Thursday, July 20, 2017

What Sen. John McCain is up against in cancer battle

Sen. John McCain has been diagnosed with glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer that's very tough to beat. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook explains why, and what options McCain has for treatment.


Official sounds alarm over possible lead in tap water

New Orleans inspector general says some old city water lines - and lines on private properties - are made of lead


This just in: Exercise is good for you

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

The evidence continues to mount — physical activity can help you live longer. Of course, that raises some fundamental questions:

  • Are certain activities better than others?
  • How much does the intensity of the activity matter?
  • How much is enough?

There are exercise guidelines, of course. One of the most widely quoted physical activity recommendations comes from the US government’s Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion that recommends everyone exercise at a moderate or greater intensity for at least 150 minutes a week (or 30 to 45 minutes most days of the week). While this may sound reasonable enough, most people don’t follow it. The reasons are many and diverse, but a common one is that physical activity is not part of the daily routine. For example, increasingly we do not rely on walking or biking to get to work.

Two studies, one message

Two recent studies looked at the impact of different types of physical activity and came to similar conclusions. The first study compared rates of heart disease, cancer, and premature death over a five year period among more than 260,000 people who walked to work, cycled to work, or were sedentary during their commute. Compared to those who were sedentary:

  • Those who biked had almost half the rate of heart disease, cancer, or premature death.
  • Those who walked had lower rates of heart disease (by 27%) and lower rates of death due to heart disease (by 36%).

The other study was one performed as a follow-up to previous research that linked running for as little as five minutes a day (on average) with a longer lifespan. Further analysis found that runners (as compared with non-runners)

  • experienced a 40% lower risk of premature death
  • lived an additional three years
  • were estimated to gain seven hours of added life for every hour they spent running.

In this study, the benefits of running were noted even for those who had cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure or smoking. Taken together, the researchers concluded that running might be unique in its health benefits among different types of exercise that have been studied. And while more running provided more health benefits, there did appear to be a limit: additional benefits were not seen with more than four hours of running per week, and three years of added life seemed to be the maximum gained. Cycling, walking, and other physical activity were also beneficial, though not as much as running.

Some caveats

These studies noted an association between certain physical activities (biking or running) and health benefits (lower risk of cancer, heart disease, or death). While it’s possible the physical activity directly caused these benefits, it’s also possible that there’s a different explanation. Perhaps cyclists and runners tend to eat healthier diets, smoke less, or inherit genes linked to longevity. While these studies attempted to account for these other factors, it’s impossible to completely eliminate other potential contributors. In addition, the study subjects may not be representative of the population at large. For example, the study of runners included subjects who were mostly white and middle-class; the results might have been different if others had enrolled.

Your mother was right

Getting up and getting some exercise is good for you. This is, of course, not a new idea. But these new studies are only the latest — and among the most compelling — to suggest that something as simple as walking, biking, or running could be a powerful way to improve your health and have a longer life.

The post This just in: Exercise is good for you appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Senate GOP eyes Tuesday for health care vote, but exact plan up in the air

When asked if senators would want to know the plan beforehand, Sen. John Cornyn said, "Yeah, but it's a luxury we don't have"


Traveling to Europe? Protect yourself from this preventable disease

Thousands of cases of measles have been reported in Europe since January 2016, and in the past year at least 35 children have died


WHO urges action against HIV drug resistance threat

WHO has detailed an increasing trend of resistance to HIV drugs in a new report, warning that this is a growing threat. The 2017 WHO HIV drug resistance report shows that in 6 of the 11 countries surveyed, over 10% of people starting antiretroviral therapy had a strain of HIV resistant to the most widely used medicines.


CBO scores modified version of Senate GOP's repeal and replace plan

This score differs from a cost estimate CBO released Wednesday, which analyzed plan to repeal 2010 health care law now and replace it later


Family's heartbreaking battle with E. coli

Health officials are investigating how two young siblings in Minnesota were infected with a serious strain of E. coli. The little girl died Sunday and the boy remains hospitalized. Bill Hudson of CBS station WCCO reports.


