Monday, August 22, 2016

Florida students in Zika zone begin school year amid outbreak

More than 7,000 students in Miami-Dade County started the new school year in a Zika zone​; Zika virus infections in the area up to 37 now


Florida students begin classes amid Zika outbreak

More than 8,000 students in Miami-Dade county started the new school year Monday in the "Zika zone." The students were offered free protective clothing and insect repellant. David Begnaud has more.


EpiPen Price Hikes: What to Know


The rising cost of a life-saving allergy drug dispenser called an EpiPen is raising eyebrows at the pharmacy counter and on Capitol Hill.


Ranger Cattle – Joshua Eilers - Austin,Texas

From: USDA

Why you might be less optimistic than you think

Psychologists take a new, critical look at the common belief that humans are inherently optimistic beings


Mayo Clinic Live Stream

From: Mayo Clinic

Correctional health care meeting offers CE

Dentists who work in public health or want to learn more about what it’s like to work in a correctional facility can earn up to 32 continuing education credits.


WHO scales up response to humanitarian crisis in Nigeria

A WHO emergency health team arrived 19 August 2016 in Maiduguri State to assess and respond to the health needs of 800 000 people in north eastern Nigeria, formerly held by militant insurgency groups. WHO is scaling up its emergency response activities, together with partners, to assist hundreds of thousands of people in desperate need of health services. More than half of the health facilities in Borno State, the area most severely affected, are not functioning.


Family trumps friends in extending seniors' lives

For older adults, close family relationships appear to be more important than friendships when it comes to longevity, research shows


Your kid's cyberbully is more likely to be a friend

Hurt feelings over breakups and popularity battles can lead to bullying via texts and social media


Mayo Clinic Minute: Does Folic Acid Prevent Childhood Obesity?

From: Mayo Clinic

Pfizer to acquire cancer drug maker Medivation, and other MoneyWatch headlines

Pfizer buying prostate cancer specialist Medivation for $14B; ex-NBA star Kobe Bryant to launch venture capital fund; and heavy flooding threatens U.S. rice harvest. These headlines and more from CBS MoneyWatch.


Talking about grief and death is hard, but not on Twitter

Twitter and other social media are easing a taboo against discussing death and mourning, researchers find


25 Legends: Charlie Cole


This year marks the 25th anniversary of two American Diabetes Association® signature fundraising events—Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes® and Tour de Cure®.

Every dollar raised at these events supports people living with diabetes and funds our life-changing research and programs.

The “25 Legendsblog series highlights personal stories from some of the Association’s most dedicated walkers and riders who are affected by the disease.

TourdeCure_ 2016_8-22

Charlie Cole, third from left, with other Team Dignity members.

My name is Charlie Cole. If you, like me, have type 1 diabetes, you know how difficult it is to put life with the disease into words.

Three years ago, I started a new job at Service Corporation International in Houston, and my colleagues asked me to do just that during a Tour de Cure corporate team meeting. Although I was thrilled that the organization supported the American Diabetes Association, I was nervous about discussing my disease publicly.

I do not remember what came out of me when they asked me to speak. There were 20 years of waking up in the middle of the night in fear of severe hypoglycemia. Twenty years of making sure I was able to afford my insulin and diabetes supplies in addition to general living expenses. Twenty years of worry, struggle and frustration—but also 20 years of hope that everything was going to be okay.

After I finished sharing, I felt raw. My eyes were full but I did not cry. Everyone in the room was silent for a few moments, and Mike, one of the committee leaders, eventually said, “I don’t think you have any idea how much you are going to bring to the table for this cause.” Those words completely put me at ease. I now think of that moment as a pivotal experience in my life—and the end of my silent journey with diabetes.

I spent the next several months telling my story to fellow employees. I went floor to floor and gave presentations to recruit riders for our Tour de Cure team, Team Dignity. Each time I spoke, someone would come up to me afterward to say that they lost their father to diabetes or went through similar struggles. After giving numerous presentations, I felt as though something had changed in me. The disease that I always fought in solitude became public. I was no longer hiding my wounds—I was sharing them with the hope of having an impact.

