Tuesday, October 13, 2015

How investigators cracked the Blue Bell listeria outbreak case

S.C. Department of Health randomly sampled ten products from a local Blue Bell distribution center; but the last thing they expected to find was listeria

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-investigators-cracked-blue-bell-listeria-outbreak-case/

When it comes to ambulance care, basic may be better

Researchers compared survival rates for patients who received basic or advanced support from ambulance crews, and results were surprising

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/when-it-comes-to-ambulance-care-basic-may-be-better/

Younger Women Less Likely to Take Meds After Heart Attack

This, despite fact they have worse outcomes than men of a similar age, study authors say

From: http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/news/20151013/younger-women-less-likely-to-take-meds-after-heart-attack?src=RSS_PUBLIC

How to burn more calories while you walk

Study tests an easy way to get more of a workout from a daily stroll

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-to-burn-more-calories-while-you-walk/

Frostbite: How to Spot It, Treat It and Prevent It

child snow

Frostbite can permanently damage your fingers, toes, and more. WebMD gives you tips on the symptoms and what to do about it.

From: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/features/frostbite-treatment-prevention-faq-feature?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Many cancer survivors have unhealthy diets

"After you've been diagnosed with cancer, sometimes you might say, 'What the heck, what's a brownie?'"

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/many-cancer-survivors-have-unhealthy-diets/

To sit or not to sit?

New research says that sitting for extended periods of time may not be as harmful as previously thought

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/to-sit-or-not-to-sit/

Sitting for a Long Time Not as Bad as Thought?

woman sitting on desk

New research challenges the idea that sitting for long periods raises the risk of early death, even for people who are otherwise healthy. WebMD has the details.

From: http://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/20151013/sitting-not-so-bad?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Early Physical Therapy May Not Fix Low Back Pain

Discomfort usually subsides just by staying active, experts say

From: http://www.webmd.com/back-pain/news/20151013/early-physical-therapy-not-a-cure-all-for-low-back-pain-study?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Is red wine at dinner good for type 2 diabetes?

A new study looks at how much alcohol and which types of drinks are best for diabetics' heart health

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/red-wine-at-dinner-may-help-hearts-in-type-2-diabetes/

Black Tea Tied to Fewer Fractures in Older Women


Drinking multiple cups of black tea (as opposed to green or other tea) with or without milk is linked to lower odds of a bone break in older women, a new study finds.

From: http://www.webmd.com/women/news/20151013/black-tea-fractures-women?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Calcium Supplements Tied to Kidney Stone Risk

But don't stop on your own if doctor recommended them, experts say

From: http://www.webmd.com/kidney-stones/news/20151013/calcium-supplements-tied-to-kidney-stone-risk-in-study?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Unrefrigerated caramel apples may pose listeria risk

After a 2014 outbreak linked to the popular treat, researchers say consumers and manufacturers should take precautions

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/study-warns-of-listeria-risk-from-unrefrigerated-caramel-apples/

Medical Gowns, Gloves Often Contamination Source

But researchers say that education and practice can dramatically improve health care worker hygiene

From: http://www.webmd.com/news/20151012/medical-gowns-gloves-often-source-of-contamination-study?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Infants' Heart Defect and Pregnancy Blood Sugar

Moderately increased glucose could be cause for concern, study suggests

From: http://www.webmd.com/baby/news/20151012/infant-heart-defect-may-be-linked-to-pre-diabetic-sugar-levels-in-pregnancy?src=RSS_PUBLIC

800-pound man determined to slim down and "shock the world"

Steven Assanti, who says he was kicked out of Rhode Island Hospital for ordering pizza, hopes to have gastric bypass surgery

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/steven-assanti-800-pound-rhode-island-man-determined-to-slim-down/

WHO: Training of trainers for at-risk countries on clinical management of Ebola patients

From: World Health Organization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6Y3vdia4yg

Calcium Supplements Tied to Kidney Stone Risk

But don't stop on your own if doctor recommended them, experts say

From: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-and-supplements/news/20151013/calcium-supplements-tied-to-kidney-stone-risk-in-study?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Many Cancer Survivors Eat Poorly

Doctors often overlook dietary advice, experts say

From: http://www.webmd.com/cancer/news/20151013/many-cancer-survivors-eat-poorly-study-finds?src=RSS_PUBLIC

OMS: Cours de formation Clinique sur l'épidémie d'Ebola dans les pays à risque

From: World Health Organization http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T97fxa1UwJE

HIV Therapy May Also Lower Risk for Hepatitis B

But researchers add that it's critical to expand vaccination base

From: http://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20151012/hiv-therapy-may-also-lower-risk-for-hepatitis-b-study-says?src=RSS_PUBLIC

Jeb Bush offers plan to repeal, replace ObamaCare

Jeb Bush will unveil a plan in New Hampshire to replace ObamaCare

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jeb-bush-offers-plan-to-repeal-replace-obamacare/

Dissolving heart stent shows promise

New device passes first big test, but some experts say promising early results do not mean the technology will be embraced

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/dissolving-heart-stent-shows-promise/

First, do no harm

As an important step in becoming a doctor, medical students must take the Hippocratic Oath. And one of the promises within that oath is “first, do no harm” (or “primum non nocere,” the Latin translation from the original Greek.)



While some medical schools ask their graduates to abide by the Hippocratic Oath, others use a different pledge — or none at all. And in fact, although “first, do no harm” is attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, it isn’t a part of the Hippocratic Oath at all. It is actually from another of his works called Of the Epidemics.

So why the confusion?

Admittedly, there is similar language found in both places. For example, here’s a line from one translation of the Hippocratic Oath:

I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.”

Yes, the pledger commits to avoiding harm, but there’s nothing about making it a top priority. Meanwhile, Of the Epidemics says

The physician must be able to tell the antecedents, know the present, and foretell the future — must mediate these things, and have two special objects in view with regard to disease, namely, to do good or to do no harm.”

Again, there is no clear priority given to the avoidance of harm over the goal of providing help.

Is “first, do no harm” even possible?

The idea that doctors should, as a starting point, not harm their patients is an appealing one. But doesn’t that set the bar rather low? Of course no physician should set out to do something that will only be accompanied by predictable and preventable harm. We don’t need an ancient ancestor, however well-respected, or an oath to convince us of that!

But if physicians took “first, do no harm” literally, no one would have surgery, even if it was lifesaving. We might stop ordering mammograms, because they could lead to a biopsy for a non-cancerous lump. In fact, we might not even request blood tests — the pain, bruising, or bleeding required to draw blood are clearly avoidable harms.

But doctors do recommend these things within the bounds of ethical practice because the modern interpretation of “first, do no harm” is closer to this: doctors should help their patients as much as they can by recommending tests or treatments for which the potential benefits outweigh the risks of harm. Even so, in reality, the principle of “first, do no harm” may be less helpful — and less practical — than you might think.

How practical is “first, do no harm”?

Imagine the following situations:

  • Your diagnosis is clear — say, strep throat — and there’s an effective treatment available that carries only minor risks. Here, “first, do no harm” is not particularly relevant or useful.
  • Your diagnosis isn’t clear and the optimal course of testing or treatment is uncertain — for example, you have back pain or suffer from headaches. It may be impossible to accurately compare the risk and benefit tradeoffs of one particular course of action against another. So you can’t tell ahead of time whether a test or treatment will “do no harm.”
  • Your diagnosis is serious — for example, an inoperable cancer — and treatment can only cause harm. Here, the “first, do no harm” mandate is irrelevant again. The only reasonable course of care is to offer comfort, support, and relief of suffering. This is already a guiding principle of palliative care and is widely accepted.

The bottom line

The fact is that when difficult, real-time decisions must be made, it’s hard to apply the “first, do no harm” dictum because estimates of risk and benefit are so uncertain and prone to error.

But it is a reminder that we need high-quality research to help us better understand the balance of risk and benefit for the tests and treatments we recommend. Ultimately, it is also a reminder that doctors should neither overestimate their capacity to heal, nor underestimate their capacity to cause harm.

The post First, do no harm appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert Shmerling, M.D. http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/first-do-no-harm-201510138421

Ex-Blue Bell Ice Cream workers on deadly listeria outbreak

In a CBS News investigation, the former workers claim management ignored complaints about dangerous conditions at their factory

From: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/ex-blue-bell-ice-cream-workers-on-deadly-listeria-outbreak/

High blood pressure and sex: Overcome the challenges

From: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure-and-sex/art-20044209