Friday, June 17, 2016

Lumber Liquidators agrees to "recall to test" possibly contaminated floors

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is now requiring Lumber Liquidators to use a more stringent measure to test the flooring


As many as 1 in 5 trauma victims may die needlessly

Where you live may determine whether or not you survive a car crash, gunshot wound, or other traumatic injuries


Sonogram shows couple is having a... baby car?

More importantly, is it a Bugatti or a PT cruiser?


Preserve Your Pearly Whites Through the Years

perfect smile

Ways to keep your mouth healthy as you age from WebMD.


Blood Pressure May Soar if You Live Near Airport

Rates nearly doubled for people exposed to engine noise, study found


Depression Plagues Many With COPD

Studies found 1 in 4 patients affected, and readmission to hospital for respiratory illness more likely


Zika Spreading Rapidly Through Puerto Rico: CDC

Possibly hundreds of babies could be born with brain birth defect related to virus in coming year


Strength Training Tips From the Pros

man training with weights

Build muscle, burn calories, and get in shape with help from the experts. WebMD explains.


Dan Harris Overcame Depression, Anxiety With This

dan harris

Newsman Dan Harris tells WebMD how meditation helped him deal with depression and anxiety.


5 Miscarriage Myths

Mid adult woman looking tired

Experts set the record straight on miscarriages. WebMD has the details.


Is Yoga a Prescription for Osteoporosis?

outside stretch

A reader with osteoporosis tells WebMD how she got stronger one pose at a time.


​Lower doses of yellow fever vaccine could be used in emergencies

The yellow fever vaccine given as one fifth of the regular dose could be used to control an outbreak in case of vaccine shortages.


Your resting heart rate can reflect your current — and future — health

One of the easiest, and maybe most effective, ways to gauge your health can be done in 30 seconds with two fingers. Measuring your resting heart rate (RHR) — the number of heart beats per minute while you’re at rest — is a real-time snapshot of how your heart muscle is functioning.

It’s easy to do. Place your index and middle finger on your wrist just below the thumb, or along either side of your neck, so you can feel your pulse. Use a watch to count the number of beats for 30 seconds and double it to get your beats per minute. Repeat a few times to ensure an accurate reading. An RHR between 60 and 100 beats per minute is considered normal for adults.

All in the numbers

Your RHR, when considered in the context of other markers, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, can help identify potential health problems as well as gauge your current heart health.

“In certain cases, a lower RHR can mean a higher degree of physical fitness, which is associated with reduced rates of cardiac events like heart attacks,” says Dr. Jason Wasfy, director of quality and analytics at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital Heart Center. “However, a high RHR could be a sign of an increased risk of cardiac risk in some situations, as the more beats your heart has to take eventually takes a toll on its overall function.”

In fact, research has found that a RHR near the top of the 60 to 100 range can increase your risk for cardiovascular disease and even early death.

For example, a 2013 study in the journal Heart tracked the cardiovascular health of about 3,000 men for 16 years and found that a high RHR was linked with lower physical fitness and higher blood pressure, body weight, and levels of circulating blood fats. The researchers also discovered that the higher a person’s RHR, the greater the risk of premature death. Specifically, an RHR between 81 and 90 doubled the chance of death, while an RHR higher than 90 tripled it.

While a low RHR often suggests greater physical fitness, some situations can make your RHR too low, which may cause occasional dizziness or fatigue. “This may be the result of the electrical nodes of the heart aging, or not transmitting electrical signals correctly,” says Dr. Wasfy. “You should report these symptoms to your health care provider.”

Check your resting heart rate early and often

Dr. Wasfy recommends checking your RHR a few times per week and at different times of the day. Keep in mind that the number can be influenced by many factors, including stress and anxiety, circulating hormones, and medications such as antidepressants and blood pressure drugs.

Talk with your doctor if your resting heart rate is regularly on the high end. If your RHR is within the normal range, or a bit high, there are ways to lower it and keep it within its proper range. One example is keeping your cholesterol levels in check. High levels restrict blood flow through the arteries and damage blood vessels, which can make your heart beat faster than normal to move blood through the body.

Another reliable way to lower your RHR is to exercise. “Even small amounts of exercise can make a change,” says Dr. Wasfy. However, the intensity of the exercise is key. One study that involved 55-year-old adults found that just one hour per week of high-intensity aerobic training (about 66% of maximum effort) lowered RHR more efficiently than a low-intensity effort (33% of max effort).

Tips for measuring your resting heart rate
  • Do not take your RHR within one to two hours after exercise or a stressful event. Your heart rate can stay elevated after strenuous activities.
  • Wait at least an hour after consuming caffeine, which can cause heart palpitations and make your heart rate rise.
  • The American Heart Association recommends checking your resting heart rate first thing in the morning (but before you get out of bed).

The post Your resting heart rate can reflect your current — and future — health appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

Antibiotics, C-sections may mess with baby gut health

The first two to three years of life are a critical time for the developing microbiome of a child


Can't get your caffeine buzz on? This may be why...

After only a few days of limited sleep, caffeine lost its stimulating effect


Good Results Halt Lung Cancer Drug Study

Good Results Halt Lung Cancer Drug Study


Advanced Lung Cancer More Often Seen in Middle Age

British study highlights the need for better early detection, researchers say


A New Antibiotic to the Rescue?

Experimental drug shows promise against MRSA superbug in animal trials


Doctors' Group Backs Later School Start Times

New policy aims to tackle sleep deprivation among teens


1 in 13 young U.S. adults considered suicide

Data from 2013-2014 translates into 2.6 million Americans between 18-25 contemplating ending their lives


Folic Acid Now Added to Corn Masa Flour: FDA

Agency says fortification can reduce risk of certain birth defects in Hispanic-American populations


Forest Service Makes it Easier for Visitors to Enjoy National Forests and Grasslands

WASHINGTON, June 17, 2016 – Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack and U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell today announced steps to make it easier for outfitters, guides, schools, non-profits and other partners to take groups out to enjoy outdoor activities on national forests and grasslands.


Caffeine's Jolt Can Sometimes Be Short-Lived

Stimulant effect diminishes after days of insufficient sleep, study finds


CDC Reports 6 Cases of Zika-Caused Birth Defects

Three babies born with defects, while three pregnancies were lost or ended due to brain damage caused by virus


Strategies to prevent heart disease

Heart disease may be preventable by making heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Discover strategies you can adopt now to protect your heart.


Weight loss: Ready to change your habits?

Before you plunge into a weight-loss program, see if you're truly ready to change.


Pregnancy and fish: What's safe to eat?
