Thursday, September 15, 2016

Washington firefighter finds love through recovery

Daniel Lyon faced the unimaginable when his fire engine crashed in a Central Washington wildfire last year. He was the only one to make it out of that crash alive. He's now undergone 14 surgeries, but he always has a smile on his face. And as Carter Evans reports, now he has a girl on his arm.


9/15: Hillary Clinton returns to campaign trail; Morley Safer celebrated at NYC service

Hillary Clinton is campaigning again after battling pneumonia.; The life of Morley Safer was celebrated by his CBS News co-workers, friends, and family on Thursday.


CDC May Lift Zika Travel Advisory for Miami Neighborhood

And report says Congress moves closer to OKing more funding to fight the mosquito-borne disease that causes birth defects


Do States With Medical Marijuana Have Less Opioid Abuse?

Study of fatal car crashes finds fewer linked to opioids where medical pot is legal, but some experts are critical of the research


Tighter BP Control Could Save 100,000 U.S. Lives

High-risk adults would benefit from intensive program to lower systolic reading


Startling number of U.S. adults not exercising regularly

New government data shows many adults age 50 and older do not move beyond basic everyday activities


ADA pledges support for Partnership for Drug-Free Kids campaign

In its continuing efforts to stop the overuse and abuse of opioids, the Association has joined the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids' Search and Rescue project, an education campaign designed to connect prescribers with training, information and resources to help patients who may be at risk for opioid addiction.


Nuts and your heart: Eating nuts for heart health


10 million U.S. adults seriously considered suicide last year

One age group faced a much higher risk than others, and only about half got counseling or treatment


Bring the Gym to You, Stream Your Workout

woman doing pushups

Get your fitness fix anywhere, anytime by steaming your workout.


Back to Pet School: Training for Dogs and Cats

Woman relaxing with a dog

A little higher learning can bring out the best in your dog or cat.


Diet or Exercise: Best for Middle-Aged Heart?

Study finds each effective, as long as healthy weight loss is the result


Early Menopause Tied to Heart Disease, Death Risk

Findings highlight need for certain women to discuss hormone therapy with their doctor, researchers say


Is Your Teen a Vaper?

teen with serious expression

In 2015, government surveys show, 16% of high schoolers and 5% of middle-schoolers used e-cigarettes (up from 1.5% and 0.6% in 2011), making them by far the most popular tobacco product among youth.


Brains of "super-agers" look decades younger

New research looks at what's different about the brains of mentally sharp older adults, compared to their peers with memory loss


Prostate Cancer: Why Early Detection Matters

man in examination room

How one self-described 'regular guy' changed his health habits after diagnosis.


Good and Mad: The Healthy Way to Be Angry

woman holding pencil

Your response to anger is a habit that's embedded in your brain. But you can train your brain to respond to anger constructively.


Does Your Kid Reach for Cookies or Fruit First?

girl eating sandwich

For school-age kids, maintaining a healthy weight is as important as earning good grades -- maybe more so.


Make It Better With Basil

If the herb garden held a popularity contest, basil would likely win first place. This aromatic herb is a late-summer favorite, especially when paired with ripe tomatoes or blended into pesto. These lovely leaves are surprisingly wholesome too.


Start Early for Your Baby's Healthy Gums and Teeth

Baby chewing on teething ring

Even before babies have teeth, their mouths need care to protect against damage and decay later in life. Here's some expert advice.


WHO: The economic power of health workers

From: World Health Organization

Experts Weigh In On Newly Released Health Information From Clinton, Trump

hillary clinton and donald trump back to back

Both presidential candidates released some personal health information Wednesday, with doctors for both stating they are healthy and fit to serve.


WHO: Promoting health, promoting sustainable development: 9th Global health promotion conference

From: World Health Organization

USDA Seeks Retailer Volunteers for SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot

WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2016 - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is seeking retailer volunteers for a two year, nationwide pilot to enable Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participants to purchase their groceries online.


Dental students debate hot topics

Tough industry issues such as workforce and licensure aren't just the concerns of seasoned professionals — they're at the heart of dental students' concerns as well.


