Friday, June 23, 2017

Doctor in rural Tennessee worries about health care bill's effects

One in five Tennesseans rely on Medicaid, including half of Tennessee children living in small towns and rural areas. One estimate says 37 more Tennessee hospitals risk major cuts or closure under the Senate health care bill. Mark Strassmann reports.


Nearly 100 patients died waiting for care at LA VA hospital, report finds

A new report by the Veterans Affairs inspector general shows that 43 percent of the 225 patients who died between October 2014 and August 2015 at the Los Angeles VA facility were waiting for appointments or needed tests they never got. However, the report does not conclude these patients "died as a result of delayed consults." Mireya Villarreal reports.


Rural Tennessee doctor fears proposed Medicaid cuts

One estimate says 37 more Tennessee hospitals risk major cuts or closure under the Senate health care bill


Keep your pet safe from summer health hazards

The warmer weather brings with it health risks for pets. Here's how to keep them safe


Major medical groups oppose Senate health bill

Pediatricians, psychiatrists, OB-GYNs and the American Lung Association are among those concerned the GOP plan would harm their patients


Heller becomes 5th Senate Republican to oppose GOP health care bill

Four Senate Republicans announced their current opposition to the legislation on Thursday, hours after its release


Wallpaper May Breed Toxins: Study

Fungus on the walls might contribute to 'sick building syndrome,' researchers say


Recall: Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seat Chest Clip

britax recall

Chest clips for more than 100 models of Britax Child Safety cars seats are being recalled over concerns a tab could break and create a choking hazard for infants.


Fish Eaters Find Less Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain

Study suggests most fish may play role in controlling symptoms


Fewer U.S. Kids Binge Drinking

But 1 in 7 still had excess alcohol at least once in past month, study finds


3 steps that may help guard against dementia

Making these lifestyle changes could help delay or slow down the progression of cognitive decline, research suggests


Is Your Smartphone Giving You Carpal Tunnel?

Maybe, especially for folks who spend more than 5 hours a day on their devices, study says


GOP health care plan faces opposition

The Senate GOP health care bill needs support from at least 50 of the 52 Republican Senators in order to pass, but some are raising concerns. Politico health reporter Jennifer Haberkorn joins CBSN a day after the draft was released with the details.


Burns from hot pavement, cars up due to heat wave

As temperatures near 120 degrees in the Southwest, people are at risk of suffering contact burns


Mayo Clinic Minute - Optimism improves women's health

From: Mayo Clinic

Court: Business violated Americans with Disabilities Act with inaccessible website

For what is believed to be the first time, a court has ruled that failure to make a website accessible to people with disabilities violated the Americans with Disabilities Act.

From: By David Burger

Women, doctors don't put enough focus on heart disease, study finds

Heart disease is the number one killer of women, but a new survey by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found it's not a top priority for women or their doctors. Cardiovascular disease causes 400,000 deaths a year, which is more than all cancers combined. Cardiologist Dr. Tara Narula joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss the findings.


Guided Exercise May Help Chronic Fatigue Patients: Study

Little by little, patients step up activity levels as an expert coaches via phone or online video


Legalized Pot May Lead to More Traffic Crashes

But auto accident deaths aren't on the rise in states where recreational pot is allowed, researchers say


Lifestyle change: “I know what to do, I just need to do it…but how?”

I hear this nearly every day in my primary care clinic. Many of my patients are overweight or obese, which mirrors the national trend: two out of three adults in the US are overweight or obese. Many of these folks suffer from medical issues such as low back, hip, knee, and foot pain; asthma; obstructive sleep apnea; fatty liver; type 2 diabetes; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; or depression. We know that these conditions often improve with weight loss. So, I often recommend weight loss as a first step in treatment, and the usual approach is through lifestyle change.

Lifestyle change programs for weight loss have been extensively studied, and across the board, those that incorporate diet and exercise are very effective — if people can stick to the program.

And that is exactly my patients’ lament. They know they’re suffering, they know that weight loss can help, and they know all about diet and exercise, but many have trouble sticking to the program. Why is this, and what can I do to help?

A recent study examined what things hinder or help people to stick to a lifestyle change program. The authors scoured the research literature for high-quality studies. What’s really important about the studies included is that they did not look at actual weight loss, only at lifestyle change success or failure.

