Monday, March 14, 2016

Trying to quit smoking? Here's the most effective strategy

Researchers compared gradual and "cold turkey" approaches to see which led to greater success


Biologic Drugs – Are They Safe to Use During Pregnancy? – IBD in the News

From: Mayo Clinic

Genetic High-Cholesterol Condition More Common Than Thought

Researchers say finding shows early treatment is important to avert heart attack


Pregnant Puerto Ricans Fearful of Zika

zika sign

Ask pregnant women in Puerto Rico if they want a boy or a girl and you’ll get an age-old answer: They don’t care, as long as the baby is healthy. WebMD reports.


Stomach Troubles Not Linked to Autism, Study Finds

Gastrointestinal problems don't cause the disorder, researcher says


CDC makes notable exception to Zika travel warning

Health officials say Mexico City and other places at high elevation are safe for pregnant women to visit


90th Annual Clinical Reviews - 2016 - Mayo Clinic Testimonial

From: Mayo Clinic

90th Annual Clinical Reviews - 2016 - Mayo Clinic Testimonial

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Continuing Medical Education

From: Mayo Clinic

Facial Reanimation - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Suspected Lassa Fever Patient Treated in Atlanta

Suspected Lassa Fever Patient Treated in Atlanta


United States Secures Full Access for U.S. Beef and Beef Products to Peru

LIMA, Peru, March 14, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman announced today that the U.S. government has reached agreement with the government of Peru to remove barriers for U.S. beef exports to Peru that have remained in effect since 2003, opening one of the fastest growing markets in Latin America to all American beef and beef products. In 2015, the United States exported $25.4 million in beef and beef products to Peru. Since the U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA) entered into force in 2009, U.S. beef and beef products have grown substantially but have been hampered due to burdensome certification requirements installed by Peru in 2003. This agreement, reached today during Secretary Vilsack's trade and investment mission to Peru, removes those barriers – called the export verification program – and assures American ranchers of expanded market access.


Family says dentist left child brain damaged

The family of a 4-year-old girl in Houston says she suffered seizures and brain damage after something went wrong at the dentist's office


Preventive mastectomies triple, despite limited benefit

More breast cancer patients are opting for extensive surgery, even when medical evidence doesn't support it


Family: 4-year-old suffers brain damage after dentist visit

"This child was essentially tortured," the family's attorney says


Obesity and the Pill May Raise Risk of Rare Stroke

But, overall risk is still low, experts say


Condom Use Falls When Teen Girls Use IUDs vs. Pill

Experts say young women need to remember that STDs are still a danger


In a crisis, Siri and Cortana may not have your back

Popular smartphone assistants gave inconsistent, incomplete answers when asked about health emergencies, abuse or suicidal thoughts


Mayo Clinic Minute: Treating Urinary Tract Infections

From: Mayo Clinic

Two-Dose Chickenpox Shot Gets the Job Done: Study

Adding second shot at ages 4 to 6 is almost 100 percent effective


Long Working Hours May Raise Heart Disease Risk

The danger was sharply higher for those who work 46 hours a week or more


USDA Announces $260 Million Available for Regional Conservation Partnership Program

WASHINGTON, March 14, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced the availability of up to $260 million for partner proposals to improve the nation's water quality, combat drought, enhance soil health, support wildlife habitat and protect agricultural viability. The funding is being made available through USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) innovative Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) and applicants must be able to match the federal award with private or local funds.


ADA, others ask Congress to reinstate chief dental officer

The Association, along with the American Academy of Pediatric Dentists, American Dental Education Association and American Association for Dental Research, is asking Congress to reinstate the chief dental officer position within the Health Resources and Services Administration.


First nutrition roadmap crosses health disciplines

The nation's first Nutrition Research Roadmap, released March 4 by the Interagency Committee on Human Nutrition Research, identifies that as well as several other key areas for research from 2016-20.


FDA Tentatively OKs Gene-Modified Mosquito Tests

Agency says testing the insects in Florida Keys poses little risk to people, animals and the environment


MyPlate, MyWins: Meet Shelley

From: USDA

MyPlate, MyWins: Meet Rocio

From: USDA

MyPlate, MyWins: What’s Your Heathy Eating Style?

From: USDA

My fall last fall: Reaction time and getting older

I remember it like it was just last year — because that’s when it happened. I found myself on the ground with a separated shoulder. I’d gone for a run, wasn’t paying attention to the terrain, and tripped over a rock. And down I went.

Now, all this time later, I’m still struck by something odd: although I’d taken an occasional tumble while jogging over the years, I’d never had more than a skinned knee — so why did I fall so hard that time? And that got me thinking: why do falls tend to cause more serious injuries as we age?

The trouble with falling

As I looked into the connection between aging and fall-related injuries, I was reminded of a joke I heard about an elderly man who was being evaluated for repeatedly falling: he said, “It’s not the falling that bothers me — it’s the landing.” And there is wisdom to his reply — how we land as kids when we trip and fall is very different than how we land in older adulthood. One obvious difference is that the distance and the force are greater: we’re larger as adults and we’re falling from a greater height. But there’s another important difference. As kids, we often “catch ourselves” before landing too hard. An outstretched hand, a quick turn of the body, or grabbing a nearby railing can mean the difference between a minor scrape and a broken bone.

Reaction time changes with age

It may come as no surprise to learn that reaction times tend to slow as we age. Researchers had observed this phenomenon in several older studies, but recently, it was put to the test once more in a more high-tech fashion. The study used a Nintendo Wii computer system to compare reaction times of people ages 25 to 35 with those 65 and older. Each volunteer had to react to a visual signal by “hammering” the keyboard in front of them or stepping on a keyboard in front of them. The findings were striking: the older adults had significantly slower reaction times.,

In addition to slower reaction times, older individuals tend to have poorer coordination and reduced force and speed of movements.

Why does this happen? It’s a combination of age-related changes in the brain, slowed signals from the brain to nerves and muscles, reduced flexibility of joints and tendons, and weaker muscles. In addition, older individuals tend to have less accurate awareness of their extremities’ position in space. These changes conspire to increase the likelihood of falling and to reduce one’s ability to make quick adjustments if a fall does occur.

Falls are not just falls

When an adult falls and has an injury, the first order of business is to assess the severity of the injury and treat it. That part is often the easiest (although a hip fracture or a head or neck injury can be devastating). The next step may be more challenging: figuring out why the fall occurred. Sometimes it’s obvious, such as stepping onto an icy or uneven sidewalk. But, when falls are recurring or seem to happen without an obvious reason, sorting out the cause takes time and judgment. Medications, heart problems, and nerve diseases are just a few of the reasons people fall. When a specific cause can be identified, interventions can help prevent falling in the future.

What can be done?

Clinical studies have observed a reduced rate of falling in older individuals after participation in exercise programs focused on balance, strength, flexibility, and stamina. However, few studies have specifically targeted reaction times. So, it’s possible – but unproven – that faster reaction times can be learned. Maybe we could use that Wii system described earlier to train older folks to react faster. If that’s possible, falling might become rarer and injuries more minor.

Other interventions that are commonly recommended to prevent falls and their complications include:

  • Education. For example, making sure older individuals understand the dangers of falling so that unnecessary risks (such as standing on a chair to change a lightbulb) can be avoided—as well as teaching folks how to avoid those kinds of risks.
  • Making the environment safer. Examples include removal of clutter and loose rugs from the home.
  • Assessing vision. It’s important that older individuals have a thorough eye exam and receive treatment for any eye conditions (such as cataracts) that can impair vision.
  • Getting regular checkups and reviewing all medications. As mentioned, many conditions and medications affect balance and blood pressure and can increase the risk of falls.
  • Moderating alcohol intake. Alcohol affects balance and blood pressure, so drinking too much can encourage falls.
  • Using a walker or cane for added stability if needed.
  • Improving bone mass. Calcium and vitamin D supplements, along with medications to increase bone mass (if needed), can optimize bone strength and lower the risk of a fracture if a fall occurs.


My shoulder is fine now, but it took weeks in a sling, months in physical therapy, and lots of exercises at home to get better. The fact is, I probably could have prevented the fall and shoulder injury I suffered last year if I’d paid more attention to the terrain and avoided tripping in the first place. But I have little doubt that my reaction time has slowed as I’ve gotten older. Is there anything I can do about that? Can we learn to hasten our reaction times or learn to “fall better”? I certainly hope so — for the sake of my own safety and the millions of others at risk of falling.

The post My fall last fall: Reaction time and getting older appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert Shmerling, MD

USDA Launches Online MyPlate, MyWins Challenge, Available Throughout National Nutrition Month

WASHINGTON, March 14, 2016 – In honor of National Nutrition Month, the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today launched the MyPlate, MyWins Challenge which encourages people to make small, easy changes – MyWins – to their eating and activity habits, and to build on their wins over time to achieve a healthier lifestyle. With the MyPlate, MyWins Challenge, people can join or form a team online, then challenge team mates – friends, family, co-workers – to consume two foods from each of the MyPlate food groups a day and be active two times a day for two days. The challenge days are chosen by the team.


Training teens to be high school "sleep ambassadors"

Center for Sleep Sciences at Stanford University is impressing the health risks of sleep deprivation upon the nation's drowsy teenagers


Are spring allergies coming on early this year?

Create a "game plan" before you're slammed by spring pollen allergies


Vegetarian diet: How to get the best nutrition
