Friday, September 16, 2016

Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Florida triples Zika transmission area as new cases reported

Zone that had limited primarily to South Beach has expanded north, bringing total affected area to around 4.5 square miles


Looking twice at tattoos and related problems

The FDA has seen a spike in complaints about tattoos. The agency has issued a warning about the possible risks that come with getting inked. Anna Werner has more.


Signs of progress against childhood cancer

Advances in treating leukemia mean it is no longer the most deadly cancer in children. CBS News' Danielle Nottingham has one little boy's story of recovery and hope.


Sound Waves: Rx for High Blood Pressure, Migraine?

Sound therapy balances brain signals, researcher says


Comments and volunteers sought for digital radiography standard

The ADA Standards Committee on Dental Informatics has approved for circulation and comment a standard related to digital radiography.


Mouthguard program perfect fit for Cleveland dental society volunteers

Many public high school athletes passing and punting on football fields across Cleveland are equipped with colorful, custom-fit mouthguards.


New social media zone helps decode solutions in Exhibit Hall

A place to immerse attendees in all things social media and explore ways to improve office productivity.


Wellness Studio offers physical therapists, courses at ADA 2016

Does your back ache at the end of the day at your practice?


CDC corrects fluoridation statistics

The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention in September revised its national fluoridation statistics.


What you need to know about hand, foot and mouth disease

The viral infection has recently hit a Florida college campus


What we know about drug studies is about to change

New policies aim to hold researchers more accountable and make clinical trial information accessible to the public


Miami neighborhood may see end to Zika travel advisory

An announcement may come as early as next week on whether it's safe for pregnant women to visit the artsy Florida neighborhood


Mayo Clinic School of Medicine Arizona Campus Tour

From: Mayo Clinic

Using Outdated Advice May Slow Concussion Recovery

Once-recommended practices such as waking a sleeping child for periodic checks can delay healing, expert says


Marriage May Help Diabetics Keep Weight Off

Study also found it lowered chances of risk factors for heart disease among men, but not women


Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


What's Behind the Gluten-Free Trend?

caution tape

These days, a gluten-free lifestyle has become one of the most popular diet trends in the U.S. One in five people now reduce or eliminate gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley or rye, in their diet, according to a 2015 Gallup poll.


Fish Oil Fatty Acids May Up Women's Diabetes Risk

Long-term French study finds an association between the two


Need an appointment right away? Consider a virtual doctor visit

Thank goodness for pediatricians. No matter what time of night, they answer the calls of frantic parents who are worried about sick children. I’ve made a few of those 4 a.m. calls myself to our pediatrician (an angel named Katherine), who calmly directed us to go to the hospital on one occasion, or give the baby a tepid bath on another. It’s been a sort of triage that has guided us to making the right decision. And that’s how of I think of the new trend in medicine called virtual visits.

Now, thanks to video conferencing applications (apps) that download to a smartphone, tablet, or home computer, people of all ages can experience a “virtual” visit with a qualified physician at any time, day or night.

Not just a fad

The benefits go beyond triage. Virtual visits are part of the shift toward making health care more convenient, and they’re already popular. “We can conservatively estimate that there will be at least a million virtual doctor visits in 2016,” says Dr. Ateev Mehrotra, an internist and a Harvard Medical School researcher who studies new ways of delivering health care.

Cost is another big attraction: it’s $40 or $50 per visit, about half the cost of an in-person visit, and most insurance companies are now covering them. Some, such as certain Blue Cross policies, offer their own virtual doctor services free of charge. Medicare does not cover virtual visits. However, the cost of a virtual visit can be less than the out-of-pocket co-payment that Medicare requires for an in-person doctor visit.

Quality of care

Physicians who take part in virtual visits are vetted. They’re assigned to you based on where you live, they are licensed in your state, they’re board-certified, they carry malpractice insurance, and they can even order tests and prescriptions for you. But without seeing you in person, their ability to assess you is limited. “The physician can look at your rash, but can’t examine the back of your throat or listen to your lungs. If it’s a virtual visit for depression, it probably doesn’t make a difference. But if you’re having abdominal pain, you really need a doctor who can perform a physical examination,” says Dr. Mehrotra.

