Monday, June 12, 2017

A clever way to get people to eat more vegetables

What's in a name? When it comes to making vegetables more appealing, what you call it makes a big difference


Could Your Breakfast Cloud Your Judgment?

Responses to unfair financial offer differed after high-carb versus high-protein meal, study found


Meds Rooted in Ancient China May Help Heart

But U.S. experts greet report with caution, urge further research


Black widow spider bite sends girl to hospital

At first, little girl's mom thought mark on her daughter's leg looked like a bruise -- but then it turned black


Infectious Diseases A-Z: Keep cryptosporidium at bay

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 hours from heartburn

From: Mayo Clinic

Ovarian Cancer - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Mental Illness affects about 10 million Adults

More than a third aren't getting help, federal study says


Obesity and Endometrial Cancer – Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic


From: Mayo Clinic

"I got lucky": Man survives coma after a tick bite

Tick-borne Powassan virus, while rare, has no treatment and can be deadly


Reassuring news for parents of preemies

New research finds that babies born early often catch up to their peers academically


Meet BDA Council for 2017- 2018

From: BritishDietetic

Recall: Tyson Foods Chicken Products

tyson chicken patty

Tyson Foods Inc. is voluntary recalling more than 2 million pounds of chicken products due to misbranding and undeclared allergens.


BDA 2017 Annual e-report

From: BritishDietetic

Recall: Canned Pasta Shells and Spaghetti

recalled shells and meatballs

Conagra Brands is recalling about 700,125 pounds of canned spaghetti and meatball products, including the Chef Boyardee brand.


2 Billion Worldwide Are Obese or Overweight

Study shows it's not only an American problem, but an international health crisis


Pelvic Pain - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Poor Sleep Habits = Poor Grades

Study of college students finds regular slumber schedule a key to success


Henry Schein donates products to youth athletic, education event

The PLAY (Promoting a Lifetime of Activity for Youth) campaign is put on by the Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society in conjunction with the Henry Schein Cares Foundation and the Taylor Hooton Foundation. Children learn about the importance of staying active, making healthy choices and routinely visiting their doctor and dentist.


Leaders in CDHC education meet as program soars

Leaders involved in Community Dental Health Coordinator programs at higher education institutions around the country gathered at ADA Headquarters May 31-June 1 to discuss best practices and also the efficacy and benefits of the CDHC position in dental clinics and offices.


Public health advocates spout off on fluoridation in 3 communities this spring

Around the country, dentists and oral health advocates are helping educate their communities about the safety and benefits of community water fluoridation as voters and local leadership make decisions about the public health issue.


Legionnaires' bacteria found at police precinct

An officer was hospitalized with symptoms of the disease, officials say


Promise and risks of turning blood into cancer drugs

Using the body's own cells, immunotherapy turns them into an army that seeks out and destroys cancer cells


Bats Harbor Viruses Linked to Outbreaks in Humans

Two of these are linked to past infections with serious respiratory diseases



From: World Health Organization

Heather's Mayo Journey: How individualized care is helping congenital heart patients find hope

From: Mayo Clinic

Why coffee might ease your pain (especially if you’re a sleepy mouse)

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

An intriguing new study caught my eye for two reasons. First, there are the fascinating findings of the researchers that could dramatically change our understanding of certain types of pain and how it’s treated. More on the research in a moment.

The other reason this story grabbed my attention is that most of the headlines I read about this research failed to include two important words: “in mice.” One article didn’t mention the fact that this was an animal study until a full 248 words into the story! Regardless of how interesting the findings are, they deserve a giant asterisk since their relevance to humans is uncertain.

Sleep-deprived and in pain? Caffeine may work better than ibuprofen

Researchers studied mice that were either well-rested or sleep-deprived and subjected them to unpleasant stimulation, including contact with a hot plate, cold, or pressure. The intensity and speed of their reaction was measured.

Here’s what the researchers found:

  • Sleep deprivation seemed to increase sensitivity to pain.
  • Restoration of normal sleep reversed the exaggerated pain response.
  • “Wake-promoting agents” (including caffeine and the drug modafinil) also reversed the exaggerated pain response.
  • Ibuprofen and morphine did not have a similar effect as the wake-promoting agents.

The suggestion here is that sleep deprivation may heighten the perception of pain, and restoration of normal sleep or taking stimulants that increase alertness (as one might experience after drinking coffee) may reduce pain sensitivity in this setting better than common and powerful pain relievers.

From mice to men… and women

As mentioned, the relevance of animal studies to humans is not always clear. In fact, it’s common that findings in medical studies performed in mice or other animals cannot be replicated in humans. This may be particularly true for something as complicated and subjective as pain.

The sleep-pain connection

That said, there is precedent in human disease for a potential connection between pain and sleep deprivation. Fibromyalgia is common in the (human) population and it’s marked by chronic, body-wide pain. The cause is unknown, but a leading theory suggests that poor sleep quality may play a role. Treatments that improve sleep quality may help symptoms of fibromyalgia as well.

What’s next?

The obvious next step is studies in humans. That may not be easy. This trial described continuous monitoring of brain waves in mice by attaching electrodes to their scalps, depriving them of sleep, inflicting pain, and closely observing their response. A similar trial in humans would likely be impossible. And, of course, there are ethical concerns for any study that intentionally inflicts pain on its subjects, whether animal or human.

This study reminded me of something I learned in medical school. I was taught that one of the most common causes of headache was caffeine withdrawal. An effective “treatment” includes coffee, another caffeine-containing drink or food, or a headache medicine that contains caffeine. But now I’m wondering if the pain-relieving properties of coffee might be less related to caffeine withdrawal and more related to the findings of this study. Maybe wake-promoting agents reverse pain sensitivity in sleep-deprived people, as this study found among mice.

This novel observation could change how we understand and treat certain types of pain — or it may apply only to mice. Either way the findings are interesting. The big question is: are they important?

The post Why coffee might ease your pain (especially if you’re a sleepy mouse) appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Premyeloid and Bone Marrow Failure Disorder Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

OMS: Journée mondiale du donneur de sang 2017

From: World Health Organization

Всемирный день донора крови 2017 г.

From: World Health Organization

WHO: Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre 2017

From: World Health Organization

Gastroenterology & Hepatology Board Review 2017: Liver Pathology Cases

From: Mayo Clinic

Her Home Showed High Lead; She Wasn't Told


Laura had her water tested for lead. She got the results almost two years later.


Looking for Georgia's Lead Service Lines

ruested lead pipe

Many water utilities, including in Georgia, have lost track of where they have lead service lines.


Lax Oversight Weakens Lead Water Testing

water dripping from faucet

This story examines how water utilities in Georgia test for lead in water.


WHO DG-elect on high-level US tour to advance new vision for WHO

WHO Director-General elect, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is in the United States of America 12-17 June to share his vision for the WHO with global leaders, before taking up his new position on 1 July.

Over 5 days Dr Tedros will meet with Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Jim Kim, World Bank Group President; Anthony Lake, UNICEF Executive Director; Tom Price, Secretary of US Health and Human Services; and others, including leadership for the Canadian Ministry of International Development and La Francophonie, Carter Center, United Nations, US Agency for International Development, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the US State Department.


WHO: World Blood Donor Day 2017

From: World Health Organization