Saturday, January 20, 2018

Deadly flu season particularly rough on kids -- and won't peak anytime soon

The Centers for Disease Control reports 30 children have died from influenza since October, and the number of states hit with high flu-like illness is now up to 32


U.S. flu season has "lot more steam" than expected

Health officials last week said flu was blanketing the country but they thought there was a good chance the season was already peaking


Tom Petty Died Of Accidental Overdose: Coroner

Musician Tom Petty died of an accidental drug overdose, according to a statement from his wife and daughter that was posted online.Petty had been suffering from a fractured hip that got worse during his recent tour, along with emphysema and knee pain.


Two families united in fight for childhood cancer research funding

Only about four percent of federal funding for cancer research is set aside specifically for childhood cancers


Trump administration plans to gut drug office, eliminate budgetary authority

President Trump is planning on gutting the Office of National Drug Control and Policy by slashing more than $340 million from its budget, a Trump administration source says


Families unite over fight for childhood cancer research

Our continuing series, A More Perfect Union, aims to show that what unites us as Americans is far greater than what divides us. Only about four percent of federal funding for cancer research is set aside specifically for childhood cancers. The grim reality is that 17 percent of kids diagnosed will not survive. "CBS Sunday Morning's" Lee Cowan takes a look at the bond forged in battle between two families with a common enemy.