Research found that these steps can help you live more healthfully

  • Set realistic expectations and focus on health, not the scale. When you have a lot of weight to lose and the pounds are coming off slowly, it’s hard to stay motivated. At the same time, people who weren’t expecting to lose a lot of weight tended to be more successful. In addition, harboring negative attitudes and assumptions about obesity, and feeling embarrassed about one’s weight, were associated with quitting. We can benefit when we let go of self-judgment and focus on our overall health, as well as develop smaller, more realistic goals.
  • Study your mood and food. Stress, depression, anger, poor coping skills, using food as a reward, and seeking comfort in food can derail a person’s commitment to eating more healthfully. Treating underlying psychological problems and learning how to better manage stress can be essential to our success. Doctors who don’t address these issues are doing their patients a disservice. There are many approaches to improving behavioral health barriers, and a plan should be tailored to the individual.
  • Put the oxygen mask on yourself first. Attention to the needs of family above self and pressures from home or work were also associated with quitting a program. I’m highlighting this because it’s the number one thing I hear from my patients: they have responsibilities at home and/or at work, and they have “no time for me.” Listen: when you’re on an airplane, the flight attendant gives that spiel, “If you’re traveling with children, and the oxygen masks come down, put the mask on yourself first.” Why? Because if you’re going unconscious, you can’t help anyone. It can sound like a cliché but it’s a fact. If you’re not taking good care of yourself, you can’t take good care of others. When we’re taking the time to prepare healthier meals or get some exercise, it doesn’t just benefit you, it benefits every person you care about and your ability to do your job, whatever it is.
  • Even though you ain’t got money. Economic issues were cited as a barrier, as was lack of knowledge about nutrition and physical activity. Many of us believe that eating healthy costs a lot of money, or that we need expensive equipment or a gym membership in order to exercise. Education and experimentation with cheaper fresh, frozen, and canned produce, as well as a home exercise plan, can help dispel those myths. Produce in the refrigerator aisle is often flash-frozen at the peak of freshness, and a lot less expensive. At our house, we buy pounds of frozen mixed berries, chopped greens, and cubed squash at the local bulk grocery chain. Workouts like running, walking, hiking, or Rocky-style calisthenics can be enjoyed for free. Or, you can exercise at home using a mat, or a simple manual exercise bike.

Willpower isn’t the problem

While lifestyle changes including diet and exercise can work, many people struggle to stick to a program, and it’s not for lack of willpower. Many factors can get in the way, but with a little work you can figure out what those are. Your doctor can help you figure out ways to overcome the barriers to healthy living. Tell your doctor what’s working or not working for you. Ask about resources, possibly including life coaches, therapists, and/or nutritionists, who can help you be successful with your lifestyle change program.


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Overweight and Obesity Statistics.

Global, regional, and national prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adults during 1980–2013: A systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet, August 2014.

Lifestyle interventions for weight loss in adults with severe obesity: a systematic review. Clinical Obesity, October 2016.

Management of obesity. The Lancet, February 2016.

Obesity as a Risk Factor for Low Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis. Clinical Spine Surgery, November 2016.

Is body mass index associated with patellofemoral pain and patellofemoral osteoarthritis? A systematic review and meta-regression and analysis. British Journal of Sports Medicine, May 2017.

Obesity and the role of bariatric surgery in the surgical management of osteoarthritis of the hip and knee: a review of the literature. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, January 2017.

Foot pain severity is associated with the ratio of visceral to subcutaneous fat mass, fat-mass index and depression in women. Rheumatology International, May 2017.

Co-morbidities in severe asthma: Clinical impact and management. Respirology, March 2017.

Bariatric Surgery or Non-Surgical Weight Loss for Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? A Systematic Review and Comparison of Meta-analyses. Obesity Surgery, July 2015.

Effect of Weight Loss, Diet, Exercise, and Bariatric Surgery on Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Clinics in Liver Disease, May 2016.

Treatment of metabolic syndrome. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, March 2004.

Overweight and Obesity Associated with Higher Depression Prevalence in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, April 2017.

Determinants of adherence to lifestyle intervention in adults with obesity: a systematic review. Clinical Obesity, March 2017.

The post Lifestyle change: “I know what to do, I just need to do it…but how?” appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Monique Tello, MD, MPH