Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Hepatitis A outbreak linked to strawberries, smoothies

Imported frozen strawberries served in chain restaurant smoothies are blamed for highly contagious liver disease that's sickened people in 6 states


Zika funding running on empty

Health officials say they are nearing the end of the $222 million that was allocated for domestic Zika control. If Congress doesn't act, it could mean difficult decisions for those fighting the virus. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.


Higher than ever? New study tracks U.S. marijuana use

The rising numbers come along with a significant shift in perceptions about whether the drug is harmful


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


A cocoa study everyone might want to get a piece of

Medical researchers are recruiting people to test the health effects of cocoa​, but (alas) not Willy Wonka-style


Do the benefits of weight-loss surgery really last?

A new study compares three types of procedures and looks at the impact on weight loss 10 years later


FDA Approves New Biological Drug for RA

Erelzi is a biosimilar for Enbrel


Weight-Loss Surgery Sheds Pounds Long Term

10-year follow-up study finds many who had gastric bypass kept weight off


ADA webinar, Understanding Section 1557, available on

A recording of the ADA webinar, Understanding Section 1557, is accessible at


Louisiana dentists rebuild after storm

Dentists are among the thousands here salvaging what they can from their homes, and in some cases, dental practices — and also pitching in to help others affected — after days of torrential rainfall slammed southern Louisiana in August.


USDA Announces Initiative to Provide Transitional Housing for Rural Americans in Recovery from Substance Use Disorders

LAS VEGAS, Aug. 31, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced an initiative that will use USDA’s rural development resources to help fill the need for transitional housing for people recovering from opioid and other substance use disorders.


FDA to start requiring boxed warnings on opioids, benzodiazepine

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Aug. 31 that it plans to require boxed warnings for prescription opioid analgesics, opioid-containing cough products and benzodiazepines.


ADA comments on Wall Street Journal article

"Poor children shouldn't be stopped from seeing a dentist by a restructured system that redirects them to providers with less training than dentists." This was one of the ADA's key messages in its response to the Wall Street Journal's Aug. 19 article, "You Don't Have to be a Dentist to Fill A Cavity," which proposed dental therapists as the solution to access to care issues


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Study: Abortion pill law led to worse health outcomes

Ohio law may have resulted in more side effects and additional medical treatment for some women, researchers say


Sex Suffers for Younger Adults After Heart Attack

Lack of interest a complaint of many women and men, study finds


Live. Work. Play: Kaylee’s Diabetes Story

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

Working for the American Diabetes Association® means making a difference for millions of people and working toward a future free of diabetes and all its burdens.

We all have a story to share. Some of us live with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or prediabetes. Others have loved ones with the disease or have lost someone to the fight.

The following are personal stories from the Association’s staff about why we are so committed to the mission to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.

Kaylee Gronau
Associate Manager, Development
Phoenix, Arizona

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

Kaylee, Blake and Morgan at a reunion ,12 years after meeting.

My adventure with the American Diabetes Association began when I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes on Nov. 4, 1996, less than a month after my seventh birthday. My parents reached out to the organization, which provided resources and support for managing diabetes at home and school. This was especially important, as my diagnosis was in the middle of the school year. We soon discovered the Association had even more to offer a child new to diabetes, including Diabetes Camp!

Now let us fast-forward to the summer of 1997. I was signed up for my first year at Camp Needlepoint in Hudson, Wis. My parents cried the first time I went off to camp; they didn’t want to leave me alone. It was my first sleepover camp and my first time away from them—the first time someone else would help me with my diabetes. I, however, was very excited about the possibilities of developing new friendships and learning from my counselors. I learned so much from my camp friends and counselors, such as taking insulin shots in places besides my stomach, and got better at carb counting.

At camp, I began what has become a 20-year journey of lifelong friendships, memories
and a passion to work for the organization that was—in all senses of the word—a lifeline for me and my family. Camp Needlepoint is where I started to make lifelong friendships. I was a camper until I was 18 and then became a camp counselor (at Camp Needlepoint and Camp Sioux in North Dakota). Two of my best friends, Morgan and Blake, are a HUGE part of my life even though we live in different states (Minnesota, Utah and Arizona). We still get together every summer for at least one trip or weekend.

Camp is about creating a welcoming experience for kids with diabetes so they can create a bond with their fellow campers. It gives them the life-changing opportunity to be understood by those going through the same fight. This is why I was happy to develop such strong relationships with Morgan and Blake. Camp was also an opportunity to learn more about diabetes—and the possibility of working for the Association.

I now work for the Phoenix office on a variety of projects, including School Walk for Diabetes®, camp reunions at Step Out Walk to Stop Diabetes® and Tour de Cure,® and the Young Professional Leadership Council. I love our Diabetes Camp program and I hope to continue with the organization to someday become a camp director. When my schedule allows, I still return to Camp Needlepoint and Camp Sioux to help out as a counselor. It’s always a fulfilling experience to help kids learn more about managing their diabetes.

