Thursday, May 26, 2016

FDA approves drug-oozing implant to control addiction

A new FDA-approved option aims to curb drug craving and withdrawal symptoms for six months at a time


The brain scan that could show hidden consciousness

Scan shows promise helping doctors distinguish between patients in a vegetative state and those with some consciousness


Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Running Performance Program

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Return to Sport Program

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic to be Home of National Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Cohort Program Biobank

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - Baseball and Softball Program

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine - ACL Injury Prevention Program

From: Mayo Clinic

Healthy Living May Offset Breast Cancer Gene Risk

Behavior may matter even more when your DNA is working against you, research shows


Dr. Pritish Tosh Discusses Meat and Foodborne Illnesses

From: Mayo Clinic

The big benefits of plain water

Follow me at @mallikamarshall

Water, water, every where, nor any drop to drink.” Unlike Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner, who was surrounded by undrinkable salt water, most Americans have an unlimited supply of clean water to quench our thirsts.

Yet many of us turn a blind eye to it and instead reach for other beverages throughout the day, like sodas, juices, coffee, and tea, despite warnings from health experts over recent years about the added calories in sweetened beverages and the health benefits of plain water.

Now a recent study in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics provides even more evidence that we should choose water over other drinks if we want to control our weight. For the study, researchers from the University of Illinois looked at data on the eating (and drinking) habits of 18,311 adults as recorded in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2012.

Survey participants were asked to recall their dietary intake over two separate days. They reported their consumption of plain water (which included tap water, water from fountains and water coolers, and bottled water) as well as their consumption of other beverages like soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened bottled waters. Participants were also questioned about their intake of “energy-dense, nutrient-poor” foods, like cookies, ice cream, chips, and pastries.

On average, participants drank 4.2 cups of plain water a day and took in 2,157 calories. About 125 of those calories came from sweetened beverages, and about 432 calories came from energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods.

The researchers found that the participants who drank the most plain water in their daily diet consumed fewer total calories, drank fewer sweetened beverages, and took in less total fat, saturated fat, sugar, salt, and cholesterol. In fact, they discovered that increasing plain water consumption by one to three cups a day could decrease calorie intake by 68 to 205 calories a day. That could add up to a lot fewer calories over time — and result in significant weight loss.

These results support prior research on this topic, which has shown that drinking water before meals and that substituting water for sweetened beverages can cut down on calorie intake and improve weight control. That means people interested in losing weight and improving their overall health could benefit from incorporating more plain water into their daily diet.

So next time you’re thirsty, instead of ignoring your kitchen sink at home or the bubbler at work, take a moment to savor the one drink that’s free, refreshing, and actually good for us: plain old water.

The post The big benefits of plain water appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Mallika Marshall, MD

Agriculture Secretary Vilsack to Make First Official Visit to Puerto Rico

WASHINGTON, May 26, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will make his first official visit to Puerto Rico where he will highlight the U.S. Department of Agriculture's ongoing commitment to addressing food security and rural opportunity in the Commonwealth.


Global economic crisis tied to thousands of cancer deaths

A new report finds evidence that recession and unemployment can have deadly consequences


North Dakota conjoined twins celebrate 10 years apart

Isabelle and Abby spent their first six months in Minnesota hospital rooms, conjoined from the chest to the stomach at birth


How Often Should Your Pet See a Veterinarian?

vet with dog

Your four-legged friend needs wellness visits, too. Here's what to expect at each stage of life.


High schoolers score success with science fair projects on oral health

Three high school students won ADA Foundation-sponsored Special Awards May 12 at the 2016 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair.


Online course covers dentistry, diabetes

To help other dentists understand the signs, symptoms, risk factors and systematic complications of diabetes, CAPIR has developed an online course, "Diabetes Mellitus and the Dental Professional."


​Theranos is now facing a lawsuit alleging consumer fraud

A class-action lawsuit claims the problem-plagued blood-testing company misled consumers


Researchers slowly homing in on risk of Zika birth defect

What is the chance that an infected pregnant woman will have a baby with microcephaly? A new study seeks to answer the agonizing question


The 7 foods most likely to make your pet sick

You probably know chocolate is toxic for dogs, but that's not the only pet health hazard lurking in your kitchen


The riskiest time for military suicide attempts

Suicide rates within the military have skyrocketed over the last 15 years and a new study reveals when soldiers are at greatest risk


1.2 Million College Students Drink on Average Day

And over 700,000 use marijuana, government report says


Case Western graduates first female-majority class

Founded in 1892, Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine has held its share of commencement ceremonies. However, its most recent one made school history.


Hepatitis C Patients More Likely to Drink: Study

And researchers say alcohol can worsen the chronic liver condition


What Doctors Aren't Telling Obese Young Adults

Too few warn patients of their risk for kidney disease, study says


New balloon capsule could take bite out of obesity

In clinical trials, patients who were 40 to 60 pounds overweight lost an average of nearly seven percent of their body weight in six months


Debra’s Story: Sun Tanning Not Worth It - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Some Experts Question Extent of U.S. Zika Threat

They say Gulf Coast states face risk, but most other states probably don't


Mayo Clinic Minute: The Facts on Stroke

From: Mayo Clinic

Story by Story Episode 5: Individualizing Medicine Conference - October 5-6, 2016

From: Mayo Clinic

WHO: Sustainable development goals - Full webcast of WorldHealth+SocialGood 2016

From: World Health Organization

ODC urges committee to increase the annual Flexible Spending Account cap

In a time when out-of-pocket costs for health care “have never been higher,” the Organized Dentistry Coalition is urging the House Ways and Means Subcommittee to increase the annual flexible spending account cap.


Herbal supplements may not mix with heart medicines


Erectile dysfunction: Nonoral treatments
