Sunday, November 6, 2016

Balloon-in-a-Pill Helped Obese Patients Lose Weight

Curbing appetite by making patients feel full could jumpstart a weight-loss program, researcher says


Why aren’t doctors prescribing the cheaper EpiPen alternative?

Marketing and semantics may be to blame for the reason doctors aren't prescribing the generic version of the lifesaving epinephrine injector, investigation finds


WHO condemns reported attacks using ambulances as weapons targeting civilians in Tikrit and Samarra, Iraq

WHO condemns reported attacks using ambulances to target civilians in Tikrit and Samarra. WHO received reports of suicide bombers driving ambulances, killing more than 20 people and injuring dozens more at a checkpoint in Tikrit and a car park in Samarra. The reported use of medical vehicles as weapons threatens the ability to deliver health care and urgent medical services. When ambulances are suspected as potential security threats, their freedom of movement to care for the sick and injured is at risk of life-threatening delays. Such delays will leave vulnerable people with even less access to life-saving medical care.

WHO is increasingly concerned by the continuous threats to health workers, facilities and transport. WHO is working together with national health authorities and partners to protect patients, health workers, health infrastructure and supplies from violence and thus minimize disruptions to desperately needed health care.


Marijuana on the ballot

California, one of five states in which voters will decide on recreational pot, is a bellwether for changing attitudes about the drug
