Thursday, March 10, 2016

Study: Almost half of Calif. adults have prediabetes

The CDC says one in three people have prediabetes, when blood sugar levels are elevated, but not yet considered diabetic


Researchers "very concerned" about prediabetes epidemic

UCLA study estimates nearly half of all adults in California have prediabetes or undiagnosed diabetes


​Military to check for water contamination at 664 sites

Defense Department says chemicals from foam used to fight fires may have contaminated groundwater and spread to drinking water supplies


Is Obama's cholesterol level better than yours?

President Obama gets results back from his medical checkup


Frozen pizzas, meals recalled over glass in food

Nestle is recalling some DiGiorno, Lean Cuisine and Stouffer's products


Why so many Americans are feeling more stressed out

A new survey reveals the causes of our growing stress - and its damaging health effects


The Fukushima disaster workers

Five years ago Japan experienced an earthquake, tsunami and the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster; the cleanup from the nuclear accident continues


Treating Elderly for Advanced Colon Cancer

Drugs come with many side effects, may add only one month to survival, researchers add


ADA Foundation’s semi-annual grants spread smiles

Once front-office workers at the Northern Dental Care heard that they received the grant, they got excited and knew what they had to do immediately.


Winner of Dr. Bowen student research award presents research project

"Winning the ADA Foundation's Dr. Ray Bowen Student Research Award changed my life," said Andres Alvarez, a second-year student at the University of Florida College of Dentistry.


Keeping in sync at ADA annual meeting

Drs. John Mott and James Maslowski are partners in a practice in West Springfield, Massachusetts, and they both attended ADA 2015 – America's Dental Meeting in Washington, D.C.


Fishing trip snowballs into Belize Mission Project

The Belize Mission Project began with a fishing trip.


Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Leads Business Leaders on Trade Mission to Peru, Chile

WASHINGTON, March 10, 2016 – Leaders from 34 U.S. agribusinesses and organizations will accompany Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on a trade mission to Peru and Chile, March 14 to March 18, to expand export opportunities for U.S. food and agricultural products. Peru and Chile are also members of the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which concluded negotiations in October 2015 on a historic trade agreement. Passage of TPP by the U.S. Congress will provide new market access across the board for America’s farmers and ranchers by lowering tariffs, eliminating barriers, boosting exports and supporting jobs in America’s rural economies.


California lawmakers approve raising smoking age

The package of six bills is said to represent California's most substantial anti-tobacco effort in nearly two decades


Pistachios sold at Trader Joe's recalled over salmonella

At least 11 people have been sickened and two hospitalized in the multi-state outbreak


Hard-to-match kidney patients get new transplant option

With desensitization therapy, kidney transplants can work even if the donor isn't a match


First generic version of Viagra approved by FDA

Sildenafil citrate is the first generic version of Viagra for millions of men with erectile dysfunction


Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Treatment at Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

OMS : Paludisme - Progrès et défis au niveau mondial en 2016

From: World Health Organization

Mayo Clinic Minute: HPV Vaccine Prevents Cancer

From: Mayo Clinic

Pistachios Likely Cause of Salmonella Cases: CDC

Pistachios Likely Cause of Salmonella Cases: CDC


Volunteers sought to evaluate water monitoring devices

The ADA seeks input from dental offices regarding the use of three different, commercially available water monitoring devices.


Half of Our Calories From 'Ultra-Processed' Foods

They contain most of the added sugar in the U.S. diet, researchers add


MS Patients May Be Prone to Other Chronic Ailments

High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and depression among common co-existing conditions


Be Wary of Imported Supplements: FDA

Officials say scammers often target groups that don't speak English, have limited access to health care


Why "ultra-processed" foods pose health hazards

Those include packaged breads, cookies, soda and frozen meals


An obstetrician (who is also a feminist) weighs in on the CDC’s “no birth control, no drinking” recommendation

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently made the eyebrow-raising recommendation that all sexually active women of reproductive age who are not using birth control avoid alcohol completely. The reason: to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Exposure to alcohol during pregnancy — even the earliest stages — increases the risk of FASD, which can cause a child physical problems as well as challenges with behavior and learning.

This sweeping recommendation rubbed me (and many others) the wrong way. The CDC’s message defined young women as primarily heterosexual baby incubators, ignored the role of alcohol in men’s reproductive responsibilities, and assumed that women cannot logically act on health recommendations within the context of their lives. When I talk to women of childbearing age in my practice about their health, my goal is to help them balance risks and benefits with a breadth of vision about their life and values.

Using shared decision-making, we take into account many things about her life in prioritizing our approach to her health issues and lifestyle. Is she in a relationship? With a man or woman? Does she hope to become pregnant in the next one to three years, or to prevent pregnancy? Or is she not sexually active at all? I point out the dangers of smoking whether pregnancy is in her short-term plans or not. I help educate her on how to eat healthfully. I encourage her to wear seatbelts and bicycle helmets. I talk to her about safe relationships and healthy sexual practices. If she’s trying to avoid pregnancy, I work with her and her partner to determine the safest and most effective way for them to do so. If she’s trying to achieve pregnancy, I counsel her to avoid alcohol from the time she ovulates until she knows whether or not she is pregnant.

I have no dispute with the facts of the CDC’s statement. It is true that 50% of pregnancies in the United States are unplanned. It is true that fetal alcohol spectrum disorders can cause lifelong problems for children. It is also true that there is no known safe level of alcohol in pregnancy. I tell women this every day. The facts are correct, but the messaging is wrong. Here’s how:

  • Everyone who chooses to drink alcohol should do so responsibly. This applies to both men and women, within the context of reproductive health and beyond it. Animal studies suggest that alcohol use may damage sperm and potentially affect offspring. Alcohol abuse increases the risk of intimate partner violence, a risk to a healthy pregnancy.
  • Educating women on the effects of alcohol on a potential pregnancy is critical, but the recommendations don’t acknowledge that even the most reliable forms of birth control, when used properly, aren’t 100%.

It’s hard to address all of these issues I discuss with my patients within a public health sound bite. But we owe it to women to be respectful when delivering important health messages. And we also owe it to men to make them equal partners in conversations around sexual and reproductive health.

The post An obstetrician (who is also a feminist) weighs in on the CDC’s “no birth control, no drinking” recommendation appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Hope Ricciotti, MD

Another Neurological Disorder Tied to Zika

It may cause meningoencephalitis, an infection and swelling of the brain, researchers say


"Ultra-processed" foods a huge chunk of American diet

A startling number of calories in the average diet come from these manufactured "replacement foods"
