Thursday, December 7, 2017

DNA is going digital – what could possibly go wrong?

When biology and cybersecurity collide: the emerging field of cyberbiosecurity explores a whole new category of risks


Scans reveal solar eclipse damage to woman's eye

The woman told doctors she looked directly at the eclipse for just a few seconds


Lawsuit claims surgeon took Spanish test while operating

According to the lawsuit, the patient overheard her doctor say some alarming things while she was undergoing procedure


Study: Genes Start Mutating Soon After Conception

The Yale University and Mayo Clinic scientists said that many of these mutations occur as sex cells are forming in the embryo.


Have Eczema? No Need for Bleach Baths, Study Suggests

Doctors sometimes recommend a bleach bath, which is a mixture of a small amount of bleach in a pool of cool or warm water


A better mammogram? Study puts 3-D scans to the test

Health officials are starting a huge study to tell if the newer, sometimes pricier scans really improve screening for breast cancer


Womens Wellness: Reproductive organ transplantation

From: Mayo Clinic

As Hearing Fades With Age, Dementia Risk May Rise

New research does suggest that hearing loss raises the odds for dementia, but the jury is still out on whether one condition actually causes the other, experts say.


Brain Changes Seen in U.S. Embassy Victims in Cuba

The finding is among a number of factors leading to increasing doubt that the 24 Americans in Havana were victims of some type of sonic attack.


Scientists call for research on medical pot for pets

Some people are turning to marijuana-based treatments to relieve their pets' suffering, but there's little data on whether they work or if they're safe


Healthy Living May Ease Some MS Symptoms

The study also found that a healthy lifestyle was linked to less depression, fatigue and pain for people with MS.


Gene Therapy May Let Hemophilia Patients Skip Meds

This could eliminate the need for tedious and costly standard treatments, researchers report.


Boy's Double Hand Transplant Changed His Brain

Harvey, now 10, lost both hands because of a severe infection in infancy.


How dangerous is breathing smoke from wildfires?

An atmospheric chemist explains the health hazards of wildfire smoke and what kinds of protection work best


Mayo Clinic Minute: Play safer hockey

From: Mayo Clinic

What to do for stubborn low back pain

A while back, I covered the updated evidence-based treatment guidelines for acute (less than four weeks) and subacute (less than twelve weeks) low back pain. I promised a post on chronic (more than twelve weeks) back pain.

Well, as I write this, I am suffering from a recurrence of my own low back pain, which radiates down my right leg at times. This has been literally and figuratively a pain in my rear end, for years.

Being a doctor who practices what I preach, I am putting all the advice I dispense to good use.

First, look for possible triggers

This fall, I had gotten away from my regular core-strengthening routine (nighttime planks, pushups, and abdominal exercises, on the carpet as the kids are going to sleep). At about the same time, I increased the consecutive hours spent sitting at my desk, typing away. Weakened core plus prolonged time seated at an ergonomically challenging workspace equals exacerbation of my chronic low back pain.

This situation is exceedingly common. I have both short-term and long-term solutions. For now, I get up and stand when my Fitbit buzzes (which is every 20 minutes). At least once an hour, I do toe-touches, side and back bends. I’m also adding in really quick and easy in-office core strengthening exercises. As a matter of fact, my nurse practitioners and I just practiced our chair squats, one-legged chair stands, and desk planks, as we sit here at our computers for hours at a time. Try this core workout you can do right in your office.

Next, find a way to ease the pain (ideally without medication)

Some days and nights, the throbbing pain is so bad it’s distracting, and I get irritable. What helps me are simple, holistic, evidence-based measures: ice packs alternating with heating pads, massage, gentle stretching including yoga poses, and deep breathing. These and other non-pharmacologic modalities such as tai chi, acupuncture, biofeedback, and spinal manipulation are supported by evidence and included in the updated guidelines for management of chronic low back pain.

I also use topical products that are sold over the counter: salves, usually containing menthol and camphor, and patches, usually 4% lidocaine. Salves can be massaged in to painful areas, and I feel that they are benign and truly soothe (though they have not been well-studied). Key is to keep these products away from children (camphor can be toxic to kids) and also out of your eyes (it can sting). Lidocaine patches are “numbing” and are great for focal pain, as well as widely available and inexpensive.

If I have to, I’ll take a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug like naproxen (two 220-mg tablets with food and fluids). I had to take this one day, to get through my clinic. I didn’t think patients would understand my getting up, stretching, and touching my toes during their visit! (NSAIDs are not without risk and their use should be limited. The elderly, people with a history of or risk factors for heart attacks and strokes, as well as those with kidney problems or a history of gastritis or ulcers should really avoid using these medications.) Studies suggest that muscle relaxants can also be helpful for some people.

Do what you can to keep it from flaring up again

I have done physical therapy in the past, which included guided stretching, lower back stabilization, and motor control exercises. The idea is to learn the exercises that work for you and keep doing them. Back before I had kids, I took formal yoga and Pilates classes at the gym. (Yes, I remember those days…) Nowadays, I rely on my home yoga and core exercises, with some of the moves I learned from physical therapy mixed in, all of which I really, really need to practice nightly. My routine takes all of five to 10 minutes, and also helps me to relax into sleep.

I’m two weeks into this latest bout of pain, and I find that any long car ride or day at work sets me back. I’m plugging away at it, as I know that almost all back pain goes away with time.


Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Back Pain: A Clinical Practice Guideline from the American College of Physicians. Annals of Internal Medicine, April 2017.

The post What to do for stubborn low back pain appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Monique Tello, MD, MPH

Alzheimer's Cases to Double by 2060: Report

As the baby boomer population ages, the number of Americans with Alzheimer's disease will double by 2060, researchers report.


Acupuncture May Ease Pain From Breast Cancer Care

The finding could be a win-win for breast cancer patients,  said one oncologist who reviewed the study.


Powerful Clot-Busting Drugs Not Useful For DVT

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - the development of a clot in the lower legs - can prove deadly, since the clot can travel to the heart and lungs


Why is a potentially lethal chemical still legal in the U.S.?

California is considering whether a dangerous chemical found in common paint strippers should be taken off the market. Health authorities there say dozens of people have died from exposure to methylene chloride. The Environmental Protection Agency is also proposing a ban, but chemical manufacturers say it is safe if used correctly. Anna Werner reports.


Pfizer to Offer Generic Version of Viagra

More generics will become available next summer, which could drive prices down by as much as 90 percent.


Modern birth control linked to breast cancer risk, study finds

A new study finds a link between newer forms of hormonal birth control and the risk of breast cancer. It found a small but meaningful increase in risk following the extended use of birth control pills, IUD's and other forms of hormonal contraception. Dr. David Agus joins "CBS This Morning" from Los Angeles to discuss why the news is a surprise to many doctors.


Dementia: number of people affected to triple in next 30 years

As the global population ages, the number of people living with dementia is expected to triple from 50 million to 152 million by 2050.

"Nearly 10 million people develop dementia each year, 6 million of them in low- and middle-income countries," says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO. "The suffering that results is enormous. This is an alarm call: we must pay greater attention to this growing challenge and ensure that all people living with dementia, wherever they live, get the care that they need."


Birth Control Tied to Rise in Breast Cancer Risk

Still, experts cautioned that the absolute risk of breast cancer for any one woman on the Pill remains very low.
