Friday, March 3, 2017

Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Germs: Understand and protect against bacteria, viruses and infection


More Teens Turning Their Backs on Tanning Beds

Half as many high school students reported indoor tanning in 2015 versus 2009, survey finds


5 Morning Habits Health Experts Swear By

oatmeal with berries

Find out how doctors, trainers, and nutritionists start each day on a healthy note.


Brain Training for Cancer Survivors' Nerve Damage

Neurofeedback seems to offers relief from chemo-induced pain, research finds


Anger management: Your questions answered


Cold medicines for kids: What's the risk?


Baby Rattles Recalled: Possible Choking Hazard

A clear plastic disc on the outside of the ball-shaped Kids II Oball Rattle can break and the small beads inside the disc pose a choking hazard to young children


Daffodils, Margaritas Among Surprise Skin Dangers

There are many hidden hazards that can cause itch or rash, dermatologists warn


Urine Present in all Pools: Study

Researchers tested 31 pools and hot tubs in Canada and found evidence of urine in all of them


Do 'Early Birds' Get the Healthier Worm?

Late-to-bed types appear to have poorer eating habits, study says


Read Skin-Care Product Labels With Caution

Terms like 'hypoallergenic' and 'fragrance-free' may not mean what you think they do, doctor says


DIY Teeth-Straightening: Don't Try This at Home

Dangers lurk when rubber bands, paper clips and other tools are used to avoid the orthodontist


America's most sleep-deprived workers

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Why sipping a margarita could be bad for your skin

Dermatologists warn of some unlikely culprits behind allergic skin reactions


Nips, Tucks: Americans Reshaping Their Bodies

Cosmetic procedures are on the rise and patients aren't shy about what they're tweaking, study finds


Do "early birds" get the healthier worm?

New study compares the eating and sleep habits of night owls and early risers


​Double amputee sues over access to grave of 2-legged cat

Ohio man claims property owners installed landscaping that barred him from visiting beloved pet


Birth defects risk 20 times higher for Zika-infected moms

Preventing Zika infection during pregnancy is a priority, health officials say


#AsktheMayoMom: Raising Children with Chronic Medical Needs

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: How a colonoscopy can prevent colorectal cancers

From: Mayo Clinic

More Kids Ill From Drinking Hand Sanitizers: CDC

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How to Stop Feeling Anxious Right Now

woman meditating on the beach

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Finally, Proof That Hearing Aids Help

High-quality digital devices provide 'significant benefit' to older Americans, study finds


Insecticides May Be Tied to Kids' Behavior Issues

Study can't prove cause-and-effect, but children exposed in utero to pyrethroids had more problems


What would happen to healthcare coverage under emerging GOP plan?

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Sharpen your cooking skills and improve your diet (and even your social life)

When I was in college, my cooking skills were limited to a giant skillet of Tuna Helper. Meals were chosen by how quick and how cheap. Nutrition? Never heard of it.

My outlook on cooking has changed since those days, and I now realize that despite my still limited culinary know-how, in the kitchen I have all the tools to transform my health.

“Cooking is easier than people think,” says Dr. David Eisenberg of the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. “It is more fun and cheaper than eating out. And no matter your ability, anyone can learn to do it.”

The health of cooking

The more you cook for yourself, the healthier you live. It is that simple. People who frequently cook dinner at home eat healthier and consume fewer calories than those who cook less, according to a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition. The findings also suggest those who frequently cook at home (six to seven nights a week) also consume fewer calories on the occasions when they do eat out.

Cooking also expands your intake of healthy foods. For instance, people who live alone — who are less likely to cook on a regular basis — often have diets that lack core food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, and fish, according to a review of 41 studies published in Nutrition Reviews.

Sharpen your skills

You don’t need to be a contestant on Top Chef to improve your cooking. “Instead of learning individual recipes, you need to learn techniques,” says Dr. Eisenberg. “This way, you can master a few basic staples and have the recipe for making all kinds of meals.” Here are some basic skills he says people should learn:

  • how to fillet fish
  • how to cut vegetables into cubes or julienne strips
  • how to make simple soups, salads, and salad dressings
  • how to make a few whole-grain dishes (e.g. brown rice, quinoa, farro, and others) as your starch of choice, as opposed to potatoes, white rice, or white bread
  • how to pick and prepare healthier protein choices like fish, chicken, and tofu, as an alternative to a preponderance of red meat options
  • how to reinvent desserts to include things like nuts, dark chocolate, and fruit, rather than dishes made primarily from fat, sugar, and dairy.

Get cooking

In-person guidance is always better than learning from videos, says Dr. Eisenberg: “You need someone in the kitchen to hold your hand, give you direction, and walk you through the process.” Here is where you can find that kind of guidance:

  • Community education centers. Many offer basic cooking classes, individual workshops, or specialty classes like how to make various types of desserts.
  • Local cooking schools. Many culinary programs have drop-in and introductory classes for the public. Others offer more detailed daylong or weeklong “boot camps” where you can learn a range of skills.
  • Retail stores. Many stores that sell cooking equipment, such as Sur La Table and Williams Sonoma, also offer cooking classes.

Other benefits

Your new and improved cooking skills can heat up your social life. You may form a closer bond with your partner as you both become more involved with meal preparation, and you may be motivated to invite others to share a meal you cooked yourself.

You also might discover cooking can be a relaxing and liberating activity. “People find personal satisfaction in cooking, or come to view the experience as a way to tap into their creativity,” says Dr. Eisenberg. “Cooking no longer becomes a chore, but something that gives them great pleasure.” And you don’t even need Tuna Helper.

The post Sharpen your cooking skills and improve your diet (and even your social life) appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Germs: Understand and protect against bacteria, viruses and infection
