Monday, November 13, 2017

New blood pressure guidelines released

High blood pressure is called the silent killer, and under new guidelines from the American Heart Association, nearly half of Americans have it -- up from a third. Dr. Jon LaPook reports on the leading cause of heart disease.


Half of U.S. adults have high blood pressure under new guidelines

New guidelines lower the threshold for high blood pressure​, adding 30 million Americans to those who have the condition


Inside the ER the night of the Las Vegas shooting

The doctor in charge of the emergency room at Sunrise Hospital, which received more than 200 penetrating gunshot wound victims, details the horrors he and his colleagues faced that night


Diabetes Raises Heart Death Risk 7x in Adults

People younger than 50 with diabetes have a seven-times higher risk of dying from sudden cardiac death, preliminary research suggests.


Army Lifts Ban on Recruits With Mental Health Issues

People with a history of some types of mental health problems can now seek waivers to join the U.S. Army.


Breast-Feeding May Guard Against Teen Eczema

Encouraging new mothers to stick with breast-feeding may halve the already small risk that infants will develop eczema when they hit their teens, new research suggests.


Bill Gates Donates $50 Million to Alzheimer's Research

Bill Gates says he will provide $50 million for research into efforts to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.


Does Sex Really Trigger Cardiac Arrest?

Sexual activity very rarely causes cardiac arrest, a new study reports.


Launch of special initiative to address climate change impact on health in Small Island Developing States

Launch of special initiative to address climate change impact on health in Small Island Developing States


Bill Gates donates millions to combat Alzheimer's

"It's a huge problem, a growing problem," Bill Gates said about Alzheimer's disease. He's donating millions of his own money to help fund research to combat the brain disease.


7 ways to de-stress right now

From: Mayo Clinic

Feeling stressed? Remember the 4 A's

From: Mayo Clinic

Top reasons men skip their doctor visits

From: Mayo Clinic

Let your mind protect your heart

From: Mayo Clinic

How to prevent the top threats to men's health

From: Mayo Clinic

8 healthy habits to set before you're 30

From: Mayo Clinic

How to tackle the toughest eating triggers

From: Mayo Clinic

Surprising ways to break through a weight loss plateau

From: Mayo Clinic

PPR takes deep dive look at silver diamine fluoride and fluoride varnish

Dentists who want to know more about using fluoride varnish or silver diamine fluoride as a way to treat or prevent caries can find clinical guidance and other insights in an issue of ADA Professional Product Review released in November.

From: By Michelle Manchir

"Supernormal": Psychologist Meg Jay on resilience and overcoming adversity

Says the ability to rise up against hardship is not an inborn trait, but a measure of how we act in the face of adversity and personal trauma


Researcher "surprised" by study on sex and cardiac arrest

New study looks at the rates of cardiac arrest cases linked to sex


Genetic Testing for Pain Management: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

Study suggests this gender is less likely to get CPR from bystanders

Researchers think reluctance to touch a woman's chest might be one reason


Rare and Undiagnosed Disease Program: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

Leave your mark at the ADA House in Washington

Earlier this year, the ADA opened the doors to the ADA House in the heart of D.C.'s Capitol Hill district. Now the ADA is inviting members to make their own mark on the property by purchasing personalized bricks.

From: By Michelle Manchir

Smoking Cessation Study: Mayo Clinic Radio

From: Mayo Clinic

What’s new with the flu shot?

Should you get the influenza (flu) vaccine this year? The short, quick answer (barring any medical reasons you shouldn’t, such as severe allergies), is yes! But recent research raises another important question: When should you get the shot?

Why a flu shot every year in the first place?

Getting infected with the flu can be dangerous — we’ve seen patients in the ICU who were previously healthy but had a horrible response to a strain of the virus and became very sick.

Every year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other agencies release flu vaccination guidelines in late summer to early fall. The flu vaccines are usually available by the end of the summer season. Figuring out exactly which strains of flu viruses the vaccine should protect against is often complicated. Basically, experts look at the influenza virus strains that were making trouble in previous years, and attempt to predict which strains are likely to cause the flu in the upcoming season.

The inactivated flu vaccine is the form of flu vaccine that is most commonly injected and contains parts of the virus but no live virus. Therefore, you should not be infected with the flu from the vaccine itself. Some people may feel “sick” after the vaccine with symptoms such as mild fever, pain in the injection site, fatigue — all of which may just be your body mounting an expected immune response against the foreign virus particles. For the 2017-18 season, the CDC and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have recommended against the alternative intranasal live attenuated vaccine, due to concerns about its ineffectiveness during the previous seasons.

Get your flu shot as soon as possible? Maybe not…

Recent studies have suggested that the flu vaccines may not be as effective when given too early. The US Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network compiled data on patients seeking care at outpatient clinics during the four previous flu seasons from 2011-12 to 2014-15. Although the data varied for different influenza strains, it did show that the vaccine was most effective at approximately two weeks after it was given. Protection against the flu then decreases every month. There could be many explanations for this: people may lose immunity during the season; different patient populations receive vaccines at different times; the virus may mutate during the course of the flu season, etc. This decrease in protection over time may even account for why some people who did get a flu shot go on to get the flu later on in the season (February or March). However, more research needs to be conducted to evaluate this further.

It gets even trickier

The problem is that we cannot predict exactly when the flu season will begin each year. In clinics and in the emergency department, we often see the flu season starting around December and lasting until the spring. And the flu shot is not 100% effective. Over the past few seasons, studies have shown that the vaccine reduced the risk of flu infection by 40% to 60%. For patients who are immunocompromised or have chronic medical conditions, it may still make sense to receive the vaccine earlier so that your body is protected against the virus whenever the season comes. But if you’re generally healthy, it may make sense to get the vaccine a little later in the fall.

But, as physicians, we really aren’t sure yet.

So, what should you do?

We need more research to determine the optimal timing of influenza immunization. Until we have more information, I still recommend getting the flu vaccine each year before the flu season starts, especially if you have other health problems, have a weakened immune system, or if your child is young enough to require two doses. Even if you are exposed to the flu virus later in the season and your immunity is not as strong against it, your body may still be able to fight off the virus quicker and more effectively than if you did not receive the vaccine at all. For those who are healthier and have access to primary care physicians, you could consider holding off until later in the fall; however, you may risk getting the flu if the season comes early.


Intraseason waning of influenza vaccine protection: Evidence from the US Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Network, 2011-12 through 2014-15. Clinical Infectious Diseases, March 2017.

Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness, 2005-2017. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The post What’s new with the flu shot? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Dominic Wu, MD

Bill Gates Donates $50 Million to Alzheimer's Research

Bill Gates says he will provide $50 million for research into efforts to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease.


Does Sex Really Trigger Cardiac Arrest?

Sexual activity very rarely causes cardiac arrest, a new study reports.


Founder of sex rehab center defends program

Both Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, accused of sexual misconduct, are reportedly being treated at the same upscale rehab facility in Arizona
