Friday, May 20, 2016

Oklahoma governor vetoes bill that would outlaw abortions

Oklahoma's governor vetoed a bill that would make it a felony to perform abortions. Lawmakers approved the bill Thursday.


Nutrition labels get a major makeover

Michelle Obama announced Friday that food nutrition labels are getting a makeover. Among the many changes, food labels will have to include the added sugar content.


New food labeling serves up more info to consumers

Nutrition labels on hundreds of thousands of food products will soon be easier to read. They'll also provide more details about contents, like added sugar.


Number of Zika virus cases in U.S. continues to grow

The number of pregnant women with Zika in America has swelled past 150. The increase has a lot to do with how the CDC is now counting the number of infected.


Young scientist behind new Lyme disease test

Graduate student Temple Douglas was just a high school intern when she began work on an experimental test that could be a "game-changer"


Okla. governor vetoes sweeping abortion ban bill

Measure would have banned abortion in the state; GOP governor says it was "ambiguous and vage"


Court extends life support for toddler declared brain-dead

2-year-old Israel Stinson must stay on life support while court considers mother's appeal, judge rules


Spike in U.S. Zika virus cases raises concern

The CDC is now saying that the number of pregnant women with the Zika virus in the U.S. and its territories has risen to 279. President Obama urged Congress to approve emergency funding for vaccine development and other measures to combat the virus.


Experimental test could spot Lyme disease much faster

The young scientist who helped develop the test came up with the idea during her high school internship at a university lab


CDC Tracking 279 Pregnant Women With Zika

Two registries will track those who show lab evidence of infection, whether or not they ever had symptoms


Can aspirin protect against cancer?

The other day, a fit 50-year-old man came to me for a visit to review his health. As we discussed his (generally good) efforts to take care of himself, he said, “I’ve been wondering if I should take an aspirin every day. I read somewhere that it can prevent cancer.”

As a clinician, I really love it when people come in with questions that stretch my thinking. I have a stock set of answers to the “does aspirin prevent heart disease” question, but I didn’t have an easy answer to the cancer prevention question. What were the data? What should I be recommending? Is it true for everyone? Or maybe just for some people?

I turned to a respected source of information: the United States Preventive Services Task Force. This group of volunteer medical experts can be convened by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to review the evidence about many topics in preventive care and give recommendations about various practices, depending on their interpretation of the research. For example, counselling someone to stop using tobacco is a Grade A recommendation — that is, the task force feels there is good evidence that the benefit of such an action is substantial.

I reviewed the recent clinical guidelines on this topic and found out that, well, the cancer/aspirin question is a complicated one. Here is what I learned:

  • There are no good data that aspirin will prevent cancers other than colon cancer. While that evidence may be forthcoming, we don’t have it yet.
  • Aspirin can help decrease the risk of colon cancer, but the benefits might be quite delayed. People have to be willing to take it for at least 10 years before the benefits begin, and they might not see the benefit in cancer prevention, specifically, for another five to 10 years after that. That means two things: they have to be able to tolerate aspirin for a long time, and, perhaps more importantly, the benefit of taking the aspirin up front has to outweigh the risk.

Therefore, the group of people who might benefit from taking a daily aspirin to prevent colon cancer is “adults aged 50 to 59 years who have a 10% or greater 10-year risk of developing cardiovascular disease, are not at increased risk for bleeding, have a life expectancy of at least 10 years, and are willing to take low-dose aspirin daily for at least 10 years.” If you are over 60, then the decision is more individual, according to the task force.

Whoa. That’s a mouthful. So what do I tell this guy sitting in front of me asking this great question?

Well, for him, the answer was, “I don’t think so.” Why? For starters, his risk of having a heart attack in the next 10 years is less than 10%. That means that the short-term risk of taking a daily aspirin is higher than the near-term benefit of preventing cardiac disease. And aspirin’s role in preventing colon cancer is so very long-term that it almost doesn’t play into the equation at all!

In truth, while the nuances of recommending aspirin for its potential health benefits are intellectually quite interesting, I think they are ultimately frustrating for both patients and doctors from a practical standpoint. Aspirin is not a free lunch. Maybe it will help prevent colon cancer in the long term, but, as a physician, I am always aware of its short-term risks, which can include stomach trouble, including bleeding, as well as an increased risk of stroke for some.