Studies on virtual visits have been mixed. “People who go to a virtual visit are just as likely to have a follow-up appointment in the next few weeks, a sign that the care is equal. And the antibiotic prescribing rate is similar between virtual and in-person visits. But doctors at virtual visits are more likely to prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic, not one specific to your condition. And it appears that physicians are much less likely to order a test you may need, which could be a problem if you have strep throat,” says Dr. Mehrotra.

How to do a virtual doctor visit

To try a virtual visit, you need a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer with a camera. If using a smartphone or tablet, download the app for the service you’d like to use. If using a computer, you can conduct visits at the website address. Two of the most widely used are Teladoc ( and Doctor On Demand (

You’ll have to create an account with a password, and enter your payment information, medical history, and current symptoms. You’ll also need to provide important details, such as recent test results or the types and amounts of medications you’re taking. A virtual doctor who doesn’t have this information can make the wrong decision.

After you request a consultation, a doctor in your state will review your information, then appear in a video box on your screen within 20 minutes. If you want the doctor to see something, such as a skin rash, you’ll need to hold it up to the camera. Visits last about 10 or 15 minutes. If the doctor prescribes a medication, it will be sent electronically to your pharmacy.

When to consider a virtual doctor visit

Virtual visits aren’t meant to replace every trip to the doctor’s office, but may be a good option for minor, temporary problems such as cold and flu, sinusitis, a sore throat, rashes, diarrhea and vomiting, or conjunctivitis ― particularly if you can’t reach your doctor. Ideally, your virtual doctor should let your regular doctor know what tests were ordered and what treatments were prescribed — in any case, it’s best to see your regular doctor as soon as possible. It’s reassuring to know that expert advice is now just a click away. Like those on-call pediatricians, virtual doctors can guide us, no matter what time of the day or night.

The post Need an appointment right away? Consider a virtual doctor visit appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Heidi Godman

Childhood Cancer Death Rates Continue to Fall: CDC

Leukemia no longer the leading killer


USDA Announces New Open Data Partnership for Public Health

NEW YORK, September 16, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today officially launched the USDA Branded Food Products Database, a free online resource for families, the food industry and researchers containing nutrition details on more than 80,000 name brand prepared and packaged foods available at restaurants and grocery stores. The announcement was made at the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) Summit.


More Evidence That Zika Causes Microcephaly

Study of Brazilian newborns spots virus far more frequently in blood tests of babies with the birth defect


Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Zika Found in Eye Fluid in Study

Virus may stay in urine, saliva longer, but corneal transplants may pose transmission risk, researchers say


31M Older Americans Aren't Getting Enough Exercise

Inactivity boosts their risk for falls, broken bones, serious disease and early death, CDC warns


Hearing Loss Widespread in Older Americans

Rates accelerate especially after age 90, study finds, but hearing aids underused


Scientists Debunk the '5-Second Rule'

Germs can transfer almost instantly to food dropped on the floor, study shows


What's really going under your skin when getting a tattoo?

FDA has issued a new warning to "think before you ink" following reports of infections and allergic reactions associated with tattoo ink, but it has never approved any ink for use


Prevent eye strain from digital screens with this 20-20-20 rule

Nearly 60 percent of Americans are in front of some type of screen for five hours or more a day. Dr. Christopher Starr, an ophthalmologist at Weill Cornell Medical Center, joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the health impacts of digital devices.


WHO: The economic power of health workers

From: World Health Organization

Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Leukemia no longer the leading childhood cancer killer: CDC

It falls to second on list of deadliest childhood cancers due to improved treatment and lack of progress vs. the new leader


Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Many kids spend time in homes with guns, but safety lags

A new survey looks at how often firearm safety falls short, and what role pediatricians should play reducing the risk


Asthma in children: Creating an asthma action plan

Can you recognize early warning signs of an asthma attack? Use an asthma action plan to adjust your child's treatment and keep symptoms under control.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza
