Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Peering into the psychology of online trolls

A new study attempts to look into the hearts and minds of internet trolls for clues about what drives them


High-tech UV patch aims to improve sun safety

Experts say being more conscious of the sun's harmful effects in real time can help prevent skin cancer


Tuberous Sclerosis – Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Stereo EEG Mapping for Epilepsy Surgery

From: Mayo Clinic

A Cheaper Alternative to Hearing Aids?

Devices performed almost as well and are much

Devices performed almost as well and are much cheaper, but they aren't regulated, researchers note


Just the Facts — July 10, 2017

Patient insurance types


Snapshots of American Dentistry — July 10, 2017

Stand-alone dental plans


Ice Bucket Challenge inspiration gets help with medical bills

Pete Frates' parents have said his medical bills can reach $80,000 to $95,000 each month


Teen restaurant worker saves customer's life

It was 16-year-old Austin Goddard's second day on the job at a Skyline Chili restaurant in Ohio when a customer suffered a medical emergency. Fortunately, Austin knew just what to do. Angela Ingram of WKRC-TV reports.


Teen saves man's life on 2nd day on the job

The 16-year-old performed CPR on a man who had collapsed while dining in the restaurant


FAQ: Tick-Borne Diseases

deer tick

This article looks at diseases other than Lyme spread by ticks, such as Powassan virus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.


Nicole Rickert Story

From: Mayo Clinic

Wellness Wednesday: Walking Lunges

From: Mayo Clinic

Tick fighters target neighborhoods to fight Lyme

With a bumper crop of ticks​ possible this season, experts are tackling the problem across entire neighborhoods with fungal sprays and bait boxes


Amid health care fight, GOP senators cheered, jeered – and out of sight

Some are facing their constituents and others appear to be avoiding them during the break


Super-agers: This special group of older adults suggests you can keep your brain young and spry

My Facebook page is a collection of links to stories about inspirational people. Almost all have a common theme — older people who do extraordinary things. Some of my favorite stories, though, involve those with acute mental prowess. This special group of adults ages 60 to 80, called “super-agers,” have a higher resistance to natural brain aging and thus can keep their gray cells young and vibrant.

The science of super brains

What makes super-agers’ brains so super? A small study published in The Journal of Neuroscience looked at this question. Researchers enrolled 44 adults ages 60 to 80 and found that those who performed well on memory tests had brains with youthful characteristics. Specifically, the cortexes of their brains — the outermost layer of brain cells essential to many thinking abilities — were comparable in size to those of the younger adults in a control group. Scans found that the brain regions associated with the ability to learn and remember new information — which include the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex — were larger in super-agers than in normal older adults.

Lead researcher Dr. Bradford Dickerson, associate professor of neurology at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, said that one of the most surprising findings was that the size of the super-agers’ brains did not fall somewhere between the younger people and the other older adults. “Their brain size was close to equal to that of the younger subjects, which suggests that the brain size was preserved,” he says.

Wouldn’t you like to be a super-ager too?

Are super-agers born or made? Probably a little of both, says Dr. Dickerson. “There may be a genetic component that makes them more resilient to natural aging, but it also may be associated with lifestyle habits,” he says.

So, can you become a super-ager? While you may not be able to transport your brain back to your 20s, it may be possible to maintain and even improve some cognitive function with a combined approach to treatment, says Dr. Dickerson. For example:

  • Do regular aerobic exercise. Research has suggested that aerobic exercise can improve cognitive function, even if you begin later in life or have shown signs of mental decline. A study presented at the 2016 annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America found that older adults (average age 67) with mild cognitive impairment who exercised four times a week over a six-month period (using either a treadmill, a stationary bike, or an elliptical trainer) experienced an increase in brain volume and better executive function.
  • Get plenty of sleep. Using MRI scans, a study in NeuroImage looked at the brains of 41 healthy men who were deprived of sleep for one night. The researchers found that compared with those who’d had a regular night’s sleep, they showed a decline in memory and attention. Older adults often have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, problems that may reflect drug side effects or health conditions. See your doctor if you have sleep issues.
  • Lower anxiety with meditation. Chronic levels of anxiety may speed up the conversion to Alzheimer’s disease in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In fact, a 2014 study in The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry found that in MCI patients with mild, moderate, or severe anxiety, Alzheimer’s risk increased by 33%, 78%, and 135%, respectively. Mindfulness meditation can help lower anxiety levels, according to findings published online earlier this year by Psychiatry Research. Meditation programs for beginners are offered at many yoga studios and senior centers. You can try a free online guided meditation exercise from Ronald Siegel, an assistant clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School.

The post Super-agers: This special group of older adults suggests you can keep your brain young and spry appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

Why Chopping Onions Makes You Cry

Eye doctor explains how they release a noxious gas when cut


Soft Contact Lenses Safe for Kids

Infection rates no higher than for adults, and actually lowest for younger kids


Making Mayo's Recipes 6 ways to cook with fresh herbs

From: Mayo Clinic