Cancer expert: McCain's treatment option is "tolerable"

Dr. David Agus joined "CBS This Morning" from Los Angeles to discuss potential treatment options for Sen. McCain's brain cancer


5-year-old fighting E. coli that killed younger sister

Health officials are trying to identify how the children became infected


For first time, most people with HIV taking meds

AIDS deaths are now down to about to half of what they were in 2005, according to the U.N. AIDS agency


Mayo Clinic Minute: Why carrots should be in your crisper

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Why summer increases your risk of kidney stones

From: Mayo Clinic

This just in: Exercise is good for you

Follow me on Twitter @RobShmerling

The evidence continues to mount — physical activity can help you live longer. Of course, that raises some fundamental questions:

  • Are certain activities better than others?
  • How much does the intensity of the activity matter?
  • How much is enough?

There are exercise guidelines, of course. One of the most widely quoted physical activity recommendations comes from the US government’s Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion that recommends everyone exercise at a moderate or greater intensity for at least 150 minutes a week (or 30 to 45 minutes most days of the week). While this may sound reasonable enough, most people don’t follow it. The reasons are many and diverse, but a common one is that physical activity is not part of the daily routine. For example, increasingly we do not rely on walking or biking to get to work.

Two studies, one message

Two recent studies looked at the impact of different types of physical activity and came to similar conclusions. The first study compared rates of heart disease, cancer, and premature death over a five year period among more than 260,000 people who walked to work, cycled to work, or were sedentary during their commute. Compared to those who were sedentary:

  • Those who biked had almost half the rate of heart disease, cancer, or premature death.
  • Those who walked had lower rates of heart disease (by 27%) and lower rates of death due to heart disease (by 36%).

The other study was one performed as a follow-up to previous research that linked running for as little as five minutes a day (on average) with a longer lifespan. Further analysis found that runners (as compared with non-runners)

  • experienced a 40% lower risk of premature death
  • lived an additional three years
  • were estimated to gain seven hours of added life for every hour they spent running.

In this study, the benefits of running were noted even for those who had cardiovascular risk factors, such as high blood pressure or smoking. Taken together, the researchers concluded that running might be unique in its health benefits among different types of exercise that have been studied. And while more running provided more health benefits, there did appear to be a limit: additional benefits were not seen with more than four hours of running per week, and three years of added life seemed to be the maximum gained. Cycling, walking, and other physical activity were also beneficial, though not as much as running.

Some caveats

These studies noted an association between certain physical activities (biking or running) and health benefits (lower risk of cancer, heart disease, or death). While it’s possible the physical activity directly caused these benefits, it’s also possible that there’s a different explanation. Perhaps cyclists and runners tend to eat healthier diets, smoke less, or inherit genes linked to longevity. While these studies attempted to account for these other factors, it’s impossible to completely eliminate other potential contributors. In addition, the study subjects may not be representative of the population at large. For example, the study of runners included subjects who were mostly white and middle-class; the results might have been different if others had enrolled.

Your mother was right

Getting up and getting some exercise is good for you. This is, of course, not a new idea. But these new studies are only the latest — and among the most compelling — to suggest that something as simple as walking, biking, or running could be a powerful way to improve your health and have a longer life.

The post This just in: Exercise is good for you appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Robert H. Shmerling, MD

Nine Risk Factors Boost Dementia Risk: Study

Reducing mid-life hearing loss might make the biggest difference


USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue address to School Nutrition Association’s National Conference 2017

From: USDA

As Weight Creeps Up, So Does Risk of Heart Failure

But losing a few pounds might help decrease the damage, cardiologist suggests


Healthy Heart in 20s, Better Brain in 40s?

Following lifestyle recommendations in young adulthood pays off later, study says


Sen. Thune on McCain's cancer diagnosis, health care bill

Republican Senator John Thune of South Dakota joins "CBS This Morning" to talk about Senator John McCain's brain cancer diagnosis, the steps that should be taken in response to the GOP health care bill failure and the president's conversations with Russia.