My physical health was also improving. After multiple invites from coworkers, I began jogging during my lunch break. This inspired me to exercise more outside of work, and I even participated in a half-marathon. I also started using a continuous glucose monitor in order to better manage my blood glucose during exercise.

Starting this new chapter of my life was a big deal. For many years, I did not maintain healthy habits. At one point, I had no job or health insurance and did not have the strength or resources to carry myself. As I trained for the upcoming Tour, I thought about my support system and how my life was changing for the better.

The first Tour I rode in with my colleagues was 57 miles. My coworker Rone, another diabetes advocate, stayed by my side for the last 30 miles. Without him, I have no doubt that I would have given up. That’s the thing about diabetes—it’s not something we can fight on our own, it requires a collaborative effort. I am grateful for the support of my colleagues and their continued efforts to help people affected by diabetes. In 2014, my corporate team in Houston raised more than $100,000, and in 2015, we raised over $230,000! Nationally, Service Corporation International has raised over $1 million.

Riding in Tour de Cure proves to be more and more meaningful each year. After meeting other people with diabetes at these events, I have come to realize what champions we are. Diabetes is not easy to manage—you can eat the same foods and exercise at the same times each day, but still have different blood glucose readings. It’s expensive. And it is not something you can see from the outside, it’s hidden.

Thank you, Tour de Cure, for providing me the chance to break my silence and make a difference for other people with diabetes!

Together, we CAN Stop Diabetes.

The Association is so grateful for our 25 Legends! Their tireless efforts as walkers and riders are a tremendous support and inspiration to people with diabetes.

Sign up today! Learn more about these events and find out how to get involved at and

From: American Diabetes Association

To Keep Teens Slim, Focus on Health, not Weight

New American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines cover preventing obesity and eating disorders


Why are our girls killing themselves?

In late spring of this year, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a troubling data analysis of suicides in the United States. Between 1999 and 2014, suicide rates increased by 24%, in both males and females, and in all age groups studied. While deaths due to disease are declining, suicides are increasing. Right now, suicide is one of the 10 leading causes of death overall in the United States and in every age group from ages 10 to 64.

Particularly alarming: a sharp increase in suicides — a 200% increase, in fact — among girls ages 10 to 14, with the steepest rate of rise after 2006. The numbers have many experts wondering what is going on.

I spoke with Dr. Gene Beresin, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and executive director of the Clay Center for Healthy Young Minds at Massachusetts General Hospital. An experienced child psychiatrist, he has researched and taught about pediatric depression and suicide. He points out that there is a range of factors that put children — boys and girls —at risk for suicide. These include substance use disorders and prior attempts to harm themselves. But one of the biggest risk factors is depression.

Barriers to treating depression in children

Depression is not solely a disease of adults. It is estimated that about 5% of children and 11% of adolescents suffer from depression. And access to diagnosis and treatment is not a slam dunk. There is a dangerous shortage of child psychiatrists in the U.S. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, there are roughly 8,300 trained physicians for approximately 15 million children in need of their expert help.

That’s woefully inadequate.

One result of the extreme scarcity in pediatric and adolescent psychiatrists is that depression is widely diagnosed and treated by primary care physicians. Most primary care doctors (pediatricians, internists, and family doctors) do not receive formal training in diagnosing and treating psychiatric disorders, including when and how to prescribe antidepressants, and yet they are on the front lines in doing just that. As a primary care doctor, I can tell you from my own experience that this is very true.

Other factors that contribute to suicide in girls

But there are other factors that may contribute to the prevalence of suicide among girls. One of these is the “online life” of children — including social media with its relatively new phenomenon of cyberbullying. According to Dr. Beresin, “This is potentially dangerous. We don’t yet have the data on cyberbullying and suicides, but, in my opinion, cyberbullying may be a major factor in the suicide rates, particularly in young girls. Girls are the best at verbal bullying, very vicious. Boys tend to be physical, girls tend to be emotional. I’m not against social media at all, there are good things about it, but when a kid is cyberbullied, the ‘abuse’ can spread quickly and widely. Rumors that might have been contained to the high school can spread quickly and easily to a much, much larger population. The shame and humiliation can be devastating. So, the high rates of suicides in girls 10-14 may reflect a greater impact of social media cyberbullying among girls than boys. This is not a definite, but it needs to be considered and studied.” What might surprise people is that both the kids who do the bullying as well as their targets are at greater risk for suicide, and cyberbullying appears particularly dangerous.

