70 people to whom the woman had a personal connection who have killed themselves


Nightmare antibiotic-resistant superbug: What's the risk?

After a Pennsylvania woman was infected with bacteria resistant to "last resort" antibiotics, officials weigh in on how much people should worry


The FDA's new push to make foods less salty

The proposed guidelines, released today, have a catch


6-year-old calls 911 on dad

Could this young boy have a future in law enforcement?


Is artificial intelligence coming to YouTube?

Google's CEO Sundar Pinchai says artificial intelligence will eventually come to YouTube


Bill Gates calls artificial intelligence "the holy grail"

Calling artificial intelligence "the holy grail," Bill Gates says he expects robots to do jobs for humans within the next 20 years


Amazon CEO's plan to save the Earth

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos spoke at Recode's third annual code conference in Southern California and shared his idea for how to develop outer space


Former RNC chairman on why he's supporting Donald Trump

Donald Trump may be the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, but he is still launching attacks against fellow Republicans


Man who beat wife's attacker to death released from jail

Charges have been reduced for a Bronx man who beat his wife's would-be rapist to death


Top Pentagon official in hot water

Police are investigating whether or not a top Pentagon official waged war on his next door neighbors and their nanny over a parking dispute


Professor is victim in UCLA murder-suicide

Law enforcement sources have identified the victim of Wednesday's UCLA murder-suicide as Professor William Klug


Hillary Clinton calls Donald Trump a "fraud"

Hillary Clinton called Donald Trump a "fraud" for allegedly ripping off students at Trump University


President Obama tears into Donald Trump's rhetoric

President Obama is tearing into Donald Trump's plan for America


Jeff Bezos' plan to save Earth

Amazon co-founder Jeff Bezos says he has a plan to save Earth by moving our jobs to outer space


Ala. teacher suspended for math test about drugs, prostitution

Middle school in Alabama is investigating after test referencing drugs, gangs and pimps was allegedly given to students


Couple moving into NYC apartment find dead body

Pair were cleaning out the apartment in the Bronx when they moved a blanket and saw a foot sticking out


Reid on Sanders: "Sometimes you just have to give up"

"I think he better do a little mathing," the Senate minority leader said of his colleague


Hispanics for Trump

They may be the last people you'd expect to support Trump, but some do and here's why


Victim's parents sue N.H. prep school over sexual assault

Student's parents say elite St. Paul's School "fostered a culture of misogyny and male privilege," failed to stop sexual conquest tradition


Recalled General Mills flour largely comes from Missouri plant

Several varieties of Gold Medal and Signature Kitchens flour sold at Safeway, Albertsons and other supermarkets recalled over E. coli outbreak


Obama on why he won't speak Donald Trump's name

The president touches on the state of the 2016 race in discussion of America's economic recovery


Judge denies Sanders allies' voter registration suit in Calif.

The suit alleged independent voters were not being given enough time or information to cast votes in the Democratic presidential primary


FDA releases new sodium guidelines

The FDA is suggesting food companies and restaurants gradually reduce sodium levels in food by a third over the next decade


Problems for Obamacare: Largest Texas insurer asks big price hike

Citing financial losses under the health care law, many insurers around the country are requesting bigger premium increases for 2017


Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine, EXOS, and Karl Anthony Towns Cooking Lesson

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Golf Performance Program

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Brittany Rask — EXOS Rally

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - John Zeuli — EXOS Rally

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Phyllis Hanson — Physical Therapy

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Mark Stuart – Hockey

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Willie Borm — Freestyle Skier, Team USA

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Jason Zucker – Physical Therapy/EXOS

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Sam Bjellum — Junior Hockey Player

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Rafael Sierra M.D. - EXOS Elevate

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - 2016 Minnesota Twins Caravan

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Running Performance

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine

From: Mayo Clinic

Feds: Colo. surgery tech accused of stealing syringes is HIV+

Hospital told 2,900 people that they should be tested for H​IV and hepatitis​ B and C, which can be transmitted by contaminated needles


Hep C Treatments: New Drugs Offer New Hope

New treatments are bringing new hope for people with hepatitis C. WebMD has the details


Living With Hep C: What to Expect

You've been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. Here's what you need to know about symptoms, treatments -- and a possible cure.