For this patient — and probably for many of you — I would go on to say that aspirin may not be the answer for cancer prevention. Then we would discuss other ways to prevent and detect colon cancer. I would remind you to make sure you were doing appropriate colon cancer screening with colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or fecal occult blood testing. We would talk about diet and exercise. And we would agree to keep an eye on the data going forward, hoping, as always, to find a great option that keeps us as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

The post Can aspirin protect against cancer? appeared first on Harvard Health Blog.

From: Lori Wiviott Tishler, MD, MPH

ADA praises FDA for including added sugars in updated nutrition labels

The Food and Drug Administration announced May 20 that it has finalized new requirements for Nutrition Facts labels, which for the first time emphasize the amount of added sugars in packaged foods.


Obama chides Congress over Zika funding bills

"Congress needs to get me a bill," the president told reporters Thursday. "They should not be going off on recess before this is done"


Mayo Clinic Minute: A Tweet Can Turn the Tide

From: Mayo Clinic

WHO confirms Zika virus strain imported from the Americas to Cabo Verde

Sequencing of the virus in Cabo Verde by Institut Pasteur, Dakar confirms that the Zika virus currently circulating in Cabo Verde is the same as the one circulating in the Americas - the Asian type- and was most likely imported from Brazil. This is the first time that the Zika strain responsible for the outbreaks linked to neurological disorders and microcephaly has been detected in Africa.


Statement on the 9th IHR Emergency Committee meeting regarding the international spread of poliovirus

The 9th meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) regarding the international spread of poliovirus was convened via teleconference by the Director­General on 12th May 2016.


Number of U.S. pregnant women with Zika virus triples

The CDC has put out a new count of Zika virus cases in pregnant women


Do fetuses feel pain? What the science says

A new Utah law requiring doctors to give anesthesia to a fetus before an abortion has generated controversy and debate


"Sunscreen gene" could help ward off skin cancer

The discovery of a gene that may guard against skin cancer could potentially help scientists fight the deadly disease


Here's how food labels are about to change

The government unveils a new design to help consumers make smarter food choices


Why aspirin after a mini-stroke could be a lifesaver

After a mini-stroke, there's a 1,000 times higher risk of major stroke, but aspirin can help, new research suggests


After 20 Years, a Food Label Makeover

new food label

The nutrition facts panel on the back of food packages -- that box many of us check to see how many calories, fat, protein, and fiber are in the foods we eat -- is getting a new look. WebMD has the details.


Is My Child Being Bullied?

Think your child is being bullied? WebMD covers how find out if it’s happening and what you can do to make it stop.


Delayed Concussion Treatment May Prolong Recovery

College athletes not evaluated immediately were sidelined 5 days longer, study found


Folic Acid for Moms-to-Be as Effective as Thought?

Study authors stress women should still take the B vitamin before and during pregnancy


Elderly Benefit From Intensive BP Treatment

No greater risk of complications such as falls, fainting, study finds


On 80th Anniversary of Rural Electrification Act, USDA Invests More Than $200 Million in Electric Infrastructure Improvements in Five States

WASHINGTON, May 20, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Rural Electrification Act (REA) and announced funding to build and upgrade rural electric infrastructure in five states.


USDA Awards $4.5 Million in Rural Community Development Grants; To Seek Applications for Future Projects

WASHINGTON, May 20, 2016 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack today announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding more than $4 million in grants to 23 organizations to support rural economic development projects. Secretary Vilsack also announced that USDA soon will seek applications for the next round of program funding.


Fatty Foods in Teens and Later Breast Cancer Risk

Higher amounts of unhealthy fats tied to greater breast density, researchers suggest


Some Excess Weight May Boost Colon Cancer Survival

Researchers saw an effect, but experts stress that heavier people also have higher odds of getting cancer


U.S. swimming team moves to steer clear of Zika pre-Olympics

Changes venue of a pre-Olympic training camp from Zika-prone zone


Unusual concern in massive listeria-based frozen foods recall

Fears center around millions of packages of fruits and veggies shipped to all 50 states, Canada and Mexico and sold by many major chains


How much can a healthy lifestyle cut your risk of cancer?

A new study looks at how big a difference factors like diet, exercise, and not smoking may really make
