Friday, December 23, 2016

FDA under pressure from dairy industry to regulate alternative milks

Thirty-two congressmen from dairy-producing states are urging the Food and Drug Administration to enforce its existing definition of milk, which say it is "obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows." The push has been sparked by the growing popularity of non-dairy alternatives like almond and soy milks. Errol Barnett reports.


Innovative skull surgery helps baby celebrate first Christmas

The 7-month-old was born with a rare birth defect​ that could have impeded his brain development


Have you been traumatized by 2016? You're not alone

A Yale sociologist says we're suffering from "cultural trauma" – but it's possible to create a new, more positive narrative for 2017


Don’t tolerate food intolerance

Who hasn’t eaten something that did not agree with them? But when your stomach issues become more frequent and severe, you might have a bigger digestion problem called food intolerance. Food intolerances occur more often as you age since your digestion naturally becomes slower and your body produces fewer enzymes needed to break down food. “This allows more time for bacteria to ferment in the GI tract and lead to digestive distress,” says Evagelia Georgakilas, a registered dietitian and nutritionist with Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Over time, you also may become more sensitive to particular foods, chemicals, or additives.  Some examples include sulfites found in wine, dried fruits, and canned goods, or foods flavored with monosodium glutamate (MSG). However, the most common food sensitivities are lactose and gluten. With lactose intolerance, your body can’t break down the sugar lactose in dairy products because your gut contains reduced levels of the intestinal enzyme lactase.

People with gluten sensitivity have trouble digesting gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. (This is different than Celiac disease, an immune disease in which consuming gluten damages the lining of the small intestine.)

Track possible food intolerance with a food diary

Common symptoms of food intolerance include nausea, diarrhea, cramps, and stomach pain, but also may involve other issues like vomiting, heartburn, headaches, and irritability or nervousness.

Food intolerance is often tricky to pinpoint because you may be able to eat small amounts of a problem food without having any reaction. Instead, symptoms may only appear after you eat a large portion of the food, or eat it frequently.

The best way to identify problem foods is with a food diary. Write down what you eat for every meal, including individual foods and portions. Then list any symptoms that occur afterwards and rate their level of intensity on a scale of one to 10, with one being no reaction to 10 being the most severe.

Maintain your diary for two weeks to a month, and then review. “You should be able to find a connection between foods and common symptoms,” says Georgakilas.

How to ease the discomfort of food intolerance

Once you pinpoint one, or several, potential problem foods, eliminate them from your diet. After a few days, add only one food back into your diet and monitor your reaction. “If your symptoms return, you’ve found the offending food,” says Georgakilas.

Eliminating the problem food from your diet is the easiest move, but here are some other strategies to consider:

Reduce serving sizes. Sometimes you can still enjoy your favorite foods by reducing the amount, says Georgakilas. “For instance, if you have an intolerance of excessive fructose, you may discover that a half-cup of fruit may not cause any problems,” she says.

Make adjustments. Your food intolerance may be a cumulative effect. For instance, pizza might cause you problems, but it may be the result of certain ingredients, or combinations. “You may be able to tolerate the cheese and tomatoes on their own, but together they create the perfect storm,” says Georgakilas. Try to eliminate specific ingredients one at a time, and then experiment with eliminating certain combinations until you find the right balance.

Also, if the problem food is a source of vital nutrients, make sure you find an adequate replacement. “Cutting out gluten foods like wheat can rob your diet of fiber and B vitamins,” says Georgakilas. Switch to gluten-free bread, or increase your intake of gluten-free grains like quinoa, sorghum, teff, millet, and buckwheat. For lactose intolerance, drink almond or coconut milk to ensure you get enough calcium and protein.

The post Don’t tolerate food intolerance appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Matthew Solan

Caring for grandchildren linked with surprising health benefit

Older adults who look after their grandchildren might also be doing themselves a favor, new research suggests


FDA Suggests Limits on Lead in Cosmetics

Agency notes most products already below recommended level


Baby's first Christmas after innovative skull surgery

Seven-month-old Vincent Bono and his family have special reason to celebrate this Christmas after surgeons rebuilt his skull in an unusual operation, using a 3D-printed model of his head. CBS News' Marlie Hall has the story.


Coffee vs. Tea: Is One Better for Your Health?

Coffee cup on wooden table

After years of studies that seemed to swing between dire warnings and cheery promises about what our favorite caffeinated beverages do and don’t do, much of the recent science regarding coffee and tea is generally positive.


Lung-Sparing Surgery May Up Mesothelioma Survival

Treatment nearly doubled survival or more, study finds


Blood Banks Face Shortages, New Screening Rules

Rare complication of transfusions has led to beefed-up testing requirements


Brazilian Women Avoiding Pregnancy Due to Zika

In excess of 1,800 cases of birth defects linked to the mosquito-borne virus have hit the country so far


Cold medicines for kids: What's the risk?


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Past Kidney Damage Linked to Pregnancy Problems

The high blood pressure condition preeclampsia is 6 times more common, study finds


Smoking in Pregnancy Tied to Kidney Damage in Kids

Raised risk of reduced organ function seen in 3-year-olds whose moms smoked while pregnant


CDC Allocates $184 Million for Zika Protection

Funds are earmarked for states, territories, local health departments and universities


Ebola Vaccine Appears Very Effective in Trial

Drug manufacturer says it will seek regulatory approval by end of 2017


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Final trial results confirm Ebola vaccine provides high protection against disease

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