First U.S. penis transplant receipient leaves hospital

The patient, Thomas Manning, says he isn't in pain and that his body seems to be accepting the transplant


U.S. death rate rises for first time in a decade

Researchers aren't exactly sure what prompted the increase but think it's due to a combination of factors


ADHD Meds May Pose Heart Risks for Some Kids

Study found slightly higher chance of irregular heartbeat shortly after starting methylphenidate


Kids' concussion rates may be vastly underreported

Since most children who suffer a concussion aren't first seen in the ER, many cases don't get counted, researchers say


Sisters diagnosed weeks apart fight breast cancer together

The two sisters from Utah are facing cancer like they have nearly every other aspect of their lives - as a team


Long-Term Pot Use Tied to Gum Disease

Besides gum health, researchers assessed lung function, risk factors for heart disease and diabetes


FDA Calls for Less Salt in Processed Foods

Agency sets short- and long-term goals in effort to cut Americans' risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke


U.S. Death Rate Rises for First Time in Decade

U.S. Death Rate Rises for First Time in Decade


Dinner on Your Doorstep: Are Meal Kits Worth It?

woman opening box of vegetables

Meal kits shipped to your home every week have taken off. Are they worth it? WebMD takes a look.


A Postnatal Diet Containing Phospholipids, Processed to Yield Large, Phospholipid-Coated Lipid Droplets, Affects Specific Cognitive Behaviors in Healthy Male Mice [Nutrient Physiology, Metabolism, and Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions]

Background: Infant cognitive development can be positively influenced by breastfeeding rather than formula feeding. The composition of breast milk, especially lipid quality, and the duration of breastfeeding have been linked to this effect.

Objective: We investigated whether the physical properties and composition of lipid droplets in milk may contribute to cognitive development.

Methods: From postnatal day (P) 16 to P44, healthy male C57BL/6JOlaHsd mice were fed either a control or a concept rodent diet, in which the dietary lipid droplets were large and coated with milk phospholipids, resembling more closely the physical properties and composition of breast milk lipids. Thereafter, all mice were fed an AIN-93M semisynthetic rodent diet. The mice were subjected to various cognitive tests during adolescence (P35–P44) and adulthood (P70–P101). On P102, mice were killed and brain phospholipids were analyzed.

Results: The concept diet improved performance in short-term memory tasks that rely on novelty exploration during adolescence (T-maze; spontaneous alternation 87% in concept-fed mice compared with 74% in mice fed control diet; P < 0.05) and adulthood (novel object recognition; preference index 0.48 in concept-fed mice compared with 0.05 in control-fed mice; P < 0.05). Cognitive performance in long-term memory tasks, however, was unaffected by diet. Brain phospholipid composition at P102 was not different between diet groups.

Conclusions: Exposure to a diet with lipids mimicking more closely the structure and composition of lipids in breast milk improved specific cognitive behaviors in mice. These data suggest that lipid structure should be considered as a relevant target to improve dietary lipid quality in infant milk formulas.

From: Schipper, L., van Dijk, G., Broersen, L. M., Loos, M., Bartke, N., Scheurink, A. J., van der Beek, E. M.

This Helps Heart Failure Patients Avoid Hospital

New evidence suggests annual jab is warranted


General Mills Flour Brands Recalled

General Mills Flour Brands Recalled


Girl With Zika Birth Defect Born at NJ Hospital

The mother was apparently infected in her home country of Honduras, reports indicate


Swimming, Archery and Empowerment: Lisa and Nichole’s Diabetes Camp Story


The American Diabetes Association® is proud to offer Diabetes Camps as a way for children living with diabetes to just be kids and enjoy traditional summer camp activities—all while learning important diabetes self-management skills from trained medical professionals and gaining self-confidence by spending time with peers who also live with diabetes.

This story comes from Lisa Savoy, whose daughter Nichole has attended Diabetes Camp three times. Read on—then find out how to become a Camp Champion.

From left to right: Nichole, Gary, Lisa and Ryan Savoy

From left to right: Nichole, Gary, Lisa and Ryan Savoy

How do I even begin to explain what a life-changing experience Camp Carefree was for my daughter? Nichole was diagnosed with type 1 at age 9, and we actually learned of New Hampshire’s Camp Carefree, a two-week sleepover camp for kids with diabetes, during that first trip to the doctor. The doctor who diagnosed her happened to spend part of his summers there, and he encouraged us to look into it because Nichole was old enough for camp.

