Thursday, October 29, 2015

Teen girl in Oregon has bubonic plague, health officials say

Eastern Oregon girl is believed to have acquired the disease from a flea bite during a hunting trip, officials say


World Health Organization: Most people have herpes

The World Health Organization says two thirds of those under 50 have herpes simplex-1, and as many as 90% of people have herpes in some populations


Study: Low-fat diet no good for long-term weight loss

A new study confirms what some doctors have been saying for years: cutting fat won't do the trick


Racial gap in breast cancer diagnoses has closed

Equalizing rates of breast cancer is "a terrible situation" for black women, study author says


Herpes Virus Infects Two-Thirds of Population: WHO

Herpes Virus Infects Two-Thirds of Population: WHO


FDA Approves Expanded Use for Melanoma Drug

Yervoy can now be used after surgery to reduce risk of deadly skin cancer returning


Drugs, Surgery May be Equal for Chronic Sinusitis

Study found sufferers who stuck with treatments like nasal sprays saw improvements in quality of life


Researchers Identify 3 Type 2 Diabetes Subtypes

For data miners, routinely provided patient information yields a bigger picture


Baby Kieran's Special Heart

From: Mayo Clinic

Links between processed meat and colorectal cancer

WHO has received a number of queries, expressions of concern and requests for clarification following the publication of a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) relating to processed meat and colorectal cancer.

IARC was established 50 years ago through a resolution of the World Health Assembly as a functionally independent cancer agency under the auspices of WHO. Its programme of work is approved and financed by its participating states.


Flu vaccine might be less effective in statin users

Two new studies suggest the cholesterol-lowering drugs may undermine the effects of the flu shot


What Man’s Best Friend Is Teaching Humans


Canine research isn’t confined to cancer, with studies around the U.S. focusing on everything from spinal cord injuries to aging to whether having a pet dog makes us healthier.


Woman's death raises cryotherapy safety concerns

Spa employee died in a deep-freeze chamber; doctor calls the treatment's health claims "very shady"


Statins May Dampen Flu Vaccine Powers

Research suggests cholesterol-lowering meds linked to lower levels of influenza antibodies in seniors


Too Much TV Linked to Leading Causes of Death

Study found the more time spent in front of the tube, the greater the risk


USDA to Establish First-Ever SNAP Employment & Training Center of Excellence

WASHINGTON, Oct. 29, 2015 – Today Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced the creation of the nation’s first Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Employment and Training (E&T) Center of Excellence. The Center of Excellence will build on the Administration’s commitment to job-driven training. It will build on best practices that help SNAP participants gain the skills they need for jobs employers are looking to fill today.


Are over-the-counter cold medicines ineffective?

A new study casts doubt on the efficacy of over-the-counter cold medicine


Cryotherapy sparks safety concerns

A woman's death prompted concerns over the risk of ice-cold cryotherapy


Zombie contact lens leaves teen partially blind

Beware this popular Halloween trend; experts say decorative contact lenses can pose serious health risks


WHO: The Ebola crisis in November 2015, one year after its terrifying peak

From: World Health Organization

Mayo Clinic Minute: Bone Up on Calcium

From: Mayo Clinic

WHO: EMRO Health +SocialGood - Segment about Noncommunicable Diseases

From: World Health Organization

Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden Announces New USDA Commitments to Help Build Up Next Generation of Farmers and Ranchers

LOUISVILLE, October 29, 2015—Agriculture Deputy Secretary Krysta Harden today announced a commitment by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to prioritize $5.6 billion over the next two years within USDA programs and services that serve new and beginning farmers and ranchers. Deputy Secretary Harden also announced a new, tailored web tool designed to connect burgeoning farm entrepreneurs with programs and resources available to help them get started.


NY to require training to prescribe medical marijuana

Critics worry the extra time and expense will make medical marijuana harder to come by


Too Many Seniors With Diabetes Are Overtreated

Even when blood sugar, blood pressure levels dropped too low, doctors didn't cut back on meds


Type 2 Diabetics Still Face Elevated Death Risk

That's why it's imperative to eat right, control blood pressure and cholesterol, quit smoking, doctors say


Ovarian Cancer Drug Promising For Prostate Tumors

In small study, olaparib targeted gene mutation in men who had failed other therapy, researchers report


World Farm - New Jersey

From: USDA

Bear Creek Organics

From: USDA

Prince & Son's Farms

From: USDA

Diagnosing Rare Diseases through Individualized Medicine

From: Mayo Clinic

Why More Painkiller Addicts Are Using Heroin, Too

Interviews confirm desire for cheaper, more plentiful substitute


Feeling Extra Forgetful May Signal Dementia Ahead

Older women who thought their memory was worse than average had greater risk of problems, study found


Cancer experts push back on new mammogram guidelines

With more than 200,000 new cases of breast cancer expected this year, doctors are saying early detection is key


Challenge your mind and body to sharpen your thinking skills

My friend Betty is one of the most impressive seniors I’ve ever known. At 88, her voice is strong and her heart is young, and she seems to have as much energy and enthusiasm as she did in 1982, when I first met her. She exercises, goes out with friends, gardens, pays her own bills, follows the news, and is constantly reading and asking questions. How does she stay so sharp? “I guess I’m just a curious person, kiddo,” she laughs.