Experts say Senator McCain's cancer is aggressive, hard to treat

Doctors say a tumor was associated with the blood clot that was removed from above Senator John McCain's left eye. The 80-year-old is said to be recovering "amazingly well" from Friday's surgery. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook joins "CBS This Morning" to talk about the senator's diagnosis and treatment options.


WHO: What are the core components for effective infection prevention and control?

From: World Health Organization

One-third of dementia cases could be prevented, report says

Lifestyle changes can make a big difference in fighting "the greatest global challenge for health and social care in the 21st century"


What is glioblastoma, the brain cancer John McCain has been diagnosed with?

This is the kind of brain cancer that killed Sen. Ted Kennedy, CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook said


Sen. John McCain diagnosed with brain tumor

McCain, 80, recently had blood clot removed from above left eye; doctors then found a primary brain tumor, statement said Wednesday


GOP senators to discuss disagreements after Trump meeting

It's unclear what health care measure Senate Republicans plan to hold a vote on next week after meeting with President Trump


The 20 deadliest jobs in America, ranked

Is your job a killer? If it falls into one of these categories, it could be


Chipotle incident shines light on takeout food safety

Expert tips to cut your risk of foodborne illness when eating fast food and takeout


Newborn contracts fatal illness, likely from a visitor's kiss

It's a potentially life-threatening risk to infants and many adults may not even know they have it


House Republican says "the Senate has failed the American people"

The lawmaker bashed Senate Republicans for failing to pass an Obamacare repeal and replace plan


McConnell announces procedural vote on Obamacare repeal next week

The bill is already expected to be defeated in the Senate


Senate GOP fails to get enough votes to repeal, replace Obamacare

Senate Republicans could not deliver on their promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. On Tuesday, Senate GOP leaders could not muster the votes to do either. Now, Democrats are asking Republicans to work with them not to replace Obamacare, but fix it. Nancy Cordes has more.


Bobcat attacks man and dog, tests positive for rabies

Arizona man was trying to separate two animals when he got bit


10-year-old becomes one of youngest casualties of opioid crisis

Investigators say Alton Banks died on June 23 after a visit to a community pool in Miami. He started vomiting after going home, and later that evening, his mother found him unresponsive. Omar Villafranca reports from Miami.


Trump "disappointed" after health care failure, says "let Obamacare fail"

After the failure of the Senate GOP health care bill, President Trump said, "let Obamacare fail," and blamed the Democrats. But it's a difficult argument to make when Republicans control the White House and both houses of Congress, and after he promised again and again that he would get it done. Chip Reid reports.


What happens now in the Senate after another failure to repeal Obamacare?

Mitch McConnell acknowledged there aren't the 50 requisite votes to replace Obamacare, but he's still pushing for 50 to repeal the health care law


"Everyone's worst nightmare": Powerful opioid suspected in 10-year-old's death

Prosecutors believe boy who died with painkiller fentanyl in his system is among youngest victims of crisis


McConnell's latest Obamacare repeal strategy dies in Senate

The majority leader wants the Senate to vote on a plan from 2015 that would repeal Obamacare with a two-year delay to find a replacement plan


Paul Ryan says Republicans should repeal and replace Obamacare simultaneously

"[W]e'd like to see the Senate move on something," Ryan told reporters, though he still believes a simultaneous repeal-and-replace is the "best way to go"


Person with measles may have exposed others at beach

Health officials say people who are vaccinated shouldn't be concerned, but beachgoers should monitor for symptoms


Mediterranean-style diet linked to lower risk of dementia

Even people who only halfheartedly adhere to the MIND diet have a reduced risk of brain decline, new research suggests


Not all plant-based diets are created equal

Choosing the wrong veggies, fruits and grains may backfire, health experts say


Artificial sweeteners linked with weight gain

Aspartame, sucralose and other similar products may even increase risk for some diseases, study finds


What is glioblastoma, the brain cancer John McCain has been diagnosed with?

This is the kind of brain cancer that killed Sen. Ted Kennedy, CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook said


Sen. John McCain Diagnosed With Brain Cancer

john mccain

Sen. John McCain of Arizona was diagnosed with a brain tumor.
