Thursday, July 6, 2017

Cancer takes a bigger toll in these parts of America

New government data shows a growing "cancer gap" between rural and urban Americans


Is sense of smell linked to being fatter or thinner?

Berkeley researchers hope to learn more about about smell, hunger and weight in humans; mouse study offers clues


Mitch McConnell says limited bill might be necessary if GOP health care measure fails

The Senate majority leader made the remarks Thursday at a Rotary Club lunch during Congress's week-long recess


Some communities prescribe opioids at much higher rates

New government research finds a decline in the amount of opioids prescribed in recent years, but researchers say it's not nearly enough


Smoking On the Rise in Movies Aimed at Young: Study

Rise prompts call for R rating on movies that show or imply tobacco use


Ketamine And Depression: FAQ

A person holding up a bottle of Ketamin

Doctors are using ketamine, first approved as a anesthetic, to treat depression.


Lymphvoenous Bypass Surgery for Lymphedema

From: Mayo Clinic

Could you do more to cut the cost of your prescription drugs?

A new survey suggests some Americans burdened by costs could benefit by talking to their doctor or pharmacist


Clif Bar announces recall after nut allergy reports

Three varieties of protein bars are being recalled because they did not list nuts on the label


Clif Bar & Company Recalling 12 of Its Products

cliff bar recall

Clif Bar & Company is voluntarily recalling 12 of its products, most of which are marketed for children, because they may contain nut allergens


How bad tick season is may depend on where you live

Experts say check yourself and your kids daily for the bloodsuckers, no matter where you live, to avoid serious illness


Dental Lifeline Network urges dentists to ‘just see one’

The old adage goes “one person can’t do everything, but every person can do one thing.”
With that sentiment in mind, the Dental Lifeline Network, a national dental nonprofit, launched a volunteer recruitment campaign in June to help increase the number of adults in need who receive dental care through the nonprofit’s Donald Dental Services (DDS) program.


By Michelle Manchir

Seal program covers products that fight enamel erosion

Recognizing that there may be over-the-counter products that can help prevent or reduce enamel erosion from dietary acids, the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs created an ADA Seal category related to the topic.

From: By Michelle Manchir

Wisconsin clinic continues the care

ADA Foundation accepting applications for grant that helps kids find dental home

From: By Kelly Soderlund

Study finds no such thing as menstrual brain fog

Changes in hormones don't seem to affect the female brain, a small study finds


What you can do to lower prescription drug costs

A new survey suggests some Americans could do more to cut the costs of prescription drugs. A University of Michigan poll shows 27 percent of people call the cost of their medications a burden, and 51 percent say they bring it up with their doctor. Dr. David Agus joins "CBS This Morning" to offer tips on how to talk to your doctor and find drugs that cost less.


#MayoClinicNeuroChat about Spina Bifida and Fetal Surgery

From: Mayo Clinic

Heart Failure Patients Living Longer

Researchers chock it up to better meds, as patients live longer and better


Here’s something completely different for low back pain

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

It’s a question that has challenged generations of patients and their doctors. The answer has changed over the years. When I was in medical school in the early 1980s, bedrest for a week or more was often recommended for severe back pain. This sometimes included hospital admission. Then, research demonstrated that prolonged bedrest was actually a bad idea. It was no better (and often worse) than taking it easy for a day or two followed by slowly increasing activity, including stretching and strengthening the back.

Medications, including pain relievers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and muscle relaxants were a standard part of the initial treatment of back pain. But, recommendations released in February 2017 urge doctors to change their approach to back pain once again.

Didn’t I just hear that NSAIDs don’t work well for back pain?

You did. A recent study found that NSAIDs did not work well for back pain. But, new recommendations take that conclusion even further: it may be best to avoid medications altogether — at least at the start.

The American College of Physicians has just come out with new guidelines for the treatment of low back pain based on a review of more than 150 studies. The big news? Medications tend to have only temporary and modest benefits, so it makes sense to try something other than a pill. The specifics depend on the type and duration of back pain.

For new low back pain (lasting less than 12 weeks), try:

  • heat
  • massage
  • acupuncture
  • spinal manipulation, as with chiropractic care.

If these don’t work, NSAIDs or a muscle relaxant are reasonable options. But given their potential to cause side effects and their modest benefit, they aren’t the first choice.

For chronic low back pain (lasting 12 weeks or more), try:

  • exercise (including stretching, improving balance, and strengthening core muscles)
  • physical therapy
  • acupuncture
  • mindfulness-based programs intended to cope with or reduce stress.

Other approaches, such as tai chi, yoga, or progressive relaxation techniques may also be helpful.

If these don’t work, treatment with NSAIDs, tramadol, or duloxetine is worth consideration. However, opioids should be considered only if other measures have failed and only after a thorough review of potential benefits and risks with your doctor.

It’s important to emphasize these suggestions are for low back pain that might begin after an unusually strenuous workout or shoveling snow. It’s not for serious causes of back pain such as a major injury, cancer, infection, or fractures (see “red flag” symptoms below).

What if the pain continues?

If pain persists despite these non-medication and medication-based treatments, your doctor may want to consider additional tests (such as MRI) or treatments. Remember, each person’s situation is a little different, and even medications that don’t work well on average, may work well for you.

You could see this coming?

It’s been known for years that the vast majority of low back pain goes away on its own, regardless of treatment. So, the challenge has been to find something that safely eases symptoms while waiting for improvement.

How do I know it’s nothing serious?

You don’t. But, you should be reassured that the numbers are with you. Ninety-nine percent or more of people with low back pain do not have a serious cause. But to help make sure your back isn’t in that small sliver of dangerous causes, doctors use the “red flag” questions:

  • Have you ever been diagnosed with cancer?
  • Have you experienced unexplained or unintentional weight loss?
  • Do you have an abnormal immune system (due to disease or medications)?
  • Do you use intravenous drugs?
  • Have you had a fever recently?
  • Have you had significant injury to your back recently?
  • Have you had bladder or bowel incontinence?

These questions and a physical examination are intended to identify factors that would increase the chances that your back pain is due to infection, tumor, or other serious cause.

So, what?

These new guidelines endorse an approach to treating a common ailment that only a few years ago would have seemed outrageous. The remedies recommended are not brand new; but discouraging medication use as an initial step is a big departure from prior recommendations. An email alert I received just after these guidelines were published included the headline: “Take two yoga classes and call me next month?” It may not be such a bad idea!

Medical practice rarely changes right away, and these guidelines may have relatively little impact in the short run. But I would not be surprised if non-pharmacological treatment of back pain becomes the norm over time. Many of my patients already seek out these treatments regardless of whether I recommend them. After all, the “usual” medications for low back pain are not all that effective and often cause trouble. It’s time we recognize that there are other, better ways to help.

The post Here’s something completely different for low back pain appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Sleep Problems: A Warning Sign of Alzheimer's?

Small study found an association but didn't prove link


Snortable Chocolate Raises Concerns

Medical professionals question latest fad


Is Shingles Tied to Heart, Stroke Risk?

More research is needed, but doctors should warn patients, researchers say
