Thursday, June 9, 2016

The FDA is revising recall procedures

Investigators are calling out the FDA on cases where recalls were not handled quickly and effectively


Why more Americans are dying accidental deaths

"It's all preventable," yet certain causes of death have become much more common


Experts warn of teens drinking racing fuel to get drunk

Deadly concoction of methanol and Mountain Dew is known as Dewshine


Middle-Age Fitness Helps Ward Off Stroke Later

Study finds this one thing reduces risk by 37 percent


Sex and drugs? Today's teens a "cautious generation"

Survey highlights trends in sexual activity, drug and alcohol use, and smoking among American teens


Nature Made vitamins recalled over salmonella, staph

Consumers are urged not to consume products that may be contaminated


Teen Smoking Down, E-Cigarette Use Up

CDC survey finds adolescents hear some health messages, but not all


Are antidepressants ineffective for teens?

Dr. Roshini Raj discusses a new study that says many antidepressants don't work on teenagers


What is internal decapitation and how did child survive?

Find out how this rare injury happens and what helped one little boy survive it


Prostate Cancer Clinical Trial: What to Expect

man doing research

WebMD explains how a clinical trial for prostate cancer works, including what kind of care you get during the study and how you can find one.


Less Heart Care, More Strokes for Women?

Study reflects gender differences in treatment of atrial fibrillation


Mayo Clinic Minute: New Look for Nutrition Labels

From: Mayo Clinic

Lung disease in smokers who don’t have COPD

Smoking cigarettes damages your health in a number of ways. The top three smoking-related causes of death are cardiovascular disease, lung cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition to these “top three,” smoking is also linked to a number of other cancers, getting more colds and infections, diabetes, osteoporosis and hip fractures, problems in pregnancy, difficulty with erections, stomach ulcers, gum disease, and the list goes on.

What exactly is COPD?

Emphysema occurs when the tiny air sacs of the lungs become damaged. Chronic bronchitis occurs when the lining of the airways becomes damaged. Many people have a combination of both, so the umbrella term COPD is more accurate. Having COPD makes it harder to get air in and out. Breathing tests, known as pulmonary function tests or “spirometry,” help determine how the lungs are working and are used to make a diagnosis of COPD.

So, if you smoke, or you used to smoke, but you don’t have COPD, does that mean your lungs haven’t been affected by smoking? Not necessarily.

Smoking may damage the lungs — even if you don’t have COPD

The May 12, 2016 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine included a study of smokers or past smokers (with at least 20 pack-years) who had some respiratory symptoms but didn’t quite meet the criteria for COPD. The well-recognized COPD Assessment Test (CAT) was used to measure the presence and severity of these symptoms, such as cough, mucus, shortness of breath, and activity and energy limitations. This group with symptoms (using a cutoff CAT score ≥10) was compared with non-smokers, as well as with smokers and past smokers with no respiratory symptoms.

The results showed that, when compared to those without symptoms, the group of smokers and past-smokers with symptoms had the following:

  • more episodes of respiratory illness that required antibiotics, steroids, or doctor’s office and emergency room visits
  • a shorter average walking distance on a 6-minute walking test
  • more bronchial airway disease (bronchiolitis) as seen on lung CT scans.

This group was also often prescribed medications typically used for COPD, such as inhalers, even though they did not meet the criteria for COPD.

Though it is hard to draw firm conclusions from this study because the participants were volunteers and not randomly selected, it is notable that in this study, a full 50% of smokers and past smokers had some degree of respiratory symptoms, even though they did not have COPD.

What does this all mean?

Many smokers may not reach the cutoff criteria on spirometry for the diagnosis of COPD, but still have symptoms related to smoking — maybe a cough, mucus production, or shortness of breath with minimal exercise and activity. This study affirms that these people can experience serious health consequences, even without COPD. This finding also brings into question how we should classify chronic respiratory disease. So far, we haven’t determined a way of classifying those who have symptoms but don’t quite meet the usual criteria for COPD, and we also don’t have much data or guidance on how best to treat them.

In the meantime, quitting smoking remains the best way to lower your chances of getting COPD — and the best way to lessen any respiratory symptoms you’re having. Most smokers who stop will feel better, with less cough and mucus, within 12 months. They will also lower their risk of getting (and dying from) smoking-related illnesses. Though the benefits of stopping smoking are greater at younger ages, there is always a benefit from stopping, even at the age of 80! If you are a smoker and you want to stop, talk to your doctor. Quitting is a challenge, but there are a number of tools and treatments available to help you through it.

The post Lung disease in smokers who don’t have COPD appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Wynne Armand, MD

Ebstein's Anomaly Facebook Page - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Rep. Marchant voices support, urges lawmakers to pass H.R. 4062

U.S. Rep. Kenny Marchant, R-Texas, continues to urge lawmakers to pass H.R. 4062, which calls for removing the mandate that Part D prescribing health care providers be enrolled in Medicare in order for pharmacists to be reimbursed.


ADA notches key wins in federal funding for 2017

The Senate Appropriations Committee approved bipartisan legislation June 9 that would provide increased funding to many of the Association's key advocacy issues affecting oral and overall health.


Nominations due Aug. 1 for EBD faculty and practice awards

Nominations are due Aug. 1 for three awards that honor dental school faculty and practitioners who have made significant contributions to implement and advance evidence-based dentistry.


ADA develops new dental standards on teeth whitening, other topics

A new resource is available for dental professionals who whiten patients' teeth.


Arthritis pain: Treatments absorbed through your skin

Over-the-counter creams and gels may offer temporary relief from painful flares in arthritis symptoms.


Wrinkle creams: Your guide to younger looking skin


Pregnancy and exercise: Baby, let's move!


The weird things kids swallow or stuff go on display

Doctors at Boston Children's Hospital hope the exhibit will remind parents about everyday items that are choking hazards to children


Marriage may offer a boost for heart attack survivors

A new study reveals an additional health benefit of being married


Can your genes predict future success in life?

New research suggests that genes might play a role in whether or not you'll enjoy career and financial success


California aid-in-dying law concerns some minorities

Some are raising concern that poor minorities with serious illnesses could be pressured to take lethal drugs as a cheaper option to long-term care


Antibiotics Overprescribed for Possible STDs

3 in 4 tests for gonorrhea, chlamydia came back negative


California Enacts Right-to-Die Law

Move triples percentage of terminally ill patients in U.S. who will now have this option


End of the most recent Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia

WHO declares the end of the most recent Ebola virus disease outbreak in Liberia


Antidepressant Use in Children, Teens Questioned

They were seen as mostly ineffective and sometimes risky in these age groups


Think Twice Before You Get That Tattoo: FDA

Though popular, they carry infection risks and are hard to remove


Gift cards used to lure patients for genetic test scam

About 10 new genetic tests enter the market every day, and with insurance reimbursements that can range in thousands of dollars, there is lots of incentive to find patients to sign up for them.


Watchdog: FDA food recall procedures put consumers at risk

A government watchdog is warning the FDA its food recall process is not adequate, and sometimes dangerous.


Questionable tactics used to profit from genetic testing boom

CBS News investigation found one troubling approach being used to attract patients for genetic testing in Texas -- and it all begins with an online ad


Watchdog: FDA recall process left consumers "at risk of illness or death"

Inspector general issues rare alert, says FDA took too long to get companies to pull some contaminated food products from shelves


Most antidepressants ineffective in teens, study finds

These drugs "are likely to be more dangerous and less effective" in young people than doctors thought, one expert says
