Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Paul: Congress should vote on multiple Obamacare replacement options

He said he and President Trump agree that the landmark health care law needs to be repealed but "have some disagreements on the replacement part"


GOP's health bill hits this group especially hard, advocates say

Americans 50-64 would see the largest cuts to tax credits and be susceptible to large premium increases


What Does Obamacare Uncertainty Mean For You?

us capitol

House Republicans unveil the American Health Care Act, their replacement for the Affordable Care Act. WebMD tells how your health insurance coverage may be affected.


How Does Daylight Saving Time Affect Your Health?

alarm clock in bedroom

Losing an hour of sleep may do more to your mind and body than you realize.


Americans With High BP Still Eating Too Much Salt

Average sodium intake more than double the recommended daily limit for these patients, study finds


Depression May Hasten Death After Heart Diagnosis

Mental health screening recommended over the long term, study suggests


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Robert J. Spinner, M.D.: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

William Joseph Hogan, M.D.: Hematologist, Oncologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Jamie J. Van Gompel, M.D.: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, M.D.: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Kevin Landolfo, M.D.: Surgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Thomas M. Munger, M.D.: Electrophysiologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Joseph A. Dearani, M.D.: Cardiovascular Surgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Richard Daly, M.D.: Cardiothoracic Surgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Bradley C. Leibovich, M.D.: Urologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

R. Jeffrey Karnes, M.D.: Urologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Asher A. Chanan-Khan, M.D.: Hematologist/Oncologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Erik P. Castle, M.D.: Urologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Stephen D. Cassivi, M.D.: Thoracic Surgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Jan C. Buckner, M.D.: Oncologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Richard J. Gray, M.D.: Surgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Teens’ brains are wired for risky behavior: Study

But researchers also found that context matters to whether or not adolescents actually engage in those behaviors


Jeffrey W. Britton, M.D.: Neurologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Gregory D. Cascino, M.D.: Neurologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Wayne L. Feyereisn, M.D.: Internist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Bernard R. Bendok, M.D.: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Joon H. Uhm, M.D.: Neurologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Claudia F. Lucchinetti, M.D.: Neurologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Ian F. Parney, M.D., PhD: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Fredric B. Meyer, M.D.: Neurosurgeon - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

NIDCR devotes $24 million to tissue regeneration research

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research announced March 7 that it has awarded $24 million to two resource centers dedicated to researching and developing new strategies for regenerating dental, oral and craniofacial tissues damaged by disease or injury.


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


AARP opposes Republican health care proposal

Group says the Republican plan will "weaken Medicare" and give special interests a "sweetheart deal"


Planned Parenthood president on GOP health care plan

A provision in the Obamacare replacement could essentially defund Planned Parenthood, which receives $500 million in federal money, if it continues providing abortion services


Pot for pets: Cannabis treatments catch on for animals

Some pet owners say marijuana works better than veterinarian-approved drugs


#MayoClinicNeuroChat about Brain Tumors

From: Mayo Clinic

ASDA elects 2017-18 national officers

The American Student Dental Association announced March 6 that its House of Delegates elected its 2017-18 national president, vice presidents and speaker of the House of Delegates during its annual meeting in Orlando, Florida.


Nitrous oxide distribution ‘continues to improve’ after supply disruption

Silver Spring, Md. — Nitrous oxide bulk liquid is available and distribution to packaged gas locations continues to improve, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said March 6, though the gas remains in shortage.


Federal dental service leaders meet with ADA in Washington

Federal dental service leaders meet with the ADA Council on Government Affairs in Washington to discuss legislative and regulatory issues during the council’s Feb. 9-11 meeting.


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


Why are fewer heavy Americans trying to lose weight?

Researchers wonder if fat acceptance could be among the reasons


Not tonight, dear: Why Americans are in a sex slump

New survey of U.S. adults finds "a major reversal" compared to decades past


Alzheimer's deaths almost doubled in last 15 years

Alzheimer's death toll is "alarming" and caregivers are affected more than ever now, too, experts say


Dr Ebbie Stewart - Women's Wellness: Finding treatments to fight fibroids

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Stress-reducing ideas designed to make you smile

From: Mayo Clinic

ADA to Congress: prioritize oral health in ACA reform

Washington — Medicaid reform. Improving dental plan transparency. Making health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts more flexible.


HVO celebrating 30th anniversary with symposium in April

Dental professionals involved or interested in international volunteerism are encouraged to attend Health Volunteers Overseas' 30th Anniversary Symposium here on April 28.


