Monday, October 16, 2017

Can Coffee Prevent MS?

You may have heard drinking coffee can prevent MS. Separate the facts from the myth.


With Skin Cancer Surgery, Insurance Matters

Wait could be more than 6 weeks longer than those with private insurance, study says


Trouble With #2? One Simple Step May Help

Small footstool changes angle while on toilet, improving bowel movements


Hugh Hammond Bennett - The Story of America’s Private Lands Conservation Movement

From: USDA

New mom lost four limbs to flesh-eating bacteria

Lindsey Hubley is now suing the hospital, alleging doctors were negligent during the birth of her son and postoperative care


WHO supports the immunization of 874 000 people against yellow fever in Nigeria

WHO supports the immunization of 874,000 people against yellow fever in Nigeria


Senator urges action after "60 Minutes" opioid report

Sen. Joe Manchin said he was "horrified" by the findings and insists, "This is not a partisan issue"


County sues drug companies over opioid epidemic

The suit claims drug companies played a role in the skyrocketing number of opioid overdoses


Mayo Clinic Minute: Minimally invasive surgery solutions for bad backs

From: Mayo Clinic

Calif. Declares Emergency Over Hepatitis Outbreak

Declaration allows governor to more swiftly respond as epidemic spreads.


AAPD issues first evidence-based guideline on silver diamine fluoride use

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry announced Oct. 11 that it issued the first evidence-based guideline on the use of silver diamine fluoride to treat caries in pediatric and special needs patients.


Doctor-patient relationship key to success in dental care

Dr. Joseph P. Crowley discusses dental benefits, Find-a-Dentist, more


Snapshots of American Dentistry — October 16, 2017


Doctor's research could buy time for snakebite victims

The therapy, injected into a snakebite​ victim in the field, could buy the person valuable time to get to the hospital for anti-venom treatments


Recall: Martha Stewart Knife Set At Macy’s

martha stewart knife set

Martha Stewart Whiteware Cake Knife and Server set has handles that can break.


Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Web: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

Jet Lag: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

Personal Leukemia Battle: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

Martin Shkreli pens letter from prison, claims medical "breakthrough"

"P.S. Donald Trump is your president too," Shkreli told CBS News


A-Fib Hits Men Earlier Than Women

Excess weight also ups risk for the heart rhythm disorder, study says


Many College Kids Think ADHD Meds Boost Grades

But adolescent health experts say there's no evidence to support that belief


Has Congress fueled America's opioid crisis?

A "60 Minutes"-Washington Post joint investigation exposes how a law may have allowed the opioid epidemic to worsen


Champion for expanding access to care earns 2017 Norton M. Ross Award

Dr. Paul Casamassimo muses that his attraction to dentistry as a profession “may be genetic,” considering his father and sister are dentists.
But DNA alone can’t account for Dr. Casamassimo’s accomplishments in the field, such as authoring or editing more than 350 publications; providing direction for pediatric dentists all over the world through his research; and mentoring and training hundreds of pediatric dental students.

From: By Michelle Manchir

New Alliance of the ADA president will ‘build on strong foundation’

Following a year of changes that included a new interactive website and an organizational overhaul, the Alliance of the ADA is preparing for a new year with a president who has proved she’s willing to go the distance in her new role.

From: By Michelle Manchir

New technology

New technology: Dr. Cherae Farmer-Dixon, dean, at the Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry, watches as fourth-year student Malcolm Shealer demonstrates the Microsoft Hololens during the Sept. 22 Health 2020 Future of Health Town Hall and Innovation Showcase in Washington, D.C.


Rebuilding after the hurricanes: Practitioners seek assistance at recovery symposium

Houston — More than 60 dentists, physicians and veterinarians affected by Hurricane Harvey and Irma met with experts and officials who can help them restore and reopen their practices during a Sept. 23 symposium.

From: By Kimber Solana

To increase dental care access, Bay Area dentist starts nonprofit

Oakland, Calif. — Dr. Daniel Nam was looking for a different way to increase access to dental care, especially for those who are uninsured or underserved, in the Bay Area when he received an email from an Alameda Dental Society colleague, Dr. Sharine Thenard.

From: By Kimber Solana

Washington Post's Lenny Bernstein on how Congress may have made opioid crisis worse

A "60 Minutes" - Washington Post investigation found that, at the height of the opioid crisis, Congress passed a law that may have allowed the epidemic to worsen. The bill, introduced in 2015, was promoted as a way to ensure patients had access to the medication they needed. But a former DEA official said the law made it hard to stop distributors from sending prescription drugs to "bad pharmacies and doctor's offices." The Washington Post's health and medicine reporter Lenny Bernstein, who co-authored his paper's report, joins "CBS This Morning" from Washington.


Attorneys demand answers from opioid manufacturers

Forty-one attorneys are demanding information and documents from prescription opioid manufacturers or distributors. The Pennsylvania attorney general is part of that investigation. He says 13 people die every day in his state from drug addiction. CBS News correspondent Demarco Morgan reports.


DEA says it will continue to "combat" opioid crisis

A justice department memo shows 65 doctors, pharmacies and drug companies received suspension orders in 2011, before the new opioid law went into place. The DEA has issued no suspension orders against a distributor for nearly two years. The agency says in a statement it will continue to "use all the tools at our disposal to combat this epidemic." CBS News correspondent Paula Reid reports.


Did the drug industry fuel America's opioid epidemic?

An investigation found the drug industry contributed at least $1.5 million to 23 lawmakers who co-sponored the bill, weakening enforcement laws at the height of the opioid epidemic. Congressman Tom Marino, the chief advocate for that bill, is now President Trump's nominee to be federal drug czar. CBS News correspondent Nancy Cordes is on Capitol Hill with more information about the bill and its key sponsors.


Is Congress complicit in the opioid crisis?

Lawmakers face tough questions over an explosive "60 Minutes" report, finding Congress helped disarm the Drug Enforcement Administration during the height of the opioid crisis. The investigation with the Washington Post highlights the impact of a new law, sponsored by Republicans and approved by Democrats.


DEA responds to explosive "60 Minutes" report about opioid crisis

DEA says drug epidemic is a top priority but its efforts may have been undermined by the so-called "revolving door" culture in Washington
