Monday, July 17, 2017

Trump invites GOP senators to White House, while health care bill is in limbo

The president hosts several Republican senators for dinner Monday night, along with Vice President Pence


Speech changes may be early sign of mental decline

"There are aspects of language that are affected earlier than we thought," said one study author


59-year-old woman gives birth to baby boy

After learning that a 60-year-old woman in Ghana gave birth to triplets after fertility treatments, Akosua Budu Amoako and her husband decided to try again


Mayo Clinic Minute: Do cholesterol medications work for older people?

From: Mayo Clinic

Ohio family speaks out about son's recovery from addiction

Bill and Eileen Alley spoke with CBS News correspondent Tony Dokoupil about the addiction that nearly killed their son, David


Not All Plant Foods Are Equal

Analysis found that only healthy fruits, vegetables and grains guarded against heart disease


McCain's Recovery Time After Surgery Uncertain, Experts Say

Fate of Affordable Care Act may depend on Senator's return to work


Making Mayo's Recipes: Capture flavor when cooking fresh vegetables

From: Mayo Clinic

ADA asks Senate to help FDA modernize over-the-counter drug monographs

The ADA is asking the Senate to enact policy that will modernize the Food and Drug Administration's 40 year-old system for regulating over-the-counter drug products

From: By Jennifer Garvin

Doctors find 27 contact lenses in woman's eye

17 of the lenses were bound together by mucus, doctors said


"I could die in the street": Health care debate gets personal

"If I didn't have insurance, [cancer] could just keep forming inside me and I wouldn't know"


Poor Vision May Be Sign of Zika Damage in Babies

All infants with prenatal exposure to the virus need a vision exam, researchers say


WHO estimates cost of reaching global health targets by 2030

The SDG Health Price Tag, published today in The Lancet Global Health, estimates the costs and benefits of progressively expanding health services in order to reach 16 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) health targets in 67 low- and middle-income countries that account for 75% of the world’s population.


1 in 10 infants worldwide did not receive any vaccinations in 2016

Worldwide, 12.9 million infants, nearly 1 in 10, did not receive any vaccinations in 2016, according to the most recent WHO and UNICEF immunization estimates.


Most cases of pink eye (conjunctivitis) don’t require antibiotics

If you or your child has ever had acute conjunctivitis or “pink eye,” you know how nasty it can be.  “Crusty,” “goopy,” “bloodshot,” “itchy,” and “gritty” are all common words used to describe the eye condition that affects some six million people in the US every year.

What is conjunctivitis exactly?

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the thin membrane that covers the whites of the eyes. There are three main types of conjunctivitis: allergic, viral, and bacterial.

  • Allergic conjunctivitis often accompanies other allergy symptoms like itchy, runny nose or sneezing.
  • Viral conjunctivitis is the most common and is triggered by the same viruses that cause the common cold. Therefore, it is usually accompanied by cold symptoms like runny nose and cough.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis causes a thick discharge and responds to antibiotic eye drops or ointment.

Treating conjunctivitis

It can be hard to distinguish between viral and bacterial conjunctivitis simply by looking at it, so many doctors treat with a topical antibiotic “just in case” it is bacterial. However, according to ophthalmologists bacterial conjunctivitis often goes away on its own, and the practice of treating everyone “just in case” is irresponsible. A new study by the American Academy of Ophthalmology in the journal Ophthalmology shows just how big a problem the overuse of antibiotics for conjunctivitis has become.

Researchers looked at more than 340,000 enrollees in a large US managed care network with newly diagnosed acute conjunctivitis from 2001 through 2014. They found that almost 60% of the patients filled at least one prescription for a topical antibiotic.

White, more educated, and more affluent patients were more likely to fill antibiotic prescriptions, and the type of doctor making the diagnosis made a difference. Emergency room doctors, urgent care physicians, internists, and pediatricians were more likely to prescribe antibiotics than ophthalmologists.

Why routine antibiotics for conjunctivitis isn’t such a great idea

Overprescribing antibiotics, even topical ones like drops and ointments, can do more harm than good. Patients may suffer from side effects and allergic reactions to the medication. Parents are asked to administer unnecessary eye medication to an infant or child, which, believe me, can be incredibly challenging. And the inappropriate use of antibiotics continues to fuel resistance, making antibiotics less and less effective when we really need them.

As an urgent care physician, I know how hard it is to tell a patient or a parent that they have to wait for something to run its course. They want a quick fix and I want to provide it. And some schools won’t let a child with conjunctivitis return to class without proof they have been on an antibiotic for 24 hours. However, we have to educate schools and the public at large that most conjunctivitis is harmless and will go away on its own, and that most cases of conjunctivitis should not be treated with an antibiotic.

Here’s what you can do

There are some simple things you can do at home to ease your symptoms. Warm compresses can help loosen eyelid crusting. Cool compresses and artificial tears can soothe irritated eyes. Over-the-counter eye drops and antihistamines can help ease the itching and tearing associated with allergic conjunctivitis.

Bottom line: if you think you or your child has conjunctivitis, call your doctor’s office. They can often make recommendations over the phone, but don’t be surprised or upset if they say you don’t need a prescription. They are doing you and the public at large a favor.

The post Most cases of pink eye (conjunctivitis) don’t require antibiotics appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Mallika Marshall, MD

Horse meat scam leads to 66 arrests

Charges relating to public health, money laundering and animal abuse are involved


How to navigate conversations about mental health

Experts offer a step-by-step guide to help with sometimes difficult conversations surrounding mental illness in a friend or loved one


U.S. doctor in London to examine Charlie Gard

Specialist in rare condition believes he may be able to help 11-month-old -- and help convince U.K. doctors to sign off on it


"It's raining needles": Drug crisis creates danger to public

Beaches, playgrounds, rivers, parks -- discarded needles are showing up everywhere and experts offer safety tips


Poll: Half of Amerifcans prefer Obamacare to GOP health care proposals

The survey comes after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, announced Saturday that he would delay a vote this week on the revised GOP health care bill


Man's dislike for college rival gives family hope for recovery

Ohio man returned to U.S. comatose in April after suffering traumatic brain injury from car accident


"It's reality": Lawmaker defends plan to ignore overdose calls

CBS News gets a first-hand look at the problem overwhelming Middletown, Ohio, prompting some to propose extreme solutions


Dozens of Contact Lenses Found in Woman's Eye

Dozens of Contact Lenses Found in Woman's Eye


A Healthy Diet May Help Ward Off Dementia

New studies suggest that, yes, eating right could boost your brain function


Sabrett Hot Dogs Recalled

Sabrett Hot Dogs Recalled


WHO: The SDG Health Price Tag: What will a healthier world cost?

From: World Health Organization

#AsktheMayoMom about Chest Wall Deformities in Children

From: Mayo Clinic

CDT coding guides educate dentists on new, revised codes

Some CDT codes, especially recent additions, may not be readily understood by dentists and others in the dental community.

From: By David Burger

Study Finds Phthalates in Mac & Cheese Products

Macaroni and cheese mixes made with powdered cheese contain high levels of potentially harmful chemicals called phthalates, according to a new study.


Infectious Diseases A-Z: Salmonella safety

From: Mayo Clinic

Senate health care bill on brink of collapse, vote tally shows

Two GOP senators say they'll oppose a second version of bill to replace Obamacare; one more could kill the bill
