Thursday, November 26, 2015

​Farm recalls produce in Costco chicken salad linked to E. coli

FDA says vegetable mix believed to be source of outbreak is also used in products sold at Costco, Target, Starbucks and many other outlets


Consumers face surging costs for skin care drugs

With prices for common skin condition treatments soaring in recent years, many Americans are unable to afford prescriptions


Mayo Clinic Minute: Screen Time Solutions

From: Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic Minute: Tryptophan Facts

From: Mayo Clinic

Tests zero in on source of E. coli in Costco chicken salad

Investigators believe they know which ingredient sickened at least 19 people in 7 states


Why an attitude of gratitude helps your health

Studies suggest it can help relieve stress, improve your mood and boost your health all year round


After rare surgery, a special Thanksgiving

16-year-old Nicolette Wechsler has extra reasons to be thankful after years of suffering from a rare tumor that left her unable to eat or even smile


Statement on the Seventh IHR Emergency Committee meeting regarding the international spread of poliovirus

The seventh meeting of the Emergency Committee under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) regarding the international spread of poliovirus was convened via teleconference by the Director-General on 10 November 2015. The Director General of WHO had noted the concerns expressed by the Emergency Committee in its August 2015 report with respect to circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPV). In response, she convened this meeting of the Emergency Committee with broader terms than was previously the case to also look at outbreaks of cVDPV. During the current polio endgame cVDPVs reflect serious gaps in immunity to poliovirus due to weaknesses in routine immunization coverage in otherwise polio-free countries. Moreover, there is a particular urgency to stopping type 2 cVDPV in advance of the globally synchronized withdrawal of type 2 OPV in April 2016.

The following IHR States Parties submitted an update on the implementation of the Temporary Recommendations since the Committee last met on 4 August 2015: Afghanistan and Pakistan. The following IHR State Parties were invited to present their views to the committee and all except South Sudan submitted reports on measures and plans to stop circulating vaccine derived poliovirus: Nigeria, Guinea, Madagascar, Ukraine and Lao People’s Democratic Republic.


Prednisone and other corticosteroids