Study Links Long Naps to Type 2 Diabetes Risk

But the research did not prove cause-and-effect


Treating Prostate Cancer: Different Choices

Survival rates are all high, but watchful waiting is linked to some cancer spread, British study reports


Minorities Less Likely to Get Clot-Busting Drug

But study couldn't determine why white male patients were more likely to get tPA in hospital


Experimental Shingles Vaccine Looks Effective

Found to protect about 90 percent of adults age 70 and up


Food Allergies Linked to Risk of Asthma, Hay Fever

Odds rise even higher when kids have more than one food allergy, researchers say


The most important health problems (and why they matter)

I once took care of an elderly patient who wasn’t particularly interested in some of the preventive measures I was recommending. He liked to say “you gotta die of something.” True enough. But that’s no reason to ignore measures that could prevent deaths, especially the “low-hanging fruit” such as automobile accidents.

When thinking about the most serious health problems, there are several ways of looking at them. For example, you might consider

  • the most common causes of death
  • the diseases and conditions of death people worry about the most
  • the causes of death that are somewhat unique to where you live.

These three lists are not the same. Let’s consider each.

Top causes of death

According to CDC, the top 10 causes of death and the approximate number of deaths each year in the U.S. are

  • heart disease: 610,000
  • cancer: 580,000
  • lung disease: 149,000
  • accidents: 131,000
  • stroke: 129,000
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 85,000
  • diabetes: 76,000
  • flu and pneumonia: 57,000
  • kidney disease: 47,000
  • suicide: 41,000

These numbers come from death certificates, and that means they are subject to some error. For example, when a person in his 90s has several chronic diseases and “dies in his sleep,” the cause of death listed on the death certificate might be little more than a hunch.

Top health concerns

Contrast the list above to the health concerns that rise to the top when large numbers of people are surveyed. For example, a Gallup poll conducted yearly asks adults in the U.S. to name the most urgent health concerns. In the November 2015 poll, cost and access to healthcare were at the top (as they have been for many years). As for diseases, here are the most frequently mentioned concerns:

  • obesity: 15%
  • cancer: 14%
  • diabetes: 2%
  • drug & alcohol abuse: 2%
  • heart disease: 1%
  • flu: 1%
  • mental illness: 1%
  • AIDS: 1%

Remarkably, many of the top causes of death don’t even show up on this list, and many that do barely register. Perhaps survey respondents are thinking more about conditions that cause suffering or impaired quality of life rather than causing death. Or, perhaps the causes of death that primarily affect the elderly (such as stroke) are not as big a concern to the public as those that affect younger individuals. Whatever the reason, the difference is striking.

What’s unique about your state?

A recent study analyzed the causes of death in each state, and for each identified those that were significantly higher than the average elsewhere. For example, researchers found:

  • Accidental gun-related deaths: the rates of death due to accidental shooting were two to four times the national average in Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
  • Deaths during an interaction with the police: rates were up to 3.5 times higher in California, Oregon, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.
  • Deaths due to accidents involving machinery: rates were highest in Iowa and North Dakota.
  • Suicide: Oregon, New York, Minnesota, Colorado, and New Hampshire had the highest rates.
  • Bicycle-related deaths: these were most common in Florida.
  • Accidental suffocation: this occurred most often in Connecticut.

Sometimes the reasons for these findings are obvious. For example, it’s understandable (though regrettable) that agricultural states such as Iowa and North Dakota might have a higher than average rate of death due to machinery, or that bicycle deaths might be most common in a place like Florida where the weather allows year-round biking. Others, such as the rates of suicide, are harder to understand.

A separate study recently assessed the least healthy cities in the U.S. Of the top 10 unhealthiest cities (or should we say bottom 10), all were in the southern states and most were rural. Contributors to poor health in these cities were lack of insurance, lack of access to healthcare, unhealthy diets, and relatively high rates of deaths due to injury and drug overdose.

Why it matters

It’s not surprising that the top causes of death might vary from place to place. But, that means that the measures we should take to improve our health may not be the same everywhere. It’s particularly important to recognize those diseases that we know can be prevented, slowed, or even reversed with preventive care, changes in diet, exercise, or medications. Good examples include many cases of diabetes and heart disease.

While avoiding preventable death is an important measure of health, it’s not the only one. Maintaining a high quality of life matters as well — and some would say that quality of life is more important than how long it is. Still, information about causes of death is of interest not only because of what it may say about how we live, but also in directing interventions.

The post The most important health problems (and why they matter) appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Nuts and your heart: Eating nuts for heart health


Alcohol May Damage the Heart -- at Least for Some

Booze linked to atrial fibrillation, a dangerous condition that raises stroke risk


7 kids leave Calif. dentist with potentially life-threatening infection

Hundreds more children could also be at risk of a bacterial infection, after undergoing a pulpotomy procedure, also known as a "baby root canal"