Our daughter used to be a bit of a “mommy’s girl,” though, so we weren’t surprised that she didn’t initially express interest. However, by age 11, Nichole told us that she was ready—and it was the best decision she’s made in her life.

Since being diagnosed, Nichole hadn’t slept over at anyone’s house; going to Camp Carefree was a big deal for her and us. We could tell she was a little nervous as she sat quietly in the car during our drive to camp, but one of the great things about Camp Carefree is that new campers check in before returning campers—all of the other children arriving with us were in the same boat as Nichole. She was hardly out of the car before she made friends with a girl her age!

We only stayed for a bit before leaving Nichole with her counselors and fellow campers. I remember looking at her as we drove away, praying she would do well. It took me almost a week to grow accustomed to not getting up to check on her in the middle of the night. During her time at camp, writing letters was our only method of communication, and I couldn’t wait to see her again.

When I arrived back at the camp two weeks later, I was greeted by a different Nichole. Camp Carefree had matured my daughter—she came home with more confidence and more knowledge about diabetes. Before camp, Nichole had only changed her insulin pump infusion site once. Afterward, she couldn’t wait to show me that she could change and rotate her sites all on her own, and she shared diabetes knowledge that even I didn’t know.

What Nichole loved most about Camp Carefree was that she spent two weeks with other kids who deal with the exact same things she does on a daily basis. She said she felt normal, and the friendships that she made at camp have made a lasting impression. She talks to her new friends almost daily, and even though some of them live far away, she’s gotten to see a few in person since camp ended.

Now about to begin her fourth summer of camp (and final summer as a camper), Nichole can’t wait to return—she’s even planning to become a Counselor-In-Training next year so she can help new campers the way that her counselors helped her.

I encourage every family who has a child with diabetes to look into Diabetes Camp. The time away may seem long, but it goes by quickly and is absolutely worth it. Camp Carefree is the best thing to happen to my daughter since diagnosis.

Want to get involved with Diabetes Camps? Become a Camp Champion! By donating to the Association’s Diabetes Camps, you’ll help Team Tackle—an initiative uniting current, former and upcoming players from all 32 professional football teams—provide life-changing experiences for children with diabetes. Learn more at

From: American Diabetes Association

Another Promising Application for Stem Cells: Crohn’s Complications - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Women With Migraine and Heart Disease, Stroke Risk

Researchers say it should be considered an independent risk factor for future heart trouble


Woman drags casket 80 miles for mental health awareness

Casket's lid bears the names of about 70 people to whom the woman had a personal connection who have killed themselves


Nightmare antibiotic-resistant superbug: What's the risk?

After a Pennsylvania woman was infected with bacteria resistant to "last resort" antibiotics, officials weigh in on how much people should worry


The FDA's new push to make foods less salty

The proposed guidelines, released today, have a catch


Tips for a Happy Home Life When You've Got RA

father and son doing laundry

Painful, stiff joints can interfere with your daily activities. WebMD shares how you can keep your household running smoothly.


Stay Active With RA and Keep Up the Fun

man and woman on beach

WebMD explains how some smart planning and the right moves can let you enjoy travel, evenings out, and hobbies, even if your rheumatoid arthritis flares up.


How to Do Household Chores When You Have RA

woman vacuuming rug

WebMD describes tips, tricks, and gadgets to help keep your house tidy when you have rheumatoid arthritis.


How to Do Household Chores When You Have RA

woman vacuuming rug

WebMD describes tips, tricks, and gadgets to help keep your house tidy when you have rheumatoid arthritis.


How to Talk to Others About Your RA

coffe cups and conversation

WebMD has tips on how to open up to family and friends about how your rheumatoid arthritis affects you.


Your Rheumatoid Arthritis When the Season Changes

man laying in pool

Does a change in weather patterns make a difference in your RA pain? WebMD explains how to get year-round relief.


How to Beat Morning Pain From Rheumatoid Arthritis

clothes in dryer

WebMD gives you tips on how to ease joint stiffness and pain that can flare up at the start of your day.


End of Ebola transmission in Guinea

WHO declares the end of Ebola virus transmission in the Republic of Guinea.


Top distraction for teen drivers in crashes may surprise you

Startling new AAA research reveals the disturbing behaviors behind distracted driving among young drivers
