Friday, June 10, 2016

Doctor who diagnosed Ali with Parkinson's speaks out

To the trained eye, signs of Parkinson's disease were apparent even as Muhammad Ali was at the pinnacle of his career


WHO: Couples in Zika areas may want to delay pregnancy

World Health Organization offers guidance on avoiding the virus that can cause devastating birth defects


Teen's death from melanoma inspires change

After her 17-year-old daughter died from melanoma skin cancer, Marianne Bannister was determined to help other families avoid the same fate


Grieving mom warns, even teens can be at risk of melanoma

A mother who lost her teenage daughter to the deadly skin cancer is urging others to get screened


Are workaholics more likely to have anxiety, OCD?

It's important for people to "manage their workaholic tendencies," experts say


Vitamin Deficiencies and Young Migraine Sufferers

But study couldn't determine if supplements made a difference


Dozens sickened at California restaurant

The Solano County Department of Health found one common denominator in dozens of cases of food poisoning


CDC Warns of Lethal Racing Fuel-Soft Drink Mixture

CDC Warns of Lethal Racing Fuel-Soft Drink Mixture


WHO: Delay Pregnancy if You Live in Zika Areas

Agency acknowledges it's the only sure way to avoid having babies born with severe brain defect


La historia de Stella Garcia

From: Mayo Clinic

Irregular Heartbeat May Be Deadly in Car Crash

Study found having atrial fibrillation was associated with higher death risk among accident victims


Are 'Workaholics' Prone to OCD, Anxiety?

Study suggests a link, but it's not clear how overwork, mental issues may be connected


FDA Acts Against Illegal Online Drug Sellers

FDA Acts Against Illegal Online Drug Sellers


HVO recruiting dentists for Haiti project

Health Volunteers Overseas is seeking volunteers to help Haiti's only dental school Рthe Facult̩ d'Odontologie in Port-au-Prince - by supporting the school's mission to graduate dentists who are able to work independently to serve the Haitian population.


MS Stem Cell Therapy Succeeds But Poses Risks

Toxic side effects of heavy chemo could limit use, researcher says


Pittsburgh researcher infected with Zika in lab accident

The scientist accidentally stuck herself with a needle during a Zika experiment


Internally decapitated boy making remarkable recovery

The 4-year-old is walking again just weeks after the accident that resulted in the severing of his skull from his spine


Silent heart attacks: Much more common than we thought in both men and women

On television, heart attacks are portrayed in rather dramatic fashion — typically, an older man clutching his chest with agonizing pain. This mental image is embedded in our culture, but it actually represents only a small fraction of heart attacks. As it turns out, a variety of different symptoms may develop with a heart attack. In addition to chest pain, some of the other symptoms that can occur with a heart attack include chest pressure, chest heaviness, arm pain, neck pain, jaw pain, shortness of breath, sweating, extreme fatigue, dizziness, and nausea. That is, in part, why it is not always so easy to diagnose a heart attack. And of course, women are also at risk for heart attacks. Whether women are more likely than men to have these symptoms other than chest pain remains a controversial point.

Now, research from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study has found that almost half (45%) of heart attacks appear to be clinically silent — that is, not associated with any symptoms at all, at least that the patient can recall. These sorts of silent heart attacks were picked up by use of a routine electrocardiogram (ECG). And these silent heart attacks weren’t just a meaningless abnormality picked up on a test. The silent heart attacks were associated with a similar risk of subsequent death as clinically detected heart attacks.

Older studies had more or less come up with similar findings. The present study extended these observations into a much more diverse population. The excess risk associated with silent heart attacks was found to be present in both men and women. Of note, rates of both types of heart attack were higher in men than in women. There was also an excess risk of future death associated with both clinical heart attacks and silent heart attacks in both white and African American patients. Other races were not examined in this study, and more work needs to be done in this regard, though likely the results would be similar.

What does this mean for people who are worried about heart attacks? Guidelines for physicians from professional medical societies in general no longer recommend routine ECGs in healthy people, though this used to be a common practice. Certainly, if you should have an ECG for some purpose, such as before certain types of surgery, and a silent heart attack is detected, that needs to be taken seriously — really, as though you had had a clinically apparent heart attack. Any medications and lifestyle changes prescribed as a result of detecting a silent heart attack should also be relatively similar.

Future studies will have to determine if certain populations might benefit from routine screening for silent heart attacks. Beyond any studies done within the world of conventional medical research, the increasing availability of various apps will allow people to get ECGs on themselves, so detection of silent heart attacks will probably increase. The risk of this sort of indiscriminate screening is that one test abnormality might lead to another set of more expensive and risky tests. So, hopefully we can sort our relatively quickly (i.e., in the next few years) who might be best served with routine screening with ECGs, or perhaps even more sophisticated tests to detect silent heart attacks or people at risk for them.

The post Silent heart attacks: Much more common than we thought in both men and women appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Deepak Bhatt, MD, MPH

All Michigan kids get dental coverage after legislature's budget move

More children in Michigan will receive dental coverage after the legislature in June approved an expansion of the state's Healthy Kids Dental Program.


University dental team uses their artistic sides to help kids get dental care

Some creative dental students and faculty at the University of Louisville are giving pediatric patients in their community a hand — in more ways than one.