Bone and joint problems associated with diabetes


When dieters are most likely to give in to temptation

New research looks at the biggest challenges to sticking with a healthy eating plan


Planned Parenthood CEO on GOP plan to cut funding, being singled out

One part of the GOP proposal to replace the Affordable Care Act would cut federal funding for any organization that provides abortions, with a few exceptions. The provision would essentially defund Planned Parenthood if it continues providing abortion services. Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss how the federal money is used now and why she thinks the proposed policy is a "war on women's healthcare."


How to rediscover meaning in your life

Follow me on Twitter @srinipillay

When people feel that their lives have meaning, they perceive their lives as significant, purposeful, and valuable. This is critical for psychological wellbeing. People who feel that their lives have meaning feel less depressed and even have better outcomes in psychotherapy. Feeling that one’s life has meaning can also ease the psychological burden of medical illnesses. For example, people who have medical conditions such as a spinal cord injury cope better when they feel that their lives have meaning, and having a sense of meaning can improve the quality of life in cancer patients.

What to do when your sense of meaning slips away

Anything that makes you feel less safe—the death of a loved one, an illness, sudden financial burdens—can create a kind of anxiety that obscures all meaning. That’s when you may start to ask, “Why am I working so hard?” or “Why do I actually care about anything?” You may start to search for meaning frantically.  While meaning is the “primary motivational force in man,” searching for meaning does not guarantee that you will find it. When you feel psychologically adrift and disconnected from meaning, how can you increase the chances that you will find it?

You might be surprised to learn that reconnecting with meaning may not involve a set of techniques, but a set of spontaneous actions removed from the humdrum of life’s everyday routines. As helpful as “psychological techniques” such as reframing or positive thinking can be,  they often miss the mark in the search for meaning. Stanford psychiatrist, Irvin Yalom, explained that it is the intangibles and “off the beaten track” thoughts and activities that can make the greatest difference, much like the cook who spontaneously throws in a handful of spices into a dish without thinking much. When we examine the psychological elements that underlie the cook’s instinctive “throw-ins,” we find clues as to how we can jumpstart meaning in our lives. Here are three ways to open yourself to rediscovering meaning.

Be curious

Seasoned cooks are capable of these precise “throw-ins” without much thinking because they are willing to be curious and follow their instincts. As much as the cook may follow a recipe, it is curiosity that drives the exceptional touch and activates the intangible taste that results from it. As Samuel Johnson said, “The gratification of curiosity rather frees us from uneasiness than confers pleasure; we are more pained by ignorance than delighted by instruction.” Curiosity, defined as the desire to know, see, or experience new things, can activate a sense of purpose and meaning. Adding this vital ingredient to your life by literally walking a safe path you’ve never walked before or tasting a brand-new dish may get you back to the road of meaning. It is this “unfocus” from learned daily habits that is necessary to activate meaning.

Understand that we want to be independent and connected all at the same time

Underlying the cook’s “dare” are two well-known psychological attributes that shape how we relate to the world: agency (a feeling of independence) as well as communion (a feeling of connection to others). These are contrasting, yet important aspects of who we are, and having enough of both in our lives can also help to activate meaning. By doing so, we acknowledge our two-sided selves. Too much independence can lead to isolation. Too much communion can lead to loss of a sense of self. Living life fully requires switching between the two and organizing your day so that you have enough of both. In the cook’s dare, she is independent, but she is motivated by feeding and tantalizing the palates of others too. Learning to accept your contradictions is central to experiencing a sense of meaning and more rewarding that choosing to be “one” or “the other” thing.

Notice when “meaning” appears

When you feel that sense of meaning, it is like a taste that “hits the spot” with the first mouthful. What you are tasting is not just a carefully crafted combination of ingredients, though you can be sure that that is part of the picture. In addition, you are the beneficiary of the cook’s spontaneous insight—an important factor in meaning-making. When you make time for spontaneous insights in your day, you can jumpstart the flow of experience, which is characteristic of meaning-driven activities. You can’t have such insights if your day is run like clockwork or if it is jam-packed or if your calendar dictates your meaning (unless, of course, your calendar leaves room for spontaneous whims and fancies—these moments can require space too). Setting aside time for doing something with no particular goal in mind adds a vital ingredient to your life that can bring back the very meaning for which you were searching.

In essence then, when you are psychologically adrift, you may be tempted to try to ground yourself with rational approaches to life. In fact, what you may need is to also find your “psychological wings” so that you may catch the breeze of life and enjoy gliding into it before you land.

The post How to rediscover meaning in your life appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Srini Pillay, MD

Republican plan to replace Obamacare slammed by conservatives

Republicans introduced their replacement plan Monday evening, and it's already facing opposition -- from other Republicans
