Monday, March 12, 2018

Genetic Heart Defects Rarely the Cause of SIDS

Previous studies have suggested that such mutations could cause up to 20 percent of SIDS deaths.


Poor Sleep May Heighten Alzheimer's Risk

MRI Scan of human brain

A hallmark of Alzheimer's is the accumulation of a protein in the brain called beta-amyloid. It's believed that one benefit of sleep is to clear beta-amyloid, and poor sleep might allow it to build up, the authors of the new study pointed out.


Tank Failure at 2nd Clinic Threatens Eggs, Embryos

egg freezing

The clinic did not reveal how many eggs and embryos were affected but said the tank contained "several thousand" of them.


Mysterious cluster of lung-related deaths in dentists investigated

The cause of the disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), is not known but researchers suspect work-related hazards may play a role


How a visit to the barber shop can help lower blood pressure

Black men reduced one of their biggest medical risks through a novel project that shows the power of familiar faces and trusted places to improve health


Mid-Bulbar Urethroplasty: Hybrid Excision and Primary Anastomosis Technique

From: Mayo Clinic

Certain Teens More Likely to Get Hooked on Opioids

The odds of progressing to long-term opioid therapy can double, triple or  more, depending on the kid's diagnosis and the other drugs prescribed to treat their disorder, the researchers said.


Working together for the health and welfare of humankind

1. We, the Heads of the International Narcotics Control Board, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Health Organization are committed to support our Member States to effectively address and counter the world drug problem.

We agree that if we are to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, including its health targets, we need to vigorously address the world drug problem with a greater focus on the health and well-being of people. We need a balanced, comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach that puts people at the centre of the response and in particular those who are the most vulnerable.


Build a winning team through team building track at ADA 2018

Assembling and developing the right staff are integral components in creating a successful dental practice.

From: By David Burger

Translabyrinthine approach for vestibular schwannoma

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Is vaping a gateway to smoking?

From: Mayo Clinic

Infectious Diseases A-Z: Flu season never really ends

From: Mayo Clinic

Why it’s so hard to lose excess weight and keep it off: The Biggest Losers’ experience

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

For most people trying to lose weight, it’s a struggle. It takes more than good intentions and a lot of will power. One reason is that in order to lose weight, we are, in a way, fighting our own biology.

As we lose weight, the body adapts to resist it by lowering the resting metabolic rate — that’s the amount of energy spent while at rest, when the “engine” of the body is idling. Lowering the resting metabolic rate is a good thing if food is scarce and weight loss is occurring due to starvation. In that situation, it’s good that the body slows down to conserve energy and limit further weight loss.

But this evolutionary adaptation works against you if you are overweight or obese, and excess weight is a bigger threat to your health than starvation.

The experience of The Biggest Loser

Researchers have studied weight loss for decades to determine how the body responds to it. Among them are studies that enrolled participants in the television series The Biggest Loser. If you aren’t familiar with it, The Biggest Loser is a reality television series in which obese individuals compete to lose the most weight through an intensive program of exercise and dietary changes. A prior study found that after losing lots of weight, participants in The Biggest Loser had markedly reduced metabolic rates. But it was unclear how long those changes would last or whether they predicted regain of weight once the competition ended.

A new study of The Biggest Loser

A recent study looked at how participants in The Biggest Loser fared six years after their 30-week competition. Researchers publishing in the medical journal Obesity found that:

  • At the end of the competition, average weight loss was nearly 128 pounds. Since the average starting weight was about 327 pounds, that’s a drop of nearly 40% of body weight.
  • On average, participants experienced a 23% drop in their resting metabolic rate.
  • Six years later, competitors regained an average of 90 pounds, but the significant slowing in metabolic rate persisted.
  • There was not a direct correlation between the amount of metabolic slowing and the amount of weight lost during the show. However, after six years those who kept the most weight off had the most slowing.

These findings confirm that weight loss may lead to significant changes in metabolism that, in turn, resist further weight loss. In addition, keeping weight off may be especially difficult because those changes persist over time. The metabolic slowing that accompanies weight loss varies, however, so it may create less resistance to weight loss for some than others.

Now what?

The findings of this research may seem discouraging if you’re trying to lose weight.

On the other hand, maybe it should provide a measure of relief to know that the reason losing weight seems like an uphill battle is that it is! It’s not just that you aren’t trying hard enough —your efforts to lose weight are being actively undermined by biological adaptations of your body that developed centuries ago during evolution and are now hardwired into your DNA.

You might wonder: is there a diet, an exercise program, or a medication that can “reset” your metabolic rate or avoid its slowing during weight loss? In fact, you may have seen books or advertisements for certain diets or supplements claiming to do just this. Unfortunately, most have little convincing long-term evidence to back them up, or the changes are too small to matter much.

The bottom line

Knowing about the adaptations your body makes during weight loss and how that can frustrate your efforts to lose weight may make the effort seem futile. But it’s not. Determination, perseverance, and a sustainable plan are good first steps. It also helps to know what you’re up against. Contestants on The Biggest Loser know that well.

The post Why it’s so hard to lose excess weight and keep it off: The Biggest Losers’ experience appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Barbershop Pharmacists May Aid High Blood Pressure

A new study finds that having pharmacists deliver blood pressure care in neighborhood barbershops resulted in lower blood pressure readings for many black men.


Arianna Huffington: Better sleep improves every aspect of our lives

Her company, Thrive Global, focuses on helping people put their personal well-being first – and getting enough sleep is key


Arianna Huffington on changing perception of sleep and performance

Entrepreneur and Thrive Global CEO Arianna Huffington, who says a lack of sleep compromised her own health and productivity, joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss why getting rest is becoming "cool."


WHO: message of Director-General Dr Tedros for the 61th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs

From: World Health Organization

Trump administration taking new tack on digital-age health care approach

Officials are promising consumer friendly changes and savings in areas from computerized medical records to prescription drugs


2nd fertility clinic has freezer failure

Incident in San Francisco, putting thousands of frozen eggs and embryos at risk, comes as suburban Cleveland clinic has similar occurance


WHO: Hypertension: Act now!

From: World Health Organization