Thursday, June 22, 2017

Making Mayo's Recipes: 2 dinners with roasted peppers

From: Mayo Clinic

Study finds many American women unaware of risk for heart disease

Heart disease kills more American women than cancer, yet many don't discuss the dangers with their doctors. A new report found that 74 percent of women reported having at least one risk factor for heart disease, but only 16 percent were told by their doctor that they were at risk. Mireya Villarreal reports.


Woman speaks out about suffering heart attack at 40

New study found that 74 percent of women reported having at least one risk factor for heart disease; Only 16 percent were told by their doctor that they were at risk


Senate Republicans roll out their alternative to Obamacare

Four Senate Republicans quickly announced their opposition to the health care bill, and others appear skeptical. On Facebook, former President Obama called the GOP plan "a massive transfer of wealth from middle class and poor families to the richest people in America." Nancy Cordes reports.


Many women don't recognize common, fatal ailment

Heart disease kills more than all cancers combined, but new research finds many women aren't aware of the risk


How Bad for You Are Fried Foods?

friends sharing french fries

This story looks at the health effects of French fries and other fried foods.


Komandoor Srivathsan, M.D.: Electrophysiologist - Mayo Clinic

From: Mayo Clinic

Senate Republicans Reveal Their Replacement for Obamacare

Bill would rein in Medicaid budget more slowly,

Bill would rein in Medicaid budget more slowly, preserve preexisting condition safeguards, change tax credits


OCD May Be Linked to Inflammation in the Brain

Breakthrough could spur better treatments for anxiety disorder, researchers say


ADA offers input during HHS meeting with Sec. Tom Price

The ADA was one of several health organizations with a seat at the table during a June 22 stakeholder meeting with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

From: By Jennifer Garvin

Appellate court upholds ruling that Texas code violated First Amendment

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed June 19 an opinion by a federal district court in Texas, saying certain dental advertising restrictions enforced by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners violated dentists' First Amendment rights to engage in commercial speech.

From: By Jennifer Garvin

Dentists can help fight against tickborne diseases

Tickborne diseases are on the rise and prevention should be on everyone's minds during the summer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

From: By David Burger

New FTC resource assists dentists in COPPA compliance

The Federal Trade Commission has a new online resource available to assist businesses that operate websites and online services in complying with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.


Senate GOP unveils health care plan after weeks of secrecy

Senate Republicans unveiled a "discussion draft" of the bill Thursday. Mitch McConnell is aiming for vote on the bill before end of next week


Are today's teens more responsible about sex?

New report looks at the number of adolescents having sex and whether or not they use contraception


At least 4 Senate Republicans oppose health care bill

Just three "no" votes from Republicans would torpedo the measure, assuming all Democrats vote against the bill and taking vice president's vote into account


What Senate Republicans are saying about their health care bill

Senate Republicans released a 142-page "discussion draft" of their bill Thursday morning, giving lawmakers about a week to review it before a vote takes place


Eye-tracking technology helps diagnose concussions

Portable VR headset can help determine whether an athlete needs to be removed from play within a minute


New hope for seniors with vision-robbing disease

The experimental drug for age-related macular degeneration aims to slow the destruction of light-sensing cells in the retina


Mayo Clinic Minute - Heat Emergency

From: Mayo Clinic

Expert Panel: Three Things May Save Your Brain

mature couples on bikes

New study finds encouraging signs that exercise, managing blood pressure, and brain training may combat dementia.


USDA Census of Agriculture – Your Voice, Your Future, Your Opportunity

From: USDA

Clinical Trial Regarding Endometrial Cancer and Stress Urinary Incontinence

From: Mayo Clinic

Recurrent Ovarian Cancer and Clinical Trials

From: Mayo Clinic

GOP Senate health bill would cut Medicaid, end ACA tax increases

GOP senators are releasing their plan to replace Obamacare Thursday


USDA AMS Organic INTEGRITY through Data Partnerships

From: USDA

Most U.S. Teens Aren't 'Doing It'

By 18, more than half of adolescents were still virgins, new CDC survey reveals


Coping with the loss of a pet

Over a third of American households own at least one pet, and people often have close bonds with their pets. In one study, 13 of 16 people said they would give a hard-to-get lifesaving medicine to their pet over non-family people.

The death or loss of a pet can be a traumatic experience and result in grief and bereavement. The loss is unique in a number of ways. While pets may die naturally, through accidents, or by trauma, pets can also die through euthanasia, which often means that the pet owner must decide exactly when his or her pet is put down. Pets can also be lost when they run away, with no opportunity for closure. Or pets may have to be given away, due to logistical or financial reasons.

There is a lack of formal societal or religious processes for grieving and mourning the loss of a pet. For example, if the pet is cremated, the ashes are usually collected at the veterinarian’s office or even sent through the mail. And family and friends may not acknowledge the depth of grief brought on by the loss of a pet (“It’s just a dog”), the need for a period of bereavement, or the inability of a person to quickly replace the pet (“Just get another one”).

If you are grieving the loss of a beloved pet, these strategies may help:

  • It is important to recognize the depth of feelings of the loss. Your pet may have been with you through the ups and downs in life and may have even helped you cope with other losses. Give yourself the necessary time and space to grieve. Individual, group, and family psychotherapy may be helpful to process the loss and make meaning of the pet in your life.
  • Keep focused on your daily and weekly schedules of personal and professional responsibilities, and make sure to incorporate pleasant activities for yourself into your days.
  • Identify triggers for your grieving and identify ways you can cope. Triggers can include the pet food aisle in the grocery store or driving by a special place you shared with your pet.
  • Try to find ways to meaningfully grieve. This can include creating a memory book, journaling, building a memorial, or donating money or time to a pet welfare cause.
  • Explore self-help groups at a local animal shelter or ASPCA. Almost all schools of veterinary medicine have telephone support hotlines. There are also a number of online community forums that allow people to receive support while they grieve and process their loss.


Grief and bereavement issues and the loss of a companion animal: People living with a companion animal, owners of livestock, and animal support workers. Clinical Psychologist, March, 2010.

Can pets function as family members? Western Journal of Nursing Research, October 2002.

Pet loss and disenfranchised grief: Implications for mental health counseling practice. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, October 2012.

Continuing bonds and psychosocial adjustment in pet loss. Journal of Loss and Trauma, May 2011.

The post Coping with the loss of a pet appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: David R. Topor, PhD, MS-HPEd

Dad bikes 1,400 miles to hear daughter's heartbeat on Father's Day

As he said final goodbye to his daughter, at a hospital a few states away a young man was told his days were numbered


Missouri AG sues 3 drug companies over opioid crisis

Lawsuit names pharmaceutical companies -- Endo, Purdue and Janssen -- and seeks "hundreds of millions of dollars" in damages and civil penalties


NYC scientists will pay to study your rat infestation

In cities, a nagging public health problem won't go away until scientists can get closer to the source, researchers argue


Wellness Wednesdays: Hip hinge

From: Mayo Clinic