A related issue is the relentless news cycle. Social media, websites, and newscasts report famous deaths and suicides faster than ever, and with little context or depth. “Copycat suicide in adolescents is a fact. The data suggest that when suicides are reported in the news and glamorized and sensationalized, there is a well-documented two-week window during which there is a ‘burst’ of suicides,” says Dr. Beresin. Considerable research from countries around the world shows that this two-week window of copycat suicides is a real phenomenon. Finally, in general, access to firearms increases the chances of death by suicide.

If you think your child is depressed or at risk for suicide

Signs of depression in children are similar to those in adults (including frequent sadness and/or irritability, particularly in adolescents, change in appetite and sleep patterns, trouble enjoying usual activities). In addition, school performance may suffer and kids may even talk about running away from home (or try to). As frightening as it may be, if you’re concerned, ask your child straight-out if she (or he) has thoughts, plans, or the intention of killing themselves. Dr. Beresin explains that simply asking hasn’t been shown to prompt a person with thoughts of suicide to act on them. In fact, kids who are asked are often relieved.

Dr. Beresin points out that although parents know their children best, an inherent bias can make it hard to evaluate a situation objectively. In addition, they may feel unsure about their concerns, and it can be a difficult topic to discuss. In these cases, it’s always a good idea to speak to a health professional. “Many of the methods used to determine if a child is at risk for suicide involve careful evaluation by a clinician. If you’re worried, if you notice something alarming, get help. Talk to your primary care doctor or a mental health professional.”

As a matter of fact, just this June, the American Academy of Pediatrics published new guidelines for primary care doctors, urging them to screen teens for suicidal thoughts and other risk factors for suicide, such as bullying, excessive internet use, drug and alcohol use, and guns in the home. Whether it is the parent, the doctor, or the child who brings up the concerns, it’s important to identify kids at risk for suicide, because these tragedies can be prevented.

The post Why are our girls killing themselves? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Monique Tello, MD, MPH

Board of Trustees proposes 2017 ADA budget

Focus the message; fill the pipeline; simplify. These three strategic priorities are driving the 2017 ADA budget proposal, which the Board of Trustees at its July 31-Aug. 2 meeting voted to transmit to the House of Delegates.


Shifting focus on patients: New licensure exam seeks to address ethical dilemmas

Every year, hundreds of patients enter the halls of dental schools throughout the country volunteering to receive treatment as part of a clinical licensing exam for graduating dental students. Some of these patients have waited weeks and months to have dental care provided during the clinical exam process.


New Dentist Conference CE covers debt, future, leadership and more

From learning how to manage student loan debt and maintaining a comfortable work-life balance to staying up-to-date on the future of health care and becoming leaders, the New Dentist Conference continuing education lineup is like choosing your own adventure.


Snapshots of American Dentistry — August 22, 2016

Overall condition of mouth and teeth


Just the Facts — August 22, 2016

Dental care in a retail setting


Moving forward

To help move change forward, the ADA's 2015-16 Licensure Task Force is focused on "policy to action" by encouraging more state dental boards to accept results of all five agencies' clinical exams as well as to enhance use of the curriculum integrated format by all clinical testing agencies until such time as nonpatient-based licensure examinations are established.


Fitness program: 5 steps to get started


Did counterfeit drugs contribute to Prince's death?

Investigators reportedly found counterfeit pills containing powerful opioids at the home of Prince when he died in April. They were also reportedly mislabeled. Michelle Miller reports on how Prince might have been the victim of a growing epidemic.


Florida students return to school as Zika threat grows

Around 360,000 students return to school Monday in a Florida county struggling with concerns over Zika. State officials have identified a second Zika transmission zone in Miami-Dade County. The statewide total of local mosquito-borne cases is 36. David Begnaud reports.


Healing Words with Johanna Rian, Ph.D.

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Lynn Devlin

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Jack El-Hai

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Louise Aronson, M.D.

From: Mayo Clinic

Healing Words with Dave DeBronkart

From: Mayo Clinic