Working for the Association lets me connect with other staff and volunteers who have the same ambition. It gives me the opportunity to share my story and hear the stories of others fighting the same battle. Sometimes I get a message from a former camper asking me about my job and how he or she can follow the same path I did. It is the best feeling to hear from young adults who are just as committed to following their dreams.

My experiences growing up with camp will always be the memories that shaped me to be so passionate about this cause.

I would never wish diabetes on anyone, but it is a blessing to know the Association has given us all the opportunity to connect with others. I will forever be grateful for its support from beginning to end. The Association staff and volunteers have become my family.

And this Nov. 4, I will celebrate 20 years of conquering diabetes, and I will do so in the best way possible: by participating in our local Step Out the following day! I will be marking the occasion with hundreds of people who all share my desire to STOP DIABETES.

To learn more about nationwide employment opportunities and life at the Association, please visit

From: American Diabetes Association

Funds to Fight Zika Nearly Exhausted: CDC

Mosquito season in Gulf Coast states only half over, officials say


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.


Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza


Vitamin A Compound Might Aid in Colon Cancer Fight

Researchers studying connection between retinoic acid and inflammation in gut


3 things that can lower the risk of preterm birth

More than 11 percent of U.S. babies are born too early, but experts say there are steps women can take to reduce the risk


Mayo Clinic Minute: Are Swimming Pools Safe?

From: Mayo Clinic

Drug-Coated Stents Don't Improve Patient Survival

But, the pricier devices do lead to fewer repeat heart procedures


Birth control right after having a baby: Why it’s important, why it should be covered

Follow me on Twitter @hricciot

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recently put out a new Committee Opinion, “Immediate Postpartum Long-Acting Reversible Contraception.” I counsel all my pregnant patients about the option of immediate postpartum birth control in the form of IUDs and implants, both of which are long-acting, reversible contraceptives (LARC). The contraceptive implant goes in your arm, and IUD is placed inside your uterus. Immediate postpartum contraception refers to placement of LARC in the period between delivery of a baby and the time a new mother leaves the hospital.

Many women are aware that IUDs and implants are highly effective, safe, and forgettable methods of birth control, including for adolescents. What is less well known is that they are also a convenient and effective option for immediate postpartum contraception. Placing them right after the birth of a baby in the hospital streamlines women’s access to contraception, reduces the hassles of appointments in the weeks and months following birth, and lowers the risk of unintended pregnancy and pregnancies that occur sooner than planned. ACOG has long supported efforts to promote education around, access to, and actual use of LARC. However, this is ACOG’s first clinical opinion specifically dedicated to immediate postpartum LARC.

Unfortunately, in Massachusetts, where I practice, hospitals take a financial loss whenever we provide immediate postpartum LARC, because insurance payments for the birth of a baby are bundled, which means we get one fee regardless of how many services are provided. The device and procedure are covered by most insurers, public and private, in an outpatient clinic, but are not reimbursed in addition to the global fee for delivery of a baby, if provided while the mom is in the hospital for delivery. We need to lead the way with payment reform for immediate postpartum birth control to change this.

While many women may plan to start using birth control at their six-week postpartum checkup, up to 40% of women do not attend a follow-up appointment, and so never obtain a reliable birth control method. But even for women who do go to the routine six-week postpartum follow-up visit, ovulation can occur as early as three weeks after birth and can result in pregnancy. The early days with a new baby are a busy, exhausting, and often stressful time. Having LARC inserted before leaving the hospital takes one thing off the list. There is no worry about scheduling an appointment or getting to the doctor’s office. The one downside is that IUDs placed right after birth are slightly more likely to be expelled compared to those placed at the six-week visit. Yet many women still find that the advantages of insertion before leaving the hospital outweigh the disadvantages.

Access to and effective use of contraception is the critical foundation for empowering women, improving health outcomes, and saving money. Advocating for expansion of immediate postpartum contraception is essential to reduce unintended pregnancy and rapid, repeat pregnancy rates. Several states have changed their insurance reimbursement policies, but Massachusetts is not one of them. Massachusetts is the state that led the way in health care reform, and we need to join other states that are already taking the lead in further improving reproductive health care by adding insurance coverage for immediate postpartum contraception.

The post Birth control right after having a baby: Why it’s important, why it should be covered appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Hope Ricciotti, MD

3 Steps to Lower a Woman's Risk of Premature Birth

Study finds there's lots mothers-to-be can do to help ensure they deliver at full-term


Ebola May Be Present in Semen for Year or More

And virus is more likely to be found in male survivors older than 40, researchers report


Heart Attack Before 50 Ups Early Death Risk

But healthy living can improve those odds, experts say


Case Study: New Neurological Complication and Zika

Problems with sensory nerves developed in Honduran man with Zika infection, disease experts say


Barriers to fitness: Overcoming common challenges

Don't have time to exercise? Too tired to work out? Check out these easy ways to increase your physical activity.