But living the way Betty does — always learning new things, and staying busy with friends and favorite activities — is exactly what the experts say can help keep our thinking skills sharp. “Cognitive and social engagement have been shown to be protective against cognitive decline, whereas hearing loss, depression, and social isolation are associated with cognitive decline,” says Dr. Kathryn Papp, a neuropsychologist and instructor in neurology at Harvard Medical School.

How it works

Dr. Papp says we don’t know the exact reasons why mental and social engagement protect our thinking skills, but we do have some ideas. “Until the mid-1990s, we thought that people were born with however many brain cells they would die with. We now know that the growth of new cells — a process called neurogenesis — occurs throughout life, even in older age,” she explains.

It turns out that the human brain has a great potential for something called neuronal plasticity, or in other words, being highly malleable. It appears that challenging our brains — for example, by learning a new skill — leads to actual changes in the adult brain. “It may create new connections between brain cells by changing the balance of available neurotransmitters and changing how connections are made,” says Dr. Papp.

Being socially engaged may help fend off social isolation and depression, both of which have been linked with a decline in cognitive functioning later in life. Having good social support also reduces stress, another thing that we know has a negative impact on thinking skills.

Other factors

A healthy lifestyle is also associated with neurogenesis, especially getting enough sleep, avoiding overeating, and the grand poobah of them all: exercising. “Researchers have found that physical exercise leads to the release of cellular growth factors that are important for neurogenesis,” says Dr. Papp.

And this combination of growth factors and new brain cells that comes from healthy living, challenging the brain, and staying socially connected in a meaningful way may actually help protect the brain or keep it more resilient against changes that cause dementia.

Start your engine

What’s the easiest way to rev up your thinking skills? Start with mini-challenges for your brain:

  • Brush your teeth with the hand you don’t usually use.
  • Take a different route to work or the store.
  • Eat a bite or two of dinner with your eyes closed.
  • Listen to a new kind of music.
  • Do 60 seconds of jumping jacks (or any physical activity).
  • Sit in a different spot in your house or at a favorite restaurant.

“These require the brain to do some work, because it’s encountering something it hasn’t experienced before,” says Dr. Papp.

You can also look for activities that incorporate brain stimulation, physical activity, and social engagement, such as:

  • learning to play a sport or game (tennis, ping pong, golf)
  • learning to dance (try the cha-cha, the rumba, or the merengue)
  • taking a class on planting flowers or vegetables
  • learning tai chi, which has been shown to boost thinking skills.

If physical activity isn’t possible, consider taking a class in

  • painting (start with watercolors, then move to oils)
  • piano, flute, or guitar
  • writing short stories (or your memoir)
  • computers
  • flower arrangement
  • knitting or crocheting (handy for holiday gifts!)
  • a new language.

Or you can simply take part in any new activity that you find interesting, such as:

  • volunteering at a local charity
  • exploring a new city
  • joining a book club
  • trying out a new restaurant or new type of food
  • becoming a museum docent
  • helping out at a local school or day care
  • joining a collector’s club (dolls, stamps, memorabilia).

“The best activities will be the ones that you find enjoyable,” says Dr. Papp. And just like it’s important to stick to a medication or exercise regimen, you’ll have to stick to a pattern of always learning, just like my friend Betty, to reap the benefits. “I just love asking questions, and hearing people’s stories,” she says. “I never want to stop learning.”

She would have made a great reporter, that one. But I’m glad that I get to be the one to share the news flash here, which is that staying sharp mentally boils down to using your brain and your body, no matter what your age.

The post Challenge your mind and body to sharpen your thinking skills appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Heidi Godman

Leading doctors push back on new mammogram guidelines

American Cancer Society's recommendation that women start mammograms at an older age sparks controversy in medical community


USDA Announces $210 Million to be Invested in Renewable Energy Infrastructure through the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership

KISSIMMEE, Fla., Oct. 28, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is partnering with 21 states through the Biofuel Infrastructure Partnership (BIP) to nearly double the number of fueling pumps nationwide that supply renewable fuels to American motorists. In May 2015, USDA announced the availability of $100 million in grants through the BIP, and that to apply states and private partners match the federal funding by a 1:1 ratio. USDA received applications requesting over $130 million, outpacing the $100 million that is available. With the matching commitments by state and private entities, the BIP is investing a total of $210 million to strengthen the rural economy.


USDA Announces $3.7 Million to Repair Rural Housing

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28, 2015 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today that USDA is investing $3.7 million to help rural families repair and rehabilitate their homes. The funds are being awarded through the Housing Preservation Grant (HPG) program in 46 states and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to support the renovation of 1,147 units.
