Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Utah Planned Parenthood scraps condoms with Mormon symbol

Wrappers stamped with a popular design were a limited run intended to spark open conversation about sexual health, Planned Parenthood said


How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

WebMD examines ways you can keep your liver in good shape.


ALS Ice Bucket Challenge pays off

Two summers ago, the Ice Bucket Challenge raised $115 million for ALS research. Now that money has helped make an advancement in treating the disease. Jim Axelrod has more.


Serious health risks found in some dietary supplements

Dietary supplements are a $40 billion a year industry in the United States, but a new report has found serious health risks with the products. Dr. Tara Narula explains.


Supplements meant to help couple get pregnant land husband in hospital

"I had no idea that there were side effects, I thought it was just like regular vitamins," Bobby Cimorelli said after he wound up in the emergency room


HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.


Scientists find a new antibiotic right under our noses

The key to fighting antibiotic-resistant bugs may lie in certain people's nasal passages


Is cockroach milk the superfood of the future?

Some scientists think cockroach milk just might be the next big health food craze


Red Cross in urgent need of blood donations

The Red Cross says all blood types are critically low as the national stockpile dwindles to only a five-day supply


Teen brain scans offer clues about mental illness

Changes that occur in adolescents' brains may help explain why the first signs of mental illness tend to appear during this time


'Ice Bucket Challenge' Funds Boon to ALS Research

Money raised during the online campaign helped scientists spot gene linked to deadly nerve disease


E-Cigarettes Emit Toxic Vapors: Study

Levels depend on type and age of device, and they increase as it heats up


Safer Heads Prevail With New HS Football Rule

When full-contact practices were limited, blows to the head dropped, study found


After fiery start, Illinois MOM event helps hundreds

Five days before the dental volunteers for the Mission of Mercy event here were scheduled to see their first patient, the truck carrying all the necessary equipment caught on fire.


Ice Bucket Challenge funds ALS gene discovery

The viral campaign that raised more than $100 million helped pay for this important research


Is a New at-Home Colon Cancer Test for You?

colon scan

Up to 40% of people who should get a test for colon cancer aren’t doing so.That’s one of the reasons why some doctors are encouraged by Cologuard, a new at-home test for colon cancer.


Pedagogies in Practice: Instructional Games

From: Mayo Clinic

Pace to breathe — New treatments for sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a common condition. As many as 26% of all Americans may suffer from this condition, in which there are long pauses between breaths during sleep. Unfortunately, many patients with sleep apnea do not tolerate the most effective current therapy, continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP. For some of these people, a new approach pacemaker therapy may be an alternative.

Pacemakers for sleep apnea? This must be a “typo,” right? Don’t you really mean heart pacemaker? No, this isn’t a typo. Pacemakers are some of the newest treatments for sleep apnea. Before explaining how they work, a short physiology lesson is necessary.

Normally, when you breathe in, air flows from the nose and mouth, past the back of your tongue, through the trachea and down into your lungs. This occurs because nerve signals from the brain activate the diaphragm to produce inspiration. The resulting negative pressure pulls air in. However, these nerve signals also stimulate muscles surrounding the throat, including the tongue to contract in order to prevent the airway from being suctioned closed with breathing. Sleep apnea occurs when these processes fail during sleep, and consequently air does not enter the lungs.

There are two types of sleep apnea. The most common is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when there is repetitive collapse of airway at the back of the throat. In obstructive apnea, the stimulus to the throat muscles is insufficient to prevent their collapse and the airway becomes blocked. Less common is central sleep apnea. In central apnea, nerve signals from the brain are absent for prolonged periods of time, and there is no effort made to breathe during these intervals.

The research around new sleep apnea treatments

In a recent study, pacing of the hypoglossal nerve in the neck during sleep was effective treatment for people with moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. Twelve months after pacemaker insertion, the average number of obstructed breathing events decreased by approximately 50%. In addition, nighttime oxygen levels improved, as did measures of quality of life and daytime sleepiness. There were few side effects.

How does the hypoglossal pacemaker work? The pacemaker has three major components. The first is the stimulation electrode, which is surgically implanted on one hypoglossal nerve (there are two nerves, right and left). The second is a sensing electrode, which is surgically inserted in the chest and detects when a person starts to inhale. The third is the electrical generator, which supplies battery power for the pacemaker. When the sensing electrode identifies the start of a breath, it signals the stimulation electrode to activate the hypoglossal nerve, which is the primary nerve to the tongue. This causes the tongue muscle to stiffen and resist airway closure, thus preventing apnea.

Although the hypoglossal pacemaker sounds like a dream come true for people with obstructive sleep apnea who have trouble using continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), it has not been used in large numbers of patients to date. Two reasons have hindered widespread use––cost (about $30,000) and lack of data showing effectiveness in patients who are severely obese. This is important because two-thirds of people with obstructive sleep apnea are overweight or obese. The insertion procedure is not complicated, although it requires a brief surgical procedure and follow-up to adjust the pacemaker settings. However, as more experience with it accumulates, usage of this novel therapy may increase.

Central sleep apnea also may be amenable to pacemaker treatment. Central apnea frequently is observed in patients with heart failure, and is difficult to treat. Recent studies show that a pacemaker inserted through a central vein, in a manner similar to placement of a heart pacemaker, can stimulate the phrenic nerve, which controls contraction of the diaphragm. This pacemaker senses the absence of any effort to breathe and then activates the phrenic nerve. The phrenic nerve then causes the diaphragm to contract, initiating inspiration. The studies show that central apneas decrease and sleep quality improves. Although the pacemaker is not yet available in the United States, FDA approval may be forthcoming.

The post Pace to breathe — New treatments for sleep apnea appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Stuart Quan, MD

Some Automatically Enrolled In Medicare Advantage

Concerns raised as health insurers automatically move members of their marketplace or individual plans who are eligible for Medicare.


Side effects prompt stronger warnings on some antibiotics

The FDA announces tougher labeling and says the drugs shouldn't be used for a lot of common ailments


Mayo Clinic Minute: Do You Know These 2 Sunscreen Rules?

From: Mayo Clinic

Later Menstruation Start, Finish May Extend Life

Those with this pattern were more likely to live past 90, study suggests


Inactivity Behind Smoking as Early Death Predictor

Increases in fitness levels were associated with greater longevity


#AsktheMayoMom about Pediatric Kidney Issues

From: Mayo Clinic

Menopause Hastens Aging, Studies Suggest

Researchers found it boosted cellular aging by an average of 6 percent


1 in 5 Alzheimer's cases may be misdiagnosed

Men may be misdiagnosed more often than women


Dangerous ingredients found in dietary supplements

A new investigation may have you rethinking some of your vitamins. Consumer Reports finds certain ingredients in dietary supplements sold around the country can carry major health risks. Dana Jacobson reports on the dangers of a virtually unregulated, yet growing industry.


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.


HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


New study sounds the alarm on dietary supplements

Consumer Reports identifies 15 ingredients in supplements they say consumers should always avoid


Mayo Clinic Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Clinic in Florida

From: Mayo Clinic

HPV vaccine: Who needs it, how it works


Exercise after pregnancy: How to get started

After pregnancy, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. Here's why — and how to get started.
