Sunday, August 28, 2016

Music and the Brain

"Music and the Brain" is an educational program created by Lisha Lercari, an educator on a mission to promote the creative benefits of teaching music to young children. Michelle Miller reports.


Artist puts focus on children with rare diseases

Thousands of rare diseases have no treatment options; with so few people suffering from them, most researchers and pharmaceutical companies see no incentive for developing cures. Artist Lucas Kolasa has put together an art exhibit that puts faces to these rare, fatal diseases affecting children. Jim Axelrod reports.


Putting a face on rare, incurable diseases

Lucas Kolasa is an artist and curator of Beyond the Diagnosis, an exhibition of portraits of children facing illnesses for which there are no known cures


Lawmakers blast Mylan's EpiPen coupons as "PR move"

Lawmakers are asking EpiPen maker Mylan tough questions after its massive price increases. The company has tried to ease concerns by announcing programs to help families cover the cost of the life-saving device for severe allergies. But Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings said in a statement: "Nobody is buying this PR move." Vinita Nair reports.
