Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Morning Sickness Drug May Not Work: Study

The drug, Diclegis, failed to meet minimum effectiveness goals in the clinical trial relied upon by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for its approval in 2013, Canadian researchers reported.


Cycling Won't Sabotage a Man's Sex Life: Study

The new research on men surveyed 2,774 cyclists, 539 swimmers and 789 runners. All completed several research-validated questionnaires about sexual health, prostate symptoms, urinary tract infections, genital numbness and saddle sores, among other factors.


Parents, Be Warned About Button Batteries: Doctor

swallowed battery xray

When a doctor in the Netherlands tweeted this stark X-ray shot of a “button” or “disk” battery lodged in a child’s esophagus, people took notice. Her post has been retweeted more than 8,000 times since early January.


Creativity May Rely on 'Teamwork' in the Brain

For eons, researchers have wondered what sets the da Vincis, Shakespeares and Einsteins apart. Results from this new study offer more evidence to debunk the popular notion that creativity is a "right brain" activity.


Brain Zaps May Help Curb Tics of Tourette Syndrome

The procedure, called deep brain stimulation (DBS), improved tic severity by nearly half in 171 patients with uncontrolled Tourette symptoms at 31 hospitals in 10 countries.


Experts say this change could prevent drunk driving deaths

A prestigious scientific panel says states should significantly lower their drunken driving thresholds to help eliminate "entirely preventable" deaths


High school wrestler paralyzed from neck down after injury

"This is the only time I've ever seen something like this happen," said the high school's athletic coach


This is now the No. 3 cause of death in the U.S.

Data shows preventable deaths rose 10 percent in 2016


Reduce BAC Limit to Cut Drunk Driving Deaths

All states should lower legal blood alcohol levels for drivers from 0.08 to 0.05 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC), the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine reported.


Surgeon arrested after report of showing up possibly intoxicated

Police arrest plastic surgeon after hospital received report that he showed up for surgery possibly intoxicated


Michael Phelps opens up about fighting depression

Olympic champion Michael Phelps spoke about battling suicidal thoughts at the height of his career and said he hopes to help others


Don't Rely on Just One BP Test for Kids: Study

They found that nearly 25 percent of children and teens who had their blood pressure checked by their primary care doctor had readings in the high range, but less than half of those readings were confirmed when their blood pressure was checked again.


Rats might not be to blame for the "Black Death"

The rodents get a bad rap for spreading plague that killed millions of people in medieval Europe, but a new study suggests another explanation


Mayo Clinic Minute: Working in workouts

From: Mayo Clinic

False alarm in Hawaii: Preparing for the unthinkable

Early last Saturday morning in Hawaii, cellphones flashed the following warning from the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency: “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.” Television and radio broadcast similar messages. For 38 minutes, until this warning was retracted, the residents of Hawaii and beyond were put into a state of utter panic and despair, concerned about a potential nuclear attack from North Korea.

These worries are not new

After the end of the Cold War, and after several decades of relative calm, the threat of nuclear war or of a rogue nuclear blast has recently come roaring back into the public’s consciousness. The CDC had originally scheduled a public briefing on how to prepare for a nuclear explosion for January 16th, but it has been postponed. The CDC still plans to address “planning and preparation” for a nuclear strike, and claimed that, “while a nuclear detonation is unlikely… planning and preparation can lessen deaths and illness.”

Here’s what you need to know

The CDC website has excellent, downloadable, printable advice for both emergency kits and family plans. These precautions are important in general for a range of potential disasters from cyber warfare to extreme weather and climate instability. The CDC also suggests that you know ahead of time the location of the nearest fallout shelter, or nearby structures that would be suitable to shelter in place.

In the event of another warning, or an actual impending attack, the CDC recommends the following actions:

  • Listen for official instructions and follow them carefully.
  • Take cover as quickly as possible, underground if possible, and stay in place until instructed otherwise.

If there is an actual detonation, they recommend:

  • Stay inside to avoid radioactive fallout and expect to stay inside for at least 24 hours.
  • Evacuate if (and only if) you are instructed to do so.
  • Do not look at the fireball or flash; this can blind you.
  • If caught outside, take cover behind anything you can, and drop to the ground. Remain flat until the heat and shock waves have passed. Find something to cover your mouth and nose. Get inside and decontaminate as soon as possible, by removing clothing and washing up if possible.
  • After the blast, stay away from damaged areas, damaged buildings, or areas that are determined to be heavily contaminated with radioactivity.
  • Use only stored food and drinking water, as anything fresh may be contaminated.

It is important to note that nuclear weapons produce a large electromagnetic pulse that can fry electronics, so many devices such as televisions, computers, cars, and radios may not work after a nuclear blast. That makes keeping informed about official instructions and directives more difficult.

As a society we must strive to avoid the unthinkable

Ideally, our world wouldn’t still be facing the threat of annihilation 73 years after the incineration of Hiroshima by the nuclear device known as “Little Boy.” As a society, we must continue to strive to avoid the unthinkable. Nonetheless, if a nuclear blast does occur, many more of us may survive if we remain educated about how to react to this emergency, and if we remember to lend our neighbors a helping hand.

The post False alarm in Hawaii: Preparing for the unthinkable appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Peter Grinspoon, MD

Mayo Clinic Men's Health Moment: Introduction

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Men's Health Moment: Information for referring providers

From: Mayo Clinic

WHO: Fighting obesity in the Philippines

From: World Health Organization

Jane Fonda Has Cancerous Growth Removed From Lip

The 80-year-old downplayed the situation and noted that she received a clean bill of health, NBC News reported.


FDA Works to Ease Storm-related IV Bag Shortage

The agency is also monitoring the recent practice of filling new, but empty, IV bags with fluids to deal with the shortage.


Flu outbreak is peaking, CDC says

Nico Mallozzi, a 10-year-old boy, is among the latest deaths in the ongoing flu outbreak. According to the CDC, widespread flu activity is now reported in every state except Hawaii. Dr. Tara Narula reports.


New Hampshire man claims hospital exposed him to HIV

Says doctor told him it happened with re-used needle; also, man's son says he pricked himself with a needle from his father


Trump in 'Excellent' Physical, Cognitive Health, Doctor Says

The annual four-hour medical exam took place Friday and involved 12 specialty consultants, Jackson noted. He added that none of the results of the exam had been omitted from mention at the news briefing.


Weight-Loss Surgery's Benefits Wane for Diabetics

The study began with 120 patients with type 2 diabetes from the United States and Taiwan. Half underwent weight-loss surgery while the other half had only lifestyle interventions.
