Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Woman's hilarious memes inspired by infertility journey

"I'm infertile, but I'm also still just me..."


The healthiest part of an avocado may get thrown away

Scientists say chemical compounds found in avocado seed husks may one day be used to create better medicines


Wellness Wednesday: Get a great leg workout while you binge-watch

From: Mayo Clinic

Discover.Inspire.Connect - Individualizing Medicine Conference

From: Mayo Clinic

Medical records show severity of Cuba "health attacks"

Medical records reviewed by CBS News show that some American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba were diagnosed with conditions as serious as mild traumatic brain injury. Steve Dorsey, CBS News Radio executive editor and correspondent, joins CBSN with the latest.


Applicants sought for Alliance for Cavity-Free Future, Colgate grant program

The Canada-United States chapter of the Alliance for a Cavity-Free Future announced July 14 it is offering, for the second year, a grant program to help fund interprofessional projects that positively impact the oral health of pregnant women and children under 6.


Some U.S. diplomats in Cuba diagnosed with serious health conditions

While U.S. protests and more sonic attacks continue, Treasury Dept moves to make it easier to do business in Cuba


More salmonella cases tied to backyard chickens, ducks

More than 900 people in 48 states have been infected since the beginning of the year


Could 2 common vitamins raise lung cancer risk?

Certain people appear to be at a higher risk if they've taken high doses of these popular vitamins


Does Autism Risk Reside in Cells' Energy Engines?

Study suggests genetic variations in the DNA of mitochondria may up risk for developmental disorder


Steroid Pills Often Fail Against Bronchitis

Research shows that, like antibiotics, these drugs won't reduce duration or severity of symptoms


Strong study shows no link between vasectomy and prostate cancer

In the 1980s, reports began to surface of a potential connection between vasectomies and prostate cancer. This worried men considering vasectomies for birth control, but it was also controversial. Some studies detected an association while others didn’t. Harvard Prostate Knowledge last covered the topic in 2015, after the largest study to that point detected slightly higher risks of high-grade prostate cancer among men who had a vasectomy compared to men who hadn’t.

Now that study has been eclipsed by an even larger one.

Here’s how the analysis worked

For this new effort, researchers with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota looked through 53 studies with a combined 15 million men who had a vasectomy and were then followed for up to 24 years. The Mayo researchers also controlled for a potential bias that made some of the earlier studies hard to interpret: specifically, that men who get a vasectomy are more likely to pay attention to their health, including prostate cancer screening with a PSA test. Scientists had speculated that reported links between vasectomy and prostate cancer could have more to with screening results and early detection than with vasectomy itself.

To control for that possibility, the Mayo team stratified all 53 studies by whether their risk of bias was high, medium, or low.

Here’s what researchers found

They found that evidence linking vasectomy with prostate cancer was strongest in the more biased studies. And when looking at the low-bias studies — the ones that best accounted for the effect of early detection with PSA screening — the connection with prostate cancer was “negligible,” according to Dr. Bimal Bhindi, a urologist at the Mayo Clinic who led the research. Furthermore, the low-bias studies contained no evidence at all that vasectomy elevates risks for the high-grade prostate cancers that threaten survival.

“We synthesized three decades of epidemiological research on the topic and found no clear proof that vasectomy causes prostate cancer,” Bhindi wrote. “Nor do we know of any clear biological mechanism for how it could do so.”

“The current study is noteworthy for its sheer size,” added Dr. Marc Garnick, the Gorman Brothers Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and editor in chief of, who offered a more tempered assessment. “However, retrospective analyses that try to sort out biases are always challenging. For now, the potential risk of prostate cancer should probably not dissuade an individual from having a vasectomy if that procedure is thought to result in the most optimal birth control method.”

The post Strong study shows no link between vasectomy and prostate cancer appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Charlie Schmidt

Researchers move closer to peanut allergy cure

A new study documents "a major step forward" in developing a treatment for the common food allergy


Do Common Vitamins Raise Lung Cancer Risk?

Increased odds only seemed to affect men or male smokers, study suggests


More Evidence Contact Sports Can Affect the Brain

Some changes in structure, chemistry seen in college athletes who take hits during play


Is your health insurer making you sicker?

Nearly a quarter of people with chronic conditions are denied treatment by their insurers, report claims


How much sugar is in your soda? Panera's cups will tell you

The restaurant chain will print the sugar content on all its cups by the middle of September, part of its health-focused push


Officials: Don't eat fish from this Pennsylvania river

Tests found extremely high levels of a potentially dangerous chemical in a stretch of a western Pennsylvania river


Study: New Cholesterol Drugs Vastly Overpriced

But drug maker, heart experts question methodology of analysis


Did You Damage Your Eyes Viewing the Eclipse?

Experts say cases always arise after these events, and here's how to tell if you were affected


Dinner at Mayowood: Enduring Values in Changing Times - Preview

From: Mayo Clinic

Dementia Care a Huge Financial Hit for Families

Annual costs may top $320,000, study estimates


Verdict was fourth against Johnson & Johnson

Verdict was fourth against Johnson & Johnson


ID’ing human remains with dental records subject of technical report

Some dentists may know what it’s like to be approached by law enforcement seeking dental records to help identify victims of car accidents or other traumatic events.


By Michelle